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14560. MegKelso - 4/11/2005 11:15:22 PM

I have a Lucy Ricardo thing going on at times...

I find myself in the oddest situations. People always end up saying things like, "This could only happen to you." or "You should write a book." Well, yesterday it wasn't just me, my daughter and her friend were there as well. And I might put it in the book, but for now I will just tell you.

My daughter and her girl friend drove down here from Chicago to spend Easter with me. We have been hard pressed to find much time to spend to spend together because I have had to visit my friend that is in a wheelchair and I have been taking my houseguest to her appointments.

Yesterday when I dropped the houseguest off at her bridge game, I took my daughter (Annie) and her friend (Melanie) to Underground Atlanta.

When we first got there, we walked out into the town looking for a store. When we did, I saw a sign that said 5 Points-something. I went to a restaurant in 5 Points once and wanted to take the girls there. We walked all over looking for that stupid restaurant. Eventually, I called the friend who had taken me to the restaurant and asked her where it was. I was in the wrong place. Apparently, there are two 5 Points in Atlanta. Why? How many 5 Points does one city need?

So we went back into Underground Atlanta. We were getting pretty hungry and there were an inordinate amount of motorcycles on the streets. We wanted to go to a sit down restaurant so the food court wouldn't do. After walking around looking at the menus outside different restaurants, we chose the Irish place down in the Underground.

No one waited on us so we left. We walked right outside and into a place called The Alley Cat. We were starving and the place sort of looked like an alley so I didn't question the name. I would have any other time, I swear.

Our waitress was wearing pussy-cat ears and whiskers. She wasn't smiling, this was not a joke. As she took our order, I noticed a belly button ring and a spider web tattoo on her right shoulder. I was frightened. Then I noticed the complimentary boxer shorts on the table. Things were beginning to make sense to me. This was a strip bar. Fortunately, we were too early for the show...they were catering to tourists at noon.

We started hearing the motor cycles again. Then the band began. They welcomed us all to THE FIRST ANNUAL ATLANTA BIKERFEST!!!!!
The Alley Cat began filling up with the biker dudes and dudettes. I was very frightened.

There was a card on the table. I picked it up expecting to find a dessert menu. Instead, it was the list of nightly events that The Alley Cat advertised. Wednesday night at The Alley Cat, be sure to attend Body Piercing and Tattoo Night. Apparently, all of the waitresses work Wednesdays. They had metal hanging off of everything they had, ears, noses, cheeks, belly buttons, lips, tongues...I strongly suspect they had more in places that I couldn't see. The tattoos looked hideously painful. One girl had a huge bird of paradise tattooed on her back. Ouch. And then the biker folk...my God, they had almost as many tattoos as the waitresses. My table and the family trapped in the table next to me were quite a bit out of place. We eventually got our food, ate and got the hell out of the strip club.

I had a lot to do yesterday so I never got around to making dinner. We had to go out to eat again so we went to the Square in Marietta, there are plenty of restaurants there. We walked around, once again reading menus. We carefully chose Hemmingways. There were no tables there. We were slightly underdressed for Shillings so we went next door to Simpatico's. A table at last.

The excellent wait staff did not make us wait. They were on the ball and bringing us our water, coffee and silverware very quickly. By the time they had done that, we noticed the prices on the sparse menu. The cheapest thing on it was 16.95 and that was veal meatloaf. What the heck is veal meatloaf? I don't eat veal anyway. We had to make a dash for the door. I tossed 5 bucks on the table and said, "Let's go."

Annie hesitated. My back was to the staff and I was dependent upon those two to let me know when it would be a good time to split. Annie hesitated again. I'm ready, perched at the end of the booth with my jacket on and waiting for the signal. Melanie finally spoke up. "You know, I don't think it's going to get any better than it is right now."

At that moment, Annie booked. I was right behind her. I assumed that Melanie was right behind me but she was deeper into the booth and it took her a second to get out. Annie and I were around the corner by the time she got out the door. We were all laughing so hard we couldn't walk. Then, at the exact same moment, we said in unison, "Let's just go to the Marietta Diner."

We actually harmonized as we said it. So, we went to the Marietta Diner and had a great dinner. We discussed the Easter plans and decided to have a lovely Easter brunch instead of a dinner so we are cooking it now. I am taking a break to write this but I must get back to my daughter. She is wonderful. I miss her so much when she isn't here. She is leaving later on today so I am going to go spend the rest of my time with her. My grand-daughter will be here too! I hope you all are having a nice day as well. See ya later.


read more of my crazy stories at www.diaryofmydivorce.blogspot.com

14561. Ms. No - 4/11/2005 11:21:08 PM

I know exactly where I'm going to eat if I ever go to Atlanta again.

