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14265. wabbit - 3/22/2005 2:03:04 AM

That was to Jay...

Another congratulations to iiibbb on the engagement! You're having quite a week!

14266. wonkers2 - 3/22/2005 4:11:54 AM

Congrats again iiibbb!!!

14267. alistairconnor - 3/22/2005 12:38:06 PM

iii :

May the engagement outlast the funding. And the lease. And the car...

14268. thoughtful - 3/22/2005 1:59:04 PM

Congrats on the engagement isbs!
I've been married going on 27 years and highly recommend it.

14269. iiibbb - 3/22/2005 2:18:26 PM

Thanks everyone...

14270. Ms. No - 3/22/2005 5:03:18 PM

Can't congratulate you enough iiibbb. This is wonderful news!

14271. Ms. No - 3/22/2005 5:16:21 PM


I'm leaving this Saturday and won't be back 'til the following Saturday.

I was just talking with my brother about the trip and realizing that I haven't taken a beach vacation since the last time I went with my family more than 10 years ago.

Maybe it's because I live in L.A., but I just don't take beach vacations anymore. I like to go to cities or other countries or to visit specific people. Living where I do I can be at the beach in 30-40 minutes, in the mountains in 2hrs or desert in the same amount of time. I don't really take advantage of those things like I should, but they're still there.

What I really want to do is drive up to see Hearst Castle and camp-out near Big Sur. That's a good weekend trip. I've camped there before, but I skipped Hearst Castle because it would have been a stop on the way home from a 3-day camping trip with my college girlfriends and believe me, after one of our trips all anyone wants to do is get home to a shower and a real bed.

14272. arkymalarky - 3/22/2005 8:46:31 PM

A week at the beach sounds like just the ticket.

I had a Keoni biscuit for breakfast today, and had one for supper last night.

I have three more breakfasts' worth. Yum.

14273. Ms. No - 3/22/2005 10:38:22 PM

Definitely worth rationing!

I'm rationing books at the moment hoping I'll have enough to get me through the vacation. I've got a couple on Order from Barnes and Noble but they may not come in time, ditto some from Amazon.

I figure as long as I've got four or five I should be okay.

14274. Macnas - 3/22/2005 10:40:58 PM

Hmm I sometimes think that too, then a few days later it's 2.30 a.m. and I'm finishing the last book....

14275. Ms. No - 3/22/2005 10:59:05 PM

yeah, it could end up like that, but I'll be there with 14 family members and we play a lot of cards and there will be manic children to toss in the pool so I'm thinking (hoping really) that I'll be okay.

It's the only thing I might actually overpack. I've got 6 unread books at the house right now if I can manage to keep my mitts off them until I leave.

Of course there's the 6 hour plane flight to get through.

14276. Ms. No - 3/22/2005 11:00:21 PM

If only two or three of the books I've got on order would come in before I leave town then I'd breathe easy.

14277. alistairConnor - 3/22/2005 11:03:02 PM

Ah yes ... beach... 14 family members ... manic children to toss in the pool ... been there.

But the flight was more like 36 hours.

Three weeks. Two books, I think.

14278. Macnas - 3/22/2005 11:05:41 PM

Two books in three weeks?

You slo-bo.

14279. Ms. No - 3/22/2005 11:15:51 PM

Yes, but it was War & Peace and the Oxford English Dictionary...unabridged.

14280. Macnas - 3/23/2005 12:02:36 AM

War and Peace...unabridged....how about thrown off a bridge?

14281. Macnas - 3/23/2005 12:03:36 AM

Now I must go home.

I'm taking a break of a few days over Easter, and heading to Galway. See yez all next week.

14282. Ms. No - 3/23/2005 12:11:50 AM

Have a good trip, Mac!

14283. jexster - 3/23/2005 8:13:00 PM

What Kind of Dog RU?

Hofewart...but I am a cat person

14284. Magoseph - 3/23/2005 8:35:25 PM

French poodle, what a surprise!

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