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13835. uzmakk - 2/15/2005 2:01:40 PM

Congratulations, A-5. That is a fine looking young hand. I was under the impression that you were a bit more on the crusty side. Of course that could still be the case.

13836. Magoseph - 2/15/2005 6:29:59 PM

Hello, Moterheads--please don't mind me calling you that--after all, Arky does. So what did you do last night?

13837. uzmakk - 2/15/2005 7:31:50 PM

I watched digital future for 45 minutes and then went fencing. Levy was not as interesting as the prof. from U Toronto. Those academics are a weird looking bunch.

13838. woden - 2/15/2005 8:55:32 PM

Thank you all for your good wishes.

I would love to go to India!

13839. judithathome - 2/15/2005 9:18:41 PM

Last night Keoni and I went to a romatic dining spot in our fair city...Sonic! We had foot-long cheese coneys and tater tots and shared a Cherry Chocolate Sweetheart shake. It was a beautiful night out...complete with carhop and corny music. We loved it!

Meanwhile, we watched couples come and go at the expensive Italian place with singing waiters across the street from our little dive...and knowing they were paying $50 for a meal made our little $9 foray even better. We tipped the carhop $5 because it was just so much fun to see his expression....

(We have a tradition of big-tipping carhops at Sonic...)

13840. Magoseph - 2/15/2005 9:25:29 PM

So, I take it that Keoni took you to Sonic for your date, am I right?

13841. Magoseph - 2/15/2005 9:34:50 PM

I mean, Judith, your very first date, when you were teen-agers.

13842. judithathome - 2/15/2005 9:51:06 PM

I didn't know Keoni when I was teenager. Actually, the site where this particular Sonic is right now is where another restaurant was when Keoni and I were dating 24 years ago...in the parking lot of that restaurant, we kissed in public for the first time. And as a matter of fact, my son was driving by that night but he was there about 20 minutes before the deed. ;-)

13843. thoughtful - 2/15/2005 9:57:40 PM

We celebrated on sun night instead, exchanged gifts, cards, candlelit dinner at home, cole porter cd, wine, roasted turkey breast with mushroom gravy, mashed potatoes, green beans with tomatoes and salad with balsamic vinegrette. He didn't want dessert, but I dove into one of the champagne chocolate truffles he'd given me...made my toes curl.

Plans to go to that fancy romantic restaurant have been postponed due to my recent digestive issues. We'll save that for another day.

13844. Magoseph - 2/15/2005 10:07:14 PM

You two are SO romantic--the only day I want to celebrate is my wedding day, and that is because we waited years before we could get married--both having obligations to discharge before we could.

13845. woden - 2/15/2005 10:17:32 PM

We celebrated on Sunday, too. In the morning, Res pretended he wasn't going to make any blueberry pancakes and I pretended to throw a tantrum. Later we went to the Smithsonian, where I acquired several pieces of jewelry (from the Museum shop, not from the display case). We then selected several rocks for our rock collection: a large garnet, an agate geode, a piece of kyanite and some malachite. Dinner was Ben's Chili Bowl, overriding Res's unstated preference for sushi.

13846. Frankster - 2/15/2005 11:24:15 PM

Congrats, Resonance and Woden on the good news! That's so cool. :)

A belated Happy Valentine's Day to all of you all also.

I didn't do anything last night except for the following:

Judith, I should have opted for Sonics as you and Keoni did. I called a woman (left a message on her answering machine being she worked later than I did yesterday) I've been "kinda seeing" off and on for the last year or so last night with a quick message asking her if she wanted to go out to celebrate Valentine's Day, even if it meant dining at a dive due to such late notice and planning. She called me back later and the first thing out of her mouth was, "Frank, you would take me to a "dive" on Valentine's day ...?!". Well, needless to say, I had to backpeddle out of the use of that term as quick as I could. She seemed to accept my explanation about all the good places (this was about 8:00 pm when she returned my call mind y'all) being too crowded or requiring a reservation. "Dives", and I use that term loosely, can have their own special charm, fun, memory, and/or poignancy, et all, but I guess that escaped her. Beside that, is the fact that I don't mind always paying whenever we go out, or that my first date with her was at one of the best restaurants in San Diego setting me back some $85.00, if I remember correctly. ...I think I need to choose the women I date as well as the terms I utilize around them a little more carefully. ;)

...Are there any Ebay withdrawal pills for sale anywhere, by the way, anyone ? It all started with a bike I bought from a woman from Fort-Worth last year, and well ... :)

13847. judithathome - 2/15/2005 11:58:30 PM

Frank!!! We wer ejust talking about you last night! After the tip to the Sonic carhop, in fact. ;-)

I know of no such pills, by the way, or I'd have given them to Keoni already.

13848. wabbit - 2/16/2005 12:08:03 AM

13849. thoughtful - 2/16/2005 12:13:15 AM


Not to mention...is it puffer fish?

No thanks, I'm not hungry.

13850. arkymalarky - 2/16/2005 12:50:15 AM

(We have a tradition of big-tipping carhops at Sonic...)

Haha! You're absolutely FAMED for it in AR!

13851. arkymalarky - 2/16/2005 12:57:51 AM

Hey Frank! Great to see you in here! I'd love to see you in person, this summer!


13852. Frankster - 2/16/2005 1:32:04 AM

Frank!!! We wer ejust talking about you last night!...

Um, okay, but are we still friends, though ? ;)

Hey Frank! Great to see you in here! I'd love to see you in person, this summer!

Thank you, Arky. I would love to go. I'll see what the time and finances are like then (When is it again ?). By the way, what's a "Motorhead" ?
And guess what ? We now have Sonics out here too, although not very many.

What does Keoni bid on, Judith, if you don't mind me asking ? Right now, I'm a slave to old Schwinn stingray bikes -- one my parents could never afford when I was a kid. I actually couldn't afford it the time ($1200.00) I purchased it, but what's money when you're trying to retrieve a bit of one's unsung youth, right ? :)

13853. judithathome - 2/16/2005 2:14:49 AM

Keoni bids on golf clubs. And wins them. And they are shipped here SO fast!

13854. Frankster - 2/16/2005 2:31:42 AM

I should have known, Judith. I momentarily forgot about his passion for the game.

I just bought another Schwinn bicycle, which I'm expecting any day now for my niece. I got that one for close to $300.00. The plan was to buy a clunker and have her father and I restore it to its former glory. The bike -- going by the six pictures -- looks practically new, so, so much for the restoration we were looking forward to. We'll see. I also bought my bicycle's owners manual for (gulp) $70.00 the other day. It will probably cost me another grand to restore my bicycle to mint condition utilizing original parts. It's in great condition as it is, but I want it back to how I remember it in the showroom as a 13 year old kid who wouldn't even sit on it due to my deference of it. Touching the hand grips and moving the pedal back was enough for me. I simply didn't feel worthy of sitting on a $89.99 bicycle, as I would assume most kids in the barrio felt about bikes their parent(s) couldn't afford.
The woman I mentioned upstream chided me recently for it(obsession with this particular bicycle on Ebay), and does not seem to want to understand that part of me, but readily admits that she got everything she wanted as a child, so I'm sure that plays into her lack of understanding of it all.

Uh, one more thing: This niece I was referring to is all of six months old. :)

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