Take me to the Alley Cat!!!

14562. Ms. No - 4/11/2005 11:21:32 PM

Juditha, you'll go with me, won't you?

14563. judithathome - 4/11/2005 11:24:22 PM

You bet! And on Wednesday, too!

14564. Ms. No - 4/11/2005 11:52:27 PM

Woo-hoo! I won't even make you get a tattoo.....

or should I say another tatoo. ;->

14565. judithathome - 4/11/2005 11:56:02 PM

None thus far but who knows? I may get "no extraordinary efforts to save me" tattooed on my ass. In flowery script.

14566. Ms. No - 4/12/2005 4:21:20 PM

It just occurred to me that perhaps someone unused to our irreverence here might think I was taking a swipe at Meg. Not at all. Perhaps it's paranoia on my part to mention it, but I didn't want to accidentally offend someone. (Now, purposely offending is a whole 'nother thing)

I've read some of Meg's blog --- I think wonkers may have originally linked it --- and it was quite funny. I'd love to see her around these parts some more.

14567. alistairconnor - 4/12/2005 4:24:58 PM

ayeah come back Meg and have a swipe at us...
kindred spirits.

Judith, that is very good. Flowery script!

14568. Ms. No - 4/12/2005 5:01:18 PM


I love that idea....but some right-wing nut will just come waltzing out claiming that you got the tat while in a drunken stupor after partying with your commie friend Ms. No at the Alley Cat.

14569. thoughtful - 4/12/2005 5:24:54 PM

I have a cousin who does tats. He's a very talented artist...only no one seems willing to pay him for his artwork unless he puts it on their body. So that's what he's doing now. His wife has a beautiful iris tattoed on her shoulder that he did. Just lovely.

Me, I'm scared to death. I'd even think twice about having him do a fake one on me in magic marker. Somehow, I'm just not the tat type.

14570. Ms. No - 4/12/2005 5:39:16 PM

I think they're beautiful on some people but I do look around me and think of what all my friend's grandkids are going to think some day.

Here we'll be 90 years old and trying to push our walkers into a mosh pit, blaring Jane's Addiction over the PA and insisting on animal-free gelatin and our grandkids will still think we're fuddy-duddies.

14571. thoughtful - 4/12/2005 6:16:06 PM

some look great on the young, but how will they look on wrinkles???

and those eyebrow rings. I can't help it but when I talk to someone with one, i keep seeing something on their eye with my peripheral vision and I think it's a fly and want to brush it away. I have to restrain myself. It's very distracting.

14572. Magoseph - 4/12/2005 7:13:13 PM

My son is quite happy now that I threatened to take away from him his car and allowance when he wanted to get an earring. He noticed, when he went to his company's general meeting recently, that all employees who were promoted, including him, had three things in common-- no earrings, any tattoos either, and wore excellent clothes.

14573. thoughtful - 4/12/2005 7:19:57 PM

well, some tats might not show in an office setting....

14574. Magoseph - 4/12/2005 7:29:39 PM

His brother said the same thing to him and he answered that the happy group who got promotions and raises had a pool party with the bigwigs.

14575. Magoseph - 4/12/2005 7:33:31 PM

The change of season is really affecting me this year—I don’t know why I’m so tired when I haven’t done anything lately. Does it affect you too?

14576. Ms. No - 4/12/2005 8:43:13 PM

Spring and Fall energize me. Winter and Summer tend to make me tired and longing for a change.

14577. thoughtful - 4/12/2005 8:53:57 PM

Hahahhaahah that's funny. Of course I would be far more embarrassed by my jello-thighs than any tat at a pool party with the bosses. Do they still make those 1890s bloomers for gals to swim in??? That'd be about the only outfit I'd be comfortable in in front of these guys, esp since they're all into fitness or ex athletes or ex military types and all as fit as fiddles. Anything more revealing would only make me feel old and blubbery.

Stylish, no?

14578. Ms. No - 4/12/2005 8:57:01 PM

If you have good arms there's nothing wrong with wearing a suit and wrapping a pretty sarong around your hips and then just not going in the water.

Dress for the heat and sun but not for the pool and then you can show off the bits you like and keep the others covered.

14579. Macnas - 4/13/2005 8:36:29 AM

Tattoos, I had two, but I had them removed. The remains are ugly, and I regret the damn things completely.

They are fine when you are a youngster, but they do not age well. And as for the girls who get ta's on the tummy, well, lets just say that if you get pregnant, your skin just does not snap back into the exact configuration it was previously, and your nice sharp ta becomes rather abstract looking.

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