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13306. thoughtful - 1/14/2005 10:39:11 PM

er...edit...the beaches were white sand..duh!
the beaches looked like white sugar!!!

13307. thoughtful - 1/14/2005 10:39:59 PM

13308. PelleNilsson - 1/14/2005 11:07:30 PM

Sunburn is treacherous because you don't feel it until it's too late. A trick I learnt is to lightly scratch your skin with a fingernail. If the little pain doesn't subside within a couple of seconds you are in the danger zone.

13309. thoughtful - 1/14/2005 11:21:43 PM

It's all spin. Ask people to spend a few hours on the beach and they'll jump at the chance....ask them to expose themselves to radiation for several hours and they'll flee.

Similar point made in the science times the other day. A high schooler, as his science project, started a campaign to ban dihydrogen monoxide as in it's solid state it can cause severe tissue damage with prolonged exposure and in its gas state can cause severe burns and it has been found in tumors of cancer patients. 86% of the students got sucked in. Few recognized it as water.

13310. wonkers2 - 1/14/2005 11:22:26 PM

Just having had two skin cancers removed I can testify that getting a tan is a dangerous vanity. Actually, I was never inclined to sun bathe but did spend a lot of time in the sun around the water all my life starting when I could walk. Now I usually wear a long sleeved cotton shirt, a hat or cap and plenty of sun screen.

13311. Magoseph - 1/14/2005 11:56:41 PM

Too much sun is not kind to women once they reach menopause, my mother always said to us girls. She added to illustrate her point-- look at at your great-aunt, the sun worshipper, how old she looks, how wrinkled, an old hag, that is what she has become. Well, since I thought then that my mother was Cassandra, I took her advice seriously. I have made many mistakes in my life, but I am happy to brag now, I don’t look like an old hag at all—Ask Judith if you don’t believe me.

13312. judithathome - 1/14/2005 11:59:40 PM

You certainly don't! Magos has the most stunning complexion...and beautiful green eyes.

13313. thoughtful - 1/15/2005 12:14:38 AM

My hubby's aunt was a sunworshipper despite her italian background and dark complexion, she turned into a prune at an early age...skin reminded me of an elephant's...thick and wrinkled.

There's a secy in my office who loves the beach and turns very dark brown every summer. She knows better, but does it anyway. I think she will rue these days.

13314. thoughtful - 1/15/2005 12:18:18 AM

They have all these bizarre plastic surgery shows on now. I was watching one where this older woman was remarrying and she wanted to look beautiful for her wedding so she had a face lift. Face lift looked beautiful. From the chin up she looked like she was 35. Only problem is, from the neck down she looked like Edith Bunker, shape, posture and all. She literally looked like a photo shop cut and paste job. It was really pathetic, but I guess she was happy.

13315. wonkers2 - 1/15/2005 12:36:56 AM

The worst combination for skin is sun, smoking and booze. Guaranteed to make you look like 60 when your're only 50 or 80 when you're 65.

13316. arkymalarky - 1/15/2005 1:16:12 AM

Hey Sea!

It occurs to me that if I said that rather than typed it it might sound like "hayseed!" I'll have to remember that.

13317. PsychProf - 1/15/2005 1:38:15 AM

Thoughtful...Orient beach? If so, did you disrobe?

13318. PsychProf - 1/15/2005 2:01:23 AM

Actually, some of the people on that beach should be required to wear clothing.

13319. thoughtful - 1/15/2005 5:07:24 PM

No pp, we didn't go to a nude beach. We stayed on the french side and I informed my husband that I wasn't a convertible...my top did NOT come down.

I know what you mean about beach goers. I'm stunned how people from other lands seem to posess no self-consciousness about how they look. Recent NYT article about obese Brazilians...apparently with all the sugar in their diet, it's becoming a real problem there. It included this pic of the beach in Rio. The girl from Ipanema, it's not!

13320. wonkers2 - 1/15/2005 5:53:01 PM


13321. Ronski - 1/15/2005 6:32:58 PM

But you have to admire how little they have issues with their corpulence.

13322. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 1/15/2005 7:58:46 PM

And Brazilian guys like booty!

13323. robertjayb - 1/15/2005 8:03:50 PM

Tasteful as always, Wiz. Whereyabin?

13324. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 1/15/2005 8:13:23 PM

I'm preparing for a traveling exhibition in Italy, Robert and a ton of work has been dumped in my lap - not much time for web play.

HERE'S A PREVIEW if you have a PDF reader.

13325. PelleNilsson - 1/15/2005 8:32:41 PM

Beautiful stuff, Wiz.

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