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14159. arkymalarky - 3/15/2005 4:18:39 PM

How timely, Thoughtful! Thanks!

I'm still home sick. This one really hit me hard.

14160. arkymalarky - 3/15/2005 4:24:29 PM

Dang, Mags. I've never thought having dental insurance was worth it compared to the cost and what it covers, but we have a good plan provided through Bob's work (mine doesn't have it). His is free and mine isn't much. I can't remember exactly, but I've definitely gotten our money's worth. We only got it this year. I had to have a lot of work done, refilling cavities I'd had since getting my braces off in 7th grade. It's part of the reason I had to have a tooth pulled and a root canal. I let it go too long because I was so busy the last couple of years and I was getting more cavities under the fillings because they were leaking.

14161. arkymalarky - 3/15/2005 4:32:07 PM

That article was very good. I'm printing it.

I've gone from chronic to recurrent, apparently. Some allergies you just can't shield yourself from. Of the 50 things they tested me for I was "highly allergic" with the highest measurable reaction to 37 of them. The allergist did say that aome of his patients end up leaving Arkansas, but I hope it never comes to that.

One thing he did tell me, was NEVER open my windows, and I persuaded Bob to open them Friday. I don't know that it has anything to do with this, though, since I think it was already starting up by then.

14162. thoughtful - 3/15/2005 4:40:17 PM

Glad you found it helpful. Hope you feel better soon. And keep drinking water!

14163. thoughtful - 3/15/2005 4:41:49 PM

There was a show on one time about a woman who had severe allergies and how she designed her house to accommodate them...things like no rugs...or anti-allergen rugs...no window treatments that could collect dust...even special fume-free paints on the walls. Not easy.

Or you can install an electro-static precipitator which will clean the air.

14164. arkymalarky - 3/15/2005 4:45:12 PM

I have a dehumidifier and two air purifiers, but I've never heard of an electro-static precipitator.

I still don't see how people protect themselves from reactions unless they just never open their doors or leave the house. And once you react, it can start a chain of events leading to infections. I had one all of last year, literally, but it was chronic and I endured it until I just couldn't take it any more.

(gross alert)

I think the clincher was when I woke up in the middle of the night more than once last spring with blood gushing from my nose and mouth.

14165. arkymalarky - 3/15/2005 4:46:14 PM

And thanks for the well wishes and the advice. I've got a sports jug full of water right by me.

14166. thoughtful - 3/15/2005 4:51:37 PM

Maybe this will help

14167. arkymalarky - 3/15/2005 5:00:42 PM

Thanks! That's a handy site. Looks like the allergy business is a real money maker. I didn't realize that until I went to an allergist. I had no idea of the variety of allergy-related products on the market.

14168. judithathome - 3/15/2005 6:11:36 PM

Gosh, Arky, do you think we should be going to that festival? Won't that aggravate your sinuses?

14169. arkymalarky - 3/15/2005 7:32:10 PM

I really truly think I will be fine by then. I'll take medicine with me if I need it, but I think what happened this time was that a headcold morphed into an infection, as opposed to the general allergy stuff staying aggravated and becoming infected like usual.

I've done better this year, really, than I ever have since I've lived in AR, almost 35 years, and I've never let it stop me from doing what I wanted. If I reacted I just reacted. The infections have been the big problem, but I think I can keep from getting future infections if I will just not let symptoms persist without addressing them. That's where I messed up this time.

What I've been on is a preventative program except for the nasal steroid, and now I have OTC medicine that I can take with what I already have to deal with the symptoms. I was afraid to mix it with what I was already taking, and now I know what I can take and what I can't. In fact, I'm anxious to get out there and see how it does, because I'm hoping to be more active this summer since I'm so much less busy than I have been for the past two summers.

I'm already feeling better now than I was. The prednisone should really help. It has every time I've taken it.

14170. judithathome - 3/15/2005 8:18:32 PM

That stuff makes me hyper as hell...I get a lot done when I'm on it, though. ;-)

14171. robertjayb - 3/15/2005 10:47:02 PM

Arky: For those holes in your head...(NYTimes)

Have you tried humming?

No! Not that...

14172. Magoseph - 3/16/2005 12:36:03 AM

Okay, now I know that you come here only to read Arky’s posts, Robert—my feelings for you are grievously hurt, I want you to know.

thoughtful linked the article Arky: For those holes in your head...(NYTimes) in Post # 14158.

14173. arkymalarky - 3/16/2005 1:14:21 AM

Awwww, now Mags!

Robert, when I hum it makes my ears itch.


Bob was on it one time when he had the flu and he about went ape. He swears he will never take it again. I think it's what gave me the energy to finally get my grades done this afternoon. I'm beginning to wonder if I have some kind of bug. Sinus infections don't normally knock me down this hard. I am better, though. It's back to the grindstone tomorrow.

14174. arkymalarky - 3/16/2005 1:15:49 AM

Rut ro

14175. arkymalarky - 3/16/2005 1:16:59 AM

And that goes for any kind of humming, btw, lest you think I didn't get your joke (which I didn't, until just now).

14176. judithathome - 3/16/2005 1:18:58 AM

What about that time you got so sick on the way to Colorado?

Anyhow, promise me if you aren't felling better you'll let us know.

And what does it look like, weather-wise? Here, the weekend is going to be in the low 60s with some rain.

14177. arkymalarky - 3/16/2005 1:23:14 AM

On the way up I had a terrible colon attack and on the way back I had a terrible chest cold from a sinus infection migrating downward in the dry climate. Boy, was that a fun vacation.

I promise I'll let you know by Thursday evening (after parent/teacher conferences) if I'm feeling bad, but right now I feel like a good night's sleep and I'll be a lot better tomorrow morning.

I haven't looked at the weather. I'm pulling it up now.

14178. arkymalarky - 3/16/2005 1:28:01 AM

Sounds really nice--partly cloudy and highs in the low sixties.

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