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13848. wabbit - 2/16/2005 12:08:03 AM

13849. thoughtful - 2/16/2005 12:13:15 AM


Not to mention...is it puffer fish?

No thanks, I'm not hungry.

13850. arkymalarky - 2/16/2005 12:50:15 AM

(We have a tradition of big-tipping carhops at Sonic...)

Haha! You're absolutely FAMED for it in AR!

13851. arkymalarky - 2/16/2005 12:57:51 AM

Hey Frank! Great to see you in here! I'd love to see you in person, this summer!


13852. Frankster - 2/16/2005 1:32:04 AM

Frank!!! We wer ejust talking about you last night!...

Um, okay, but are we still friends, though ? ;)

Hey Frank! Great to see you in here! I'd love to see you in person, this summer!

Thank you, Arky. I would love to go. I'll see what the time and finances are like then (When is it again ?). By the way, what's a "Motorhead" ?
And guess what ? We now have Sonics out here too, although not very many.

What does Keoni bid on, Judith, if you don't mind me asking ? Right now, I'm a slave to old Schwinn stingray bikes -- one my parents could never afford when I was a kid. I actually couldn't afford it the time ($1200.00) I purchased it, but what's money when you're trying to retrieve a bit of one's unsung youth, right ? :)

13853. judithathome - 2/16/2005 2:14:49 AM

Keoni bids on golf clubs. And wins them. And they are shipped here SO fast!

13854. Frankster - 2/16/2005 2:31:42 AM

I should have known, Judith. I momentarily forgot about his passion for the game.

I just bought another Schwinn bicycle, which I'm expecting any day now for my niece. I got that one for close to $300.00. The plan was to buy a clunker and have her father and I restore it to its former glory. The bike -- going by the six pictures -- looks practically new, so, so much for the restoration we were looking forward to. We'll see. I also bought my bicycle's owners manual for (gulp) $70.00 the other day. It will probably cost me another grand to restore my bicycle to mint condition utilizing original parts. It's in great condition as it is, but I want it back to how I remember it in the showroom as a 13 year old kid who wouldn't even sit on it due to my deference of it. Touching the hand grips and moving the pedal back was enough for me. I simply didn't feel worthy of sitting on a $89.99 bicycle, as I would assume most kids in the barrio felt about bikes their parent(s) couldn't afford.
The woman I mentioned upstream chided me recently for it(obsession with this particular bicycle on Ebay), and does not seem to want to understand that part of me, but readily admits that she got everything she wanted as a child, so I'm sure that plays into her lack of understanding of it all.

Uh, one more thing: This niece I was referring to is all of six months old. :)

13855. arkymalarky - 2/16/2005 3:34:28 AM

Frank, you are just such a dearheart!

It's the first weekend in August. Haven't looked at the date yet.

13856. arkymalarky - 2/16/2005 3:36:19 AM

Our pals from Detroit will be here this weekend. It's a 3-day because of President's Day.

13857. arkymalarky - 2/16/2005 3:38:40 AM

Judith, I hope you and Keoni are still planning to make the Jonquil Festival.

That picture on the site looks absolutely gorgeous, but I can't imagine, early as they are this year, that the place will look like that that weekend. It's the start of my spring break, too! Unfortunately Bob's isn't until the next week, but he'll be close enough.

13858. judithathome - 2/16/2005 4:17:48 AM

Arky...I just asked Keoni and he said "Yes, let's go!" I'll be in touch in the meantime about particulars. Luckily, we don't have anything planned that weekend.

13859. judithathome - 2/16/2005 4:18:59 AM

(meaning I had temporarily forgotten about it and didn't realize it was this soon...ha!)

13860. Magoseph - 2/16/2005 4:14:48 PM

Hello, everyone--It's nice to hear from you, Frank. I wonder about Mac now--I hope he'll show up before the end of the week. It's cold up here, but at least, it is sunny today. Well, on my way to town, rain or shine--here I go.

13861. judithathome - 2/16/2005 4:37:20 PM

I'm going to a funeral today...

13862. thoughtful - 2/16/2005 4:40:33 PM

That's sad...who died?

13863. judithathome - 2/16/2005 5:03:23 PM

My neighbor's father...he was in his late 80s and seemed fine.

One thing that chilled me...she found him in his chair at his apartment and called the police. Then, she had to stay there for two hours with the police until the medical examiner arrived. She's really wrecked over the loss and was just devastated by that...it was an efficency apartment and she said it was awful spending those two hours with him there like that. They didn't even cover the body.

At least he just went to sleep and didn't suffer.

13864. thoughtful - 2/16/2005 7:53:48 PM

Sorry to hear that.

13865. judithathome - 2/16/2005 8:19:52 PM

Well, I guess I brought the thread down with that post...

But thanks, Thoughtful.

The service will be very nice, I'm sure. When this lady's mother died, the service was absolutely beautiful. My friend celebrated her mother's life...no preacher who didn't know her, no maudlin "come to Jesus" moment. There was a poster of Casablanca and pictures of her parent's wedding and their lives together. They played As Time Goes By...the parents' first date was to see that movie. People got up and spoke of what a wonderful life the couple had had...it was truly the most beautiful funeral I'd ever attended.

I expect this one to be very similar.

13866. thoughtful - 2/16/2005 8:38:49 PM

I worked really hard at my dad's memorial service to make it just so. I guess I was successful as my mother said that when it's her turn, she'd like me to do exactly the same thing. Made me feel good.

13867. arkymalarky - 2/17/2005 12:55:46 AM

I'm sorry about your neighbors, Judith. Bob once got called to go stay with an elderly woman whose husband had died in the bathroom until everyone could arrive (since we live so far in the boonies), which was rather awkward since he didn't like either one of them--old rural family feud stuff dating back to his grandfather.

Great you and Keoni are coming up! (to shift the tone and subject rather abruptly--sorry about that)

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