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13891. Magoseph - 2/21/2005 11:29:22 PM

It is 31 here and it snowed last night. I went out right after the township’s ploughs had gone around--good thing because it snowed again mid-morning. Right now, I just came back from another round--I'll be darned if I lose all the tightness I have achieved this last year. I am going out again before it gets dark--I will combat the winter doldrums getting lean and muscled—that is what I am going to do everyday.

13892. Magoseph - 2/22/2005 2:51:23 PM

Good morning, Won!

13893. wonkers2 - 2/22/2005 3:55:04 PM

Good morning, Mago! When we returned last night from sunny and warm Texas we found six inches of snow in our driveway and 20 degree temperature. This is the worst winter in recent memory.

13894. Magoseph - 2/22/2005 4:17:40 PM

Won, a friend with his son strapped in the back in a restraining seat, found himself and the child heads down after his SUV flipped on a patch of ice yesterday. Although the radar showed that he was driving within the speed limit, the police officer gave him a ticket—the reasoning was that he was going too fast for the road conditions. The police officer added that, had they been on a rural road following the speed limit, he and his son might not have survived the accident.

13895. Ms. No - 2/22/2005 9:47:13 PM

Well, it's been pouring rain here again. More mudslides, more roads washed out. bleh.

I did a little house sorting and cleaning last night. Hard to get motivated when it's pouring rain and I can't move stuff out to the garbage without a raft. Okay, so it's hard for me to get motivated to do this stuff anyway, but I was actually kind of excited about it and then was completely thwarted by the rain. We had an hour or two of sun yesterday so I scurried around tossing things out.

For some reason both cardboard boxes and paper seem to swarm and multiply in my house. I've no idea where all this stuff comes from, but the single most abundant clutter culprit in my home is paper.

13896. thoughtful - 2/22/2005 10:23:21 PM

Well, I feel badly for you 'fornians with all that rain...but then again not so badly seeing as you have fabulous weather the vast majority of the year. We just had 6" of snow yesterday. I refused to believe it though insisting, as I looked out the window, that it was sunny, 70 and the daffodils were blooming. Amazing what a little self-deception will do.

13897. Ms. No - 2/22/2005 10:29:40 PM

hahaha, yeah, I wouldn't mind the rain if we had the drainage systems for it, but we just don't. We get washouts and lakes in the middle of elevated freeways because they were built with the idea that "it never rains in California". Even our regular rainfall here makes things tricky and some areas are already at 5 and 6 times their annual rainfall for the year.

We've had 4 more inches of rain than Seattle so far.

13898. judithathome - 2/22/2005 10:34:27 PM

MsNo, is your friend on American Idol?

13899. Ms. No - 2/22/2005 10:39:53 PM

Alas, he cracked a note --- an extremely rare occurrance for him -- and missed making it into the 32 finalists, so he's been out of the running for 3 or 4 weeks now. I don't know that any of his recorded segments even made it onto the show.

Currently he's traveling the country with his girlfriend --- taking her home to meet the folks --- so I think he was disappointed but not crushingly so. He was saying that it was kind of a relief because he's had to put his own bands and performances on hold during the whole AI tryout period. Six months of not being able to do what he loves.

13900. arkymalarky - 2/23/2005 12:58:22 AM

Sunny and warm here. They say it's going to be cold and rainy tomorrow.

Everyone at work is sick with the same headcold I have.

13901. arkymalarky - 2/23/2005 5:35:55 AM

Man it's quiet in here. I've been working on a long print job and keep checking in, so I finally decided I'd just post. Hopefully I'll be through by 10:30.

13902. alistairConnor - 2/23/2005 6:16:23 AM

Hey I'm here.

Just fixing a thing in the Greens membership database. Commas in the data throwing off the spreadsheet export. Should be good now.

13903. alistairConnor - 2/23/2005 6:17:35 AM

Warm and wet here at my mother's place.

I hear there is two feet of snow back home. I hope the pipes haven't frozen or anything.

13904. arkymalarky - 2/23/2005 6:19:50 AM

Hey Alistair.

We had one day of snow this winter. Unreal the weather everyone else seems to be having. Did you deal with your water, pipes, etc before you left?

13905. arkymalarky - 2/23/2005 6:21:53 AM

It's kinda neat--we have a back balcony and I went out on it just as the cooler air was coming in. A real contrast from literally seconds before.

13906. alistairConnor - 2/23/2005 6:36:11 AM

I didn't take any particular precautions, other than leaving the heating on with the thermostat turned down.

I hope there's nothing major amiss, I'll be arriving home about 6pm on Sunday and going to work on Monday.

13907. thoughtful - 2/23/2005 4:00:18 PM

Murphy's law says that things will go amiss when we travel. So we now have a person come in to check the house, pick up the mail, feed the cat, clean the kitty box, make sure the house is warm, etc. It costs something, but it leads to a lot of peace of mind. And the cat is a lot happier than being kenneled.

Last year when my mother's rental house was vacant and we went to FL to visit her, no one was checking on the house, the furnace went out and all the pipes froze. So much fun!

13908. Magoseph - 2/23/2005 5:41:23 PM

We couldn’t open the side door to the garage this morning because it was frozen solid and the garage openers were in the cars--we both carried buckets of hot water until we finally pried it open. Every winter this time, I make plans to leave this area forever, of course knowing that I never will as long as Flexy is alive and well. That could be a long time now that he walks everyday, eats the same food I eat, and take his blood pressure medicine.

13909. thoughtful - 2/23/2005 6:20:17 PM

When it was really cold here...like below 0...our storm door freezes shut at the bottom. The front door leaks enough heat that the moisture condenses and drips on the inside of the storm door and overnight freezes solid to the sill.

I defrost it with my hair dryer. Usually takes a couple of minutes.

13910. arkymalarky - 2/23/2005 8:52:32 PM

Good to hear Flexy's doing so well.

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