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14974. The Summer Woman - 5/15/2005 11:18:09 PM

If you hate "cute" dog names you'll hate this name, but there's a story that goes with it. When our son was two, a young calico cat adopted us. She was very small - had been eating out of garbage cans for quite some time. Four weeks later our "kitten" had kittens. All the neighborhood kids wanted to come and see them, of course, and we let them. As soon as "mommie kitty" as her name came to be, quit nursing them we sent her off the vets before she come into heat again. One afternoon, while the neighbor kids were playing with the kittens, a discussion developed about which were "boys" and which were "girls". Our son, who knew which was which because we'd told him and showed him how to tell, started point to the black male and saying, "Penis, penis". "What'd he say?", one of the girl's asked. "Peanut", I lied quickly, "He wants to name that one 'Peanuts'" This pointing and saying 'penis' went on for quite some time, because, wouldn't you know - that was the kitten nobody wanted. It lived with us for another 19 years.

Anyway "Peanut" sounds like a pretty could name for a dachshund.

14975. arkymalarky - 5/16/2005 2:28:08 AM

Ha! What a good story!

That is a really good name, but it's kind of out, being in the local dog/people family and friend pool already (as were a number of other ideas). Mose's friend had gotten a cute little dachshund, and when Mose and I saw her, her friend said "there's one more!" and Mose begged us into it--not a hard thing to do, because I wanted it too. That dog, our dog Diva's sister, is named Peanut. Unfortunately for Mose's friend (nothing to do with its name), it's dumb as dirt, according to the family. Diva evidently got the brains in the litter, at least between the two of them.

I heard a cute dog name on Seinfeld the other day: Snickers. Bob also likes Yoyo, so we would have Mojo and Yoyo--and a Yoyo would be tethered closer to home than Diva was, with hopefully some freedom to go out and about, but a way to rein her back in. I sort of like Pixy, which seems apt for a small dog, and my favorite candy is Pixy Stix.

(Pelle---I was joking!)

14976. Macnas - 5/16/2005 8:58:17 AM

I had a big speil all written about training the dog, but then I thought, "shut up about the dog Macnas"

You have fun with your dog and teach it some basic rules. Thats all that needs said I think.

14977. thoughtful - 5/16/2005 1:49:46 PM

Our area is full of invisible fencing and it really seems to work. but of course it's more expensive than border training the dogs. Old friend of ours had 3 very large and menacing looking shepherds who were border trained and man if they didn't spend their days lying in the front yard with their noses almost touching the road. But they never crossed the line and never bothered anyone...walkers, bikers, whatever.

Other friends lived on 6 acres which bordered a very busy street and they'd lost a number of dogs to the road. Last dog they had was border trained and despite it's love of chasing tennis balls would stand and watch it roll down the drive and across the road without moving a muscle, knowing it was out of bounds.

Don't know the exact technique for doing it, but clearly it's been done.

14978. Magoseph - 5/16/2005 2:33:13 PM

It is done around here since our association strengthened the law about roaming dogs—still, when I walk, I always wonder what’d happen if there was no electricity for a while—would that Doberman lunge at me?

14979. Macnas - 5/16/2005 2:43:55 PM

Boundary training, very tough, depending on the type of dog. Guard/herding dogs learn it better than others, gundogs find it hard to understand why they can't go afollowing that scent or that interesting looking trail.

Mago, I think you're speaking of the electronic/radio fencing. I've seen that at work, very effective. Even if the radio fencing is not turned on, the dog will be more than reluctant to cross the perceived boundary due to past experience.

This, of course, can go very wrong. I know a family who had a border collie. The dog was a bit on the wild side, very active and loved to run everywhere as fast as it could, no relaxing in the creature at all.

The back garden bordered with a field which from time to time had livestock in. They decided that they would not take a chance and installed the radio fencing, put the collar on the dog and let him off.
He ran straight through it, screaming as he was shocked, but made it out the other side on pure speed alone. He was so terrified and confused that he ran away as fast as he could and it took them 3 days to find him.

They decided not to use the radio fencing after that.

14980. Magoseph - 5/16/2005 2:49:28 PM

Even if the radio fencing is not turned on, the dog will be more than reluctant to cross the perceived boundary due to past experience.

Mac, good, I didn't think about that—I won’t worry so much anymore, thanks.

14981. arkymalarky - 5/16/2005 4:37:47 PM

gundogs find it hard to understand why they can't go afollowing that scent or that interesting looking trail.

Exactly. My mistake with Diva was forgetting, over six years, that she was ultimately a hound. Her behavior before running off--consistent as it had been for all that time--was assisted by the fact that whatever she may have been after in the past never crossed the highway or got out of earshot from home.

And Mac, you post away on dogs with whatever strikes your fancy! I love your expertise, especially, since you're familiar with hunting dogs.

14982. Ms. No - 5/16/2005 4:42:16 PM

My Stepdad trained his chocolate Labs to stay in the yard and the male only broke the rule a couple of times that I ever saw. Of course it only takes one time for things to go wrong.

14983. arkymalarky - 5/16/2005 4:46:46 PM

That collie story sounds like a likely scenario for some dogs, including our old lab. I will probably try the wireless fence, but with the size of this dog I think I may just buy her a large, pre-made pen at first and go from there.

The following story may strike you as funny or strike you completely differently, but either way, it's just what happened, and no dogs were killed (I can't say harmed) in the making of this story.

Our lab was very hyper, to put it mildly, long after her puppy days. She was inclined to go off and to chew things up, etc, so we decided the thing to do was use some old electric fence a friend gave us and make her a pen.

Bob and his pal went to work and soon had a fence up and juiced which gave Sasha plenty of room to play, yet kept her away from all the hazards. Unfortunately, they were not electricians, so the fence didn't work consistently. When we'd come home in the afternoon, we'd know it was working, because Sasha would be in the EXACT middle of the yard. When it didn't work, she'd be out of the yard. Before long she was out of it more than she was in it, so the fence came down.

Then came the stray dog--the one in heat. Bob got the brilliant idea to set the fence back up inside the barn to keep any males from getting to her (our lab and dachshund were both spayed females). He set the fence up, started the juice, and before he could turn around Sasha the lab was tangled up in it, Chili the dachshund had bitten it and was squealing--still stuck to the fence wire by her tongue, and the stray dog had gracefully leapt over it.

So much for that idea.

I don't think we have the electric fence any more.

14984. arkymalarky - 5/16/2005 4:47:51 PM

Labs are generally great to train. Unfortunately, Sasha was an idiot. We loved her dearly and she lived over 12 years, but she was an idiot.

14985. Ms. No - 5/16/2005 5:08:27 PM

Ha! I thought it was funny!

Yeah, Drake was a good dog and smart, but stubborn, stubborn, stubborn and he was a bit of a chauvