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13411. Magoseph - 1/20/2005 1:31:05 PM

Hello, Ali, Mac, and everyone--Six or more inches of snow on the way, added to the solid packed three we have, will be so much fun this weekend for the kids--this time the snowmobiles will be out in force.

13412. thoughtful - 1/20/2005 3:34:24 PM

Actually i'm quite delighted that today's inauguration day for w....the sooner the next 4 years start, the sooner they'll be over!

13413. Magoseph - 1/20/2005 4:30:25 PM

Will you watch the inauguration, thoughtful?

13414. thoughtful - 1/20/2005 6:10:05 PM

no ma'am. I won't watch, have no desire to watch. Just glad to start the countdown. Come 2008, we'll enjoy the next pres bush...jeb bush...who i'm sure will be no worse than w, and odds are he'll be a touch better.

13415. thoughtful - 1/20/2005 6:28:08 PM

We finally have a day of sunshine here. Seems years since I've seen the sun. Even tho it's cold and no snow will be melting, it far more cheery than the gloominess we've had. Though I understand we're in for a potentially big snow storm this weekend.

13416. judithathome - 1/20/2005 6:31:55 PM

Good lord...everyone is in heavy wool or fur coats with scarves and gloves at the coronation inauguration and Laura Bush strolls out in a white suit...no coat, no gloves, no winter gear at all. She will freeze her ass off at this rate.

13417. wonkers2 - 1/20/2005 6:33:00 PM

Maybe she's wearing wool knickers.

13418. Linnea - 1/20/2005 6:55:40 PM

Anyone who thinks I have a cool job, consider this: as today is one of my scheduled workdays, I *must* listen to NRP's special inauguration coverage, in its entirety. All two and a half fucking hours. I can do other things at the same time, but I have to keep a modicum of attention on it all the way through.

At least I don't have to look at the spectacle.

13419. PsychProf - 1/20/2005 6:59:22 PM

Lin...I am listening now, just to drive myself crazy. I would much rather listen to you.

13420. thoughtful - 1/20/2005 6:59:31 PM

she probably has electric knickers on and a heated throne seat.

13421. judithathome - 1/20/2005 7:02:16 PM

She looks like an idiot...going out in weather like that without a coat is insane.

13422. Linnea - 1/20/2005 7:08:37 PM

During the oath of office, I noticed that there was a whooshing sound every time Rehnquist spoke, and it quit when Bush spoke. Weird. Is Rehnquist on oxygen or something? Or did they have a heater set to blow out hot air only when Bush wasn't speaking, since when he speaks, he provides his own?

13423. Jenerator - 1/20/2005 7:09:04 PM

My God give it a rest people!

What next, are you going to criticize which mascara Laura Bush wore?

I think it is hilarious that some of you are choosing to "torture" yourselves by watching the inauguration. If it's that bad, go outside and get some fresh air!

I didn't like the Clintons, but I didn't obsessively force myself to watch and critique every little inane thing they did!

13424. Jenerator - 1/20/2005 7:11:09 PM

I just watched President Bush walk across the stage. He walked as though he was waltzing. He probably had the tax payers pay for ballroom dancing lessons. I hope he's happy walking so confidently while people are dying in Iraq!

13425. judithathome - 1/20/2005 7:13:19 PM

Maybe if you'd paid closer attention to what Clinton actually DID, you'd have seen he wasn't just a horndog, he was a PRESIDENT who actully did some good in this country and in the world.

It's important to keep an eye on your guy, Jen. He's making history...would you rather we be ignorant of what is happening to our country?

13426. Jenerator - 1/20/2005 7:13:43 PM

Laura's hair looks browner than normal. It's probably a dye job from Supercuts! I'm going to call Martin Frost and have him create a Boycott Supercuts Day! Just knowing that her hair has been dyed while there's a deficit in the budget makes me want to get rid of everything brown!

13427. Jenerator - 1/20/2005 7:14:39 PM


You are so prejudiced, that I know you are incapable of seeing anything objective about the guy.

You don't like him, fine, but get quit obsessing!

13428. PelleNilsson - 1/20/2005 7:15:03 PM

I hate to say this but when did the Cafe become a place for partisan hackery? I don't care, but ...

13429. Jenerator - 1/20/2005 7:15:53 PM

I t's all they talk about!

13430. judithathome - 1/20/2005 7:16:29 PM

Well, I guess you'd rather we just shut up about our "obsession". I get the same feeling when you go on about Christians but I've never told you to keep your yap shut because I disagree with you.

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