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14487. Magoseph - 4/6/2005 12:37:55 AM

About Bellow, Judith, do you remember this winter when we discussed his work on the telephone ? I told you that I was re-reading “The Adventures of Augie March” and I had all his books. Since then I re-read “Humboldt's Gift” and “Herzog”. I would have re-read his other books, but then I discovered Ian McEwan. At the time, I looked up his biography and thought, “Another one of my favorite writers who will not be around for much longer.”

14488. Macnas - 4/6/2005 8:16:09 AM


The little bits and pieces I know of your past, and by that I mean the odd memory or two that you've shared here, seem interesting to me. Enough that if it were in book form I should like to read it.

And no girl, I'm not putting you on and I'm sure alistair isn't either. If you are tempted to do something like putting pen to paper, I wouldn't synopsise my life so far or anything, I'd pick a particular story from my past and, as alistair suggests, make a proper short story out of it.

14489. Magoseph - 4/6/2005 1:23:09 PM

Thank you, Mac, you, and Ali are very kind. When I write something about my past, it is always because my memory reacts to an event in my life, or at large and in the spur of the moment, I write what comes to mind.--I never remember what I write in the Mote or anywhere else for that matter, so it would be very difficult for me to write something

14490. Magoseph - 4/6/2005 1:45:38 PM

However, Flexy says that he knows how to unlock my memory and he’s waiting for the right time to do it.

14491. Macnas - 4/6/2005 2:39:16 PM

He doesn't have a cast iron frying pan in his hand does he?

14492. wonkers2 - 4/6/2005 3:07:14 PM

A potential woman Proust?

14493. Macnas - 4/6/2005 3:58:45 PM


Should you appear some time soon, could you please tell me a good way/product for cleaning old leather?

Myself and a mate are restoring a 1920's shotgun that comes with a fine leather covered case. It has some age staining and imbedded dirt/oil. In between drying times for the gunstock I could clean up the case, so any advice would be great.


14494. Ms. No - 4/6/2005 4:18:43 PM


I've heard Lexol conditioner mentioned by horsey folk and they're pretty particular about their leather. I think you can find it in any tack shop.

14495. judithathome - 4/6/2005 4:23:58 PM

I've found the best way to clean leather is with mink oil...a soft cloth and some mink oil should do the trick. Lacking that, there is a soap made for leather and I can't recall the name but it comes in a tin like shoe polish comes in and the "soap" is hard...you apply it with a dampened cloth rubbed on the surface of the soap and then use another dampened cloth to remove it from the surface of the leather after the first application.

14496. thoughtful - 4/6/2005 4:25:29 PM

saddle soap.

14497. judithathome - 4/6/2005 4:26:18 PM

I just sent an email to my son asking him what he uses for cleaning leather and when he answers me, I'll post it here. He has leather furniture and lots of guns with holsters...they all look spiffy so he should have a good recommendation.

14498. judithathome - 4/6/2005 4:26:51 PM

Duh...of course...saddle soap! Thanks, Thoughtful.

14499. Macnas - 4/6/2005 4:30:12 PM

Excellent, thanks judith, thoughtful and Ms.No.

I'm off the the tack shop as soon as the whistle blows.

14500. Magoseph - 4/6/2005 4:39:10 PM

Ms. No, how was the trip? How do you feel? Tell us,please, when you have the time.

14501. Ms. No - 4/6/2005 4:45:17 PM

I'll be retrieving my photos this afternoon and should have pictures for you tomorrow. The trip was excellent in many ways but a bit depressing in others and while I grew closer to some members of my family I developed a definite dislike for others of them. No great losses but it will certainly bear on what kind of family events I attend in future.

The kicker is that I spent a week in Acapulco in perfect health then came back to the states and promptly got food poisoning at a cookout the day after I returned. There is nothing in the world to make you want your mommy like having food poisoning.

14502. arkymalarky - 4/6/2005 5:02:09 PM

Oh my. Sounds like a mixed bag all around, but it sounds like Acapulco must've been great.

14503. Ms. No - 4/6/2005 5:23:57 PM

The weather was fabulous but I'm really missing the humidity --- and so is my hair. Shirley Temple had nothing on me while I was there.

14504. thoughtful - 4/6/2005 5:42:54 PM

Sensitive topic time...how does one go about telling a nice young indian gal that she's doing herself harm socially and career-wise by not practicing 'american' style hygiene. I had to teach her to flush the toilet completely. (Fortunately, we've not had a problem in that regard since.) Not sure if i can get her to wash her hands after bathrooming. But yesterday was the worst. She was in there at the end of the day and the b o was palpable...even after she left the room! Fortunately I don't sit anywhere near her, but was strongly tempted to leave some ban on her desk anonymously. Yikes!

14505. Ms. No - 4/6/2005 6:02:21 PM

An anonymous note might be useful --- less embarassing for both of you but still helpful to her.

14506. Magoseph - 4/6/2005 6:02:56 PM

Does she have a counselor assigned to her?

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