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Host: Magoseph

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13990. Magoseph - 3/4/2005 1:27:15 AM

Have a good evening, Uz---see you later, I hope.

13991. wonkers2 - 3/4/2005 1:58:36 AM

Cap'n Dirty sez, "Mago, your son sounds like he was normal, highly intelligent and ingenious young man!"

13992. Magoseph - 3/4/2005 12:47:28 PM

Yes, Cap’n, he was all that and much more too, some of it I learned years later—both sons had a need to confess to me in later years about the capers they pull without my knowledge. Retrospective fears are harmful to my health; I tell them, stop reminiscing already, guys!

13993. thoughtful - 3/4/2005 3:23:25 PM

uz if you check in, check out 'cold eeze' it has zinc in it and has been proven to reduce the length and severity of colds. Suck (dont' chew) one cold eeze every 2 hours. I find it as helpful as decongestants without all those awful side effects.

Purell is an alcohol-based hand de-germer. rub it on and it evaporates. It doesn't remove dirt like handwashing, but it does remove germs.

13994. uzmakk - 3/4/2005 6:48:43 PM

Got it. Pharmacist recommended it highly also.

13995. Magoseph - 3/5/2005 2:42:20 PM


13996. judithathome - 3/5/2005 10:11:31 PM

Howzit, Mags!

13997. judithathome - 3/7/2005 12:26:02 AM

We spent an unusual weekend at home, doing not much...washing the car, mowing the lawn, cleaning the house and goofing off.

Keoni was antsy by yesterday afternoon. Doesn't bode well for retirement.

13998. Magoseph - 3/7/2005 12:29:03 AM

I have a broken tooth and I'm very distraught—right now, I’m crying big tears.

13999. wonkers2 - 3/7/2005 12:56:27 AM

Too bad! But dentists can do wonders restoring broken teeth.

14000. arkymalarky - 3/7/2005 1:40:29 AM


14001. arkymalarky - 3/7/2005 1:42:06 AM

Sorry about the tooth, Mags.

14002. arkymalarky - 3/7/2005 1:45:06 AM


I haven't hit a lick at a snake all weekend. I had my big day in Little Rock Wed, and I've just been worthless ever since. We're kind of hanging in until spring break. Bob's district inspection is in a couple of weeks and we've both got midterm grades due, then we'll be pretty routine until school's out. At least I hope.

We're going to WV for a conference at the first of April, but that should be fun, not stressful.

14003. wonkers2 - 3/7/2005 2:04:11 AM

Arky, what's this howdy stuff? What's wrong with "Hi y'all?"

14004. arkymalarky - 3/7/2005 3:32:17 AM

I was feeling sorta Minnie Pearl today.

Plus, in the time it took to spell out Hi y'all, I'd have possibly missed the millennial.

14005. robertjayb - 3/7/2005 3:37:06 AM

Wimmens is always scheming something.

14006. arkymalarky - 3/7/2005 3:38:29 AM

We like being mysterious.

14007. jexster - 3/7/2005 4:30:04 AM

Margie been around here lately?

I had the pleasure of speaking with two of her countrymen.."Sam" and "Ben", tech reps for SBC DSL....

At the end of my chat with "Ben" I told him how excellent their service was (sucked) and asked if they were Indian.

"Yes veee ahr Eeendeean"

"Well, I have no quarrel with you guys, such excellent service, but your company is another matter. They should let you use your real name"

"Oh..my name is 'Ben'"....

Yea right...pathetic..time to FREE MARGIE from her Bangalore Hell.

14008. jexster - 3/7/2005 4:33:12 AM

And while on my nativist tear...

Did you know that Sweden had a V-1 rocket operational in 1943...

"Wings of Sweden" - Military Channel.

Wonder where they got that one from?

And they've been at it ever since...

14009. alistairconnor - 3/7/2005 11:54:04 AM

Why is the snow deeper on Monday mornings?

Because that's the day I get to take the kids to school. This time I got them both to their schools on time -- though I had to take the elder girl all the way to hers, we thorougly missed her bus.

There is one section of road that nobody seems to be responsible for ploughing, and because it's on a high ridge there is major wind drift. For several kilometres there is a narrow passage between walls of snow -- I quite enjoy it, especially if there's nobody in front so I can go fairly fast. Until there's someone coming the other way -- no space to pass, either someone has to back up or you just sort of scrunch up into the snow bank and inch past each other, hoping you won't stick fast.

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