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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 13549 - 13568 out of 29250 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
13549. Macnas - 1/28/2005 3:39:56 PM

Hello Mago.

13550. wonkers2 - 1/30/2005 3:39:55 AM

In December I embarked on my fourth career, representing unemployment compensation claimants in appeals proceedings (for any lawyers out there, administrative law judge hearings), and yesterday I received my third decision, a complete win for the claimant I represented. That makes two wins and one loss. My next hearing is Tuesday. It involves the termination of an engineer with 26 years service with an auto parts supplier for what seems to me a very minor matter, as the case law says "an isolated instance of poor judgment," not a "wanton or willful disregard of the employer's interest" which is the test in Michigan for establishing disqualifying misconduct. Not satisfied with firing the engineer and reducing the company's pension liability and completely avoiding any further health care costs, the company is trying to screw him out of unemployment compensation. His odds appear to me to be better than 50-50. If anybody is interested, I'll report after the hearing and administrative law judge decision.

13551. judithathome - 1/30/2005 4:41:12 AM

I'm in!

13552. Magoseph - 1/30/2005 3:30:03 PM

I am interested too, Wonk, and glad that you found something that seems to engage you—I remember what you mentioned about retirement.

13553. Magoseph - 1/30/2005 4:12:23 PM

Don’t forget to read this hilarious piece in the Technology and Science: Message # 5045 in thread 27.
'Am I going to be a playstation widow? Are you going to spend all your time playing games and ignoring me?' Half-jokingly as women do.
I know of one couple within our family in which this complaint counted very much indeed in the recent divorce. Luckily for him, the husband won the court battle and that is only because the wife’s games were worse than his were.

13554. arkymalarky - 1/30/2005 7:14:51 PM

Sounds like a great job, Wonk. I hope to read about a good outcome.

13555. PsychProf - 1/30/2005 7:48:49 PM

Wonkers...I would find that very interesting.

13556. wonkers2 - 1/30/2005 8:22:50 PM

Thanks, everybody, for your interest. There was a long story in my Sunday paper about several people who posted, anonymously or so they thought, to chat rooms and lost their jobs or otherwise got into trouble. So, I have to take care that what I post in this forum does not identify the individuals or companies involved. This means I won't beable to post some of the details which might be of interest. Anyway, thanks for wishing me and my client luck.

13557. Magoseph - 1/31/2005 3:22:33 PM

Hello, everyone--I try to retrieve the paper this morning--I see it way out there in a virgin snow area and I think I can walk in yesterday’s footprints. I have a snow rake that helps to slide the paper over the snow towards me. So here, I am near the paper--extend my rake and both arms and find myself prone, head and feet covered with snow. I stand up and this time, the back of my head hits the ground and I see all white. Later, my good nature restored, I call the paper and request that the paper is to be thrown out to the driveway from now--or I will cancel a fifty-year-old subscription--may forgive me the dear departed one who originated it.

13558. alistairconnor - 1/31/2005 4:10:30 PM

Mago making involuntary angels in the snow... very good.

On Saturday afternoon, there was a bit of sun, and temperatures above zero for the first time for a week. So we took the ponies for a trot in the woods, very pretty, the snow snot deep but still clean and powdery. But the tracks, usually muddy, were frozen solid under the thin snow, and very treacherous.

We were passing near a friend's house, and the dog came tearing down the hill to greet us. Which spooked one of the ponies, she reared and elder daughter tumbled off the back -- she will insist on riding bareback -- and the pony appeared to be kicking her, I think it was probably just trying to get clear and slipping on the ice. Anyway, I came flying to the rescue, and fell flat on my ice...

Nobody hurt, there is just the barest trace of a bruise on daughter's back which might be a pony kick.

13559. Ms. No - 1/31/2005 6:15:17 PM

Glad to hear you're both unharmed.

13560. Magoseph - 1/31/2005 7:57:39 PM

Me too, Ali, you two could have a broken leg or worse today—The heavy snow we had cushioned my fall, and except for a bruised ego, my butt and nose are fine.

13561. PelleNilsson - 1/31/2005 8:23:01 PM

With the exception of Luc Alphand the French cannot handle snow and ice.

13562. thoughtful - 1/31/2005 8:37:36 PM

congrats on the new job wonks! Excellent work.

13563. Max Macks - 1/31/2005 9:42:29 PM

Hi Moters

Wonkers tell me-- are there two wonkers who post in the Mote

husband and wife? who is who?

13564. wonkers2 - 1/31/2005 9:46:16 PM

MadMax, no there is only one wonkers2 who posts on this forum. Mrs. W2 is otherwise occupied.

13565. Max Macks - 1/31/2005 9:52:51 PM

W-2 well I thought your were a male
but the other day some post made me think
wonders2 was female.

We had some posting back and forth when I was
renewing my contact with the Mote-- I think
about where you live

... you live in Michigan I think you said.?

13566. Jenerator - 1/31/2005 10:54:26 PM

Congrats Wonkers.

13567. Magoseph - 1/31/2005 10:57:26 PM

Jen, my heartfelt congratulations to you and yours

13568. Jenerator - 1/31/2005 11:05:06 PM


Thanks, Mags. I am scared and elated!

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