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13367. Magoseph - 1/18/2005 5:02:45 PM

Our area's rainfall is 31 inches--I can't imagine a place where it is 120 inches, lem.

13368. judithathome - 1/18/2005 7:16:20 PM

Thanks, guys...and Wiz, how sweet of you to notice my hair! I am definitely keeping her; she is a "wizard". ;-)

It's in the low 40s here and for me, a Texas girl, that is very cold.

13369. concerned - 1/18/2005 7:29:10 PM

Where's global warming when you need it?

13370. Dubai Vol - 1/18/2005 7:33:54 PM

We even had rain here today, and when the annual rainfall is 3 inches, rain is as big an event as snow in Florida. Some years it doesn't rain at all...guess that's why its a desert! Excuse me I think I left the faucet running, again! :p

13371. thoughtful - 1/18/2005 7:53:29 PM

i manage to make it rain wherever I go...it rained on me in the desert in vegas and it rained on me on the dry side of hawaii where they only get 2" a year.

go figure.

I understand there's a desert in Chile where it hasn't rained in 400 years...i'm thinking of making that my next vacation spot!

13372. Ms. No - 1/18/2005 9:01:57 PM

Ha! That would be a great test!!

13373. PelleNilsson - 1/18/2005 9:07:52 PM

And if it's successful untold fortunes will come your way.

13374. thoughtful - 1/18/2005 9:23:34 PM

Hmmm...not quite what lawyers mean by "rainmaker", but it might work nonetheless.

It started when I was 3 and family drove down to FL for a week's vacation in Feb. We went to the beach the afternoon we arrived. That was the last we saw of the sun the whole time we were there.

We took a weekend trip to nantucket, arrived late friday night. It started pouring sat a.m. By Sun, we gave up and headed for an earlier ferry back to the mainland...as the ferry was making the crossing the front came by and nothing but sunshine for our ride home.

Another trip in FL, the front rolled in as my plane landed. I spent 5 days there and didn't see the sunshine again until the wheels left the ground on the return flight. (Mind you FL gets 300 days of sunshine out of the year.)

Then there was our short trip to Charleston in April. Afternoon we arrived it was sunny and in the 80s. Gorgeous. Next day we woke up to rain and in the 50s which we weren't dressed for at all!!! Nice trip.

Then there was our trip to NH. Well we did a good job avoiding the hurricane that came up the east coast, but it did manage to make it's way into NH while we were there and it just soaked us through for a couple of days...puts a whole new twist on hiking.

Of course, you expect that kind of thing in the canadian rockies where it was cloudy and only a few breaks of sunshine in between. Pouring rain stopped us from hiking Lake Louise.

But when I went to England and it was pouring, I figured that was typical. Nope. The shopkeeper I spoke with was complaining about how awful the weather was. I said, doesn't it always rain in merry ol' England, and she said, "Not like this!!!"

Family got to teasing me about making sure I stuffed my bags full so there was no room for me to pack my cloud.

13375. thoughtful - 1/18/2005 9:27:41 PM

Of course even that doesn't work. Our bags for Colorado were very packed. Mind you they've been complaining about terrible drought conditions when we were there. Not for me, though...huge thunderstorms popped up and got us soaking wet. It rained on me for hours.

Hubby never believed me until he had to live with me. I mean it's so bad that I can be inside the house with no clouds in the sky...I wander outside and the clouds will come over and the wind pick up. I go back in and the sun'll come out.

I guess those weather gods just don't want me to worry about skin cancer!

13376. judithathome - 1/19/2005 12:14:44 AM

What happens to this place in the afternoon? No posts...it's like everyone takes a siesta or something.

13377. Ms. No - 1/19/2005 1:06:35 AM

Okay, have I ever mentioned how much I hate waiting?

Hate it hate it hate it.

And what the heck takes so long for an order from Amazon anyway? I placed it back on January 5, qualified for Super-Saver Shipping because of the size of the order but the delivery date is projected to be January 29th at the EARLIEST!!!!

It's not like I ordered anything that wasn't in stock.

I'm going to run out of books to read before this package shows up.

Somebody alert Barnes & Noble to prepare for my onslaught.

13378. Ms. No - 1/19/2005 1:08:32 AM


Love the pic of you and Keoni! Tell him "hi" for me.

13379. arkymalarky - 1/19/2005 1:08:42 AM

I just got home and ate.

Got a ticket for late tags on the way home. In 15 years I bet I can count on two hands, if not one, the number of times I've seen a cop. I hadn't been stopped in ages, and organization freak that I am I couldn't find jack except my drivers' license. I finally dug though a stack of registration sheets to find the latest one and found an old proof of insurance slip that had expired in '03, but too late.

13380. Magoseph - 1/19/2005 1:12:18 AM

I took a nap and I had an awful dream—Bill told me when I finally awoke that I was moaning and speaking indistinctly while trashing around under my quilt. “And you didn’t wake me up? I told him. How could you let me suffer like that?” Well, I was afraid to do that,” he said. The TV was on and Rice kept interfering with me. We were in a dorm we apparently shared, ready to go to bed, when she mentioned nuclear catastrophe—I was screaming at her and as always when I get upset in my dreams, I was speaking in French. Then I translated, a feat that I am able to do easily in dreams. “Don’t speak to me about nuclear attacks, I’m not interested in them—I want to talk about social problems—people are hungry, dying, and miserable because of you and Bush, there's a war..." Rice would not shut up. So I decided to leave the dorm. It was then that I saw that people would not let me out of the campus. They were awful people, young and uncaring, extolling Bush and laughing at me. I escaped finally, but out of there, in one field, motorcyclists were camping, at the beach families stopped me “Where is the city, where is it?” I kept asking—“Here is the way, but first let me tell you…” It went on and on…I was so exhausted and so distraught that I lashed onto that nice man here, berating him awfully for not waking me up.

13381. Magoseph - 1/19/2005 1:13:27 AM

God darn it, I shouldn't have eaten that cake yesterday--I bet I was still digesting it--Sorry about the rant.

13382. judithathome - 1/19/2005 1:26:07 AM

You may have been luckier than I this afternoon, Magos...I watched all of Rice's teastimony and it was a waking nightmare.

I can certainly sympathize, though...whenever I take an afternoon nap, which is rare (really!) I always have what I call "daymares"...truly frightening dreams made all the more scary by the fact I know I'm dreaming but can't wake myself up at all.

13383. wonkers2 - 1/19/2005 1:42:30 AM

I also watched a fair amount of the Rice hearing. She's not very impressive. As is the case with many politicians, she finds it hard to admit mistakes. The worst was when she evaded answering Sen. Dodd's question about how she would feel if American soldiers were treated like we treated the prisoners at Abu Ghraib. It was a simple question for which a simple direct answer would have been appropriate, but Riceroni couldn't bring herself to say it. Also, she didn't do well with Sen. Boxer's question pointing out inconsistencies in her and Bush's statements on WMD.

13384. judithathome - 1/19/2005 1:46:23 AM

When she replied to BOxer, "I would appreciate it if you would not impugn my honesty" I thought, how can she impugn what you don't seem to have?

13385. wonkers2 - 1/19/2005 1:52:14 AM

Very true! She's not a very admirable person. No time for civil rights; only interested in "getting there."

13386. Ms. No - 1/19/2005 2:00:53 AM

My favorite part of the 911 Commission hearings was her testimony when one of the Congressmen point blank told her to quit trying to evade the questions by talking about her agenda.

I wish she'd get called on that more often.

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