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14641. arkymalarky - 4/18/2005 8:04:59 PM

That's infuriating, Jay.

14642. wabbit - 4/18/2005 8:08:52 PM

Hey Arky, good to hear everything went well!

14643. thoughtful - 4/18/2005 8:10:26 PM

Welcome back Arky and glad you are doing so well.

14644. jayackroyd - 4/18/2005 8:23:32 PM

It's not so much infuriating as typical of large corporations. Amazon did a very good job early on at customer service. Now they're like any other large retailer. But the security thing is serious. I didn't cancel because I was annoyed. I canceled because the most likely explanation is a security breach, perhaps internal. I gave the opportunity to offer a different explanation, but the csr chose to stonewall, as she no doubt had been instructed.

14645. alistairConnor - 4/18/2005 9:27:12 PM

Unbelievable. A company that is unable or unwilling to tell you what they are billing you for.

Spooky. That is corporate decadence. Time to sell your amazon shares...

14646. arkymalarky - 4/18/2005 9:33:37 PM

Thanks Wabbit and Thoughtful!

14647. thoughtful - 4/18/2005 9:45:43 PM

If someone could be so kind as to pass the word to PseuE that I have a follow up question for him on the trade deficit and the US...I'll post it in the slow thread.

14648. wabbit - 4/18/2005 10:51:44 PM

David Lynch does the weather report...

14649. judithathome - 4/18/2005 10:53:27 PM

I saw a link to that earlier today...how weird.

14650. Magoseph - 4/20/2005 2:22:26 PM

Marjoribanks has come to visit—plug him in on The Escapes thread!

Thoughtful, when are you leaving, tomorrow?

Hello, everyone!

14651. judithathome - 4/20/2005 2:45:13 PM


Today I start my 10 day stint as a poll watcher for early voting. Last night, the candidate's forum was fairly raucous...a man threatened to punch Keoni! This guy has mental problems and didn't like it when Keoni asked him politely to watch his language. The fool would say, loudly enough for the room to hear, things like "sonofabitch" and "asshole" whenever our candidate would answer questions.

I hope he doesn't vote early or at least not while I'm there. ;-)

14652. Magoseph - 4/20/2005 3:01:48 PM

No worry, Judith, you’ll lay him down for the count with one of your famous deadly quips, I bet.

14653. thoughtful - 4/20/2005 4:41:10 PM

Yes I'm leaving very early thurs am.

14654. jayackroyd - 4/20/2005 5:22:19 PM

For anyone who cares about my amazon woes, I just got this (I cancelled my account when they refused to explain how my wife's charges had come about.):

My name is Cathy Ceely and I am a member of the Executive Customer Relations team at the corporate offices of Amazon.com. As I work closely with our Customer Service staff, your request to close your account has been brought to my attention.

You are a long term and valued customer of Amazon.com. I'm sorry to learn that you have requested that your customer account be closed.
I understand that you may have unauthorized charges to your credit card that prompted your request to close your account. Please allow me to extend my sincere apologies for any inconvenience or disappointment this may have caused you.

Please know that we take these situations very seriously and I welcome an opportunity to be of assistance to you. We will need to obtain some information from you in order to begin our investigation. Some of this information will require that you call the toll-free number on the back of your credit card.

Please fax (or have your issuing bank fax) to us at 1-304-781-4960 the following information:

* complete credit card number
* date of charge
* amount of charge
* contact phone for your issuing bank
(the toll-free number on your credit card is sufficient)
* your name, e-mail address, and fax number (or phone number)

We ask that this information be faxed to us simply because e-mail is not as secure a method of transmitting your credit card number.

If you prefer, you may also call me directly at 206-266-3104 and provide this information via phone. I am available Monday through Friday from 7:00 am to 3:30 pm, Pacific time.

Once we've received this information, we will proceed with our investigation of the charge. Our charge inquiry team will contact you within 1-2 business days to let you know how to proceed with your issuing bank.

Again, please accept our apologies for any inconvenience. We look forward to assisting you.

They just don't get it.

14655. Magoseph - 4/20/2005 5:54:14 PM

No, they do not get it—however, it may be interesting to find out from where originates the charge they put on your account.

14656. jayackroyd - 4/20/2005 8:18:39 PM

If they know, they won't tell me. However, the executive customer relations person just wrote me:

First, I would like to apologize for the inconvenience and disappointment both you and your wife experienced with the unexpected charges to her credit card. Please know that your credit card information was *not* compromised at our site and was *not* accessed improperly as a result of your shopping with us. Somehow, someone obtained this information elsewhere and used it here.

This is not a credible claim. Credit card thieves do not make one charge a month for 20 odd dollars at a single internet vendor.

14657. Ms. No - 4/20/2005 9:54:45 PM

You got that right, Jay. Also, it's just plain sorry that they didn't get someone to help you when you first called in but waited until you'd closed your account to treat the situation seriously. That's just bad business. It takes far less effort to retain a customer's business than it does to try and regain it once lost.


14658. Magoseph - 4/21/2005 10:40:27 AM

Have a very good trip, thoughtful.

How did it go yesterday, Judith?

14659. alistairconnor - 4/21/2005 2:33:59 PM

Helo Mago.

I've been looking at the weather forecast in despair. Coming up: third rotten weekend in a row. And as I've got Monday off, I am not resolved to put up with it.

So I checked the weather forecast in Italy...

... Not marvellous, but considerably better... in Tuscany for example.

So, tomorrow afternoon... six hour drive...

14660. judithathome - 4/21/2005 4:00:57 PM

I am freed from poll watching duty. I was there almost 5 hours yesterday and we had a record first day for early voting turnout.

There are new people working the polls and our candidate is slightly paranoid about voter fraud. He had asked me and another woman to work the entire ten days but I talked to him last night and convinced him we are doing more harm than good by pushing this. Nearly everyone involved with voting yesterday mentioned we have never had poll watchers before; the election has divided the village and that has never happened to this extent before, either.

It is my feeling that by signaling we don't trust the people running the election, we are sending a further divisive signal. Plus it is giving the opposition something to beat us over the head with...so my candidate agreed, finally, to three checks of the ballot box seal, random in scope, and a final check of the ballot box before it is opened at the precinct for counting.

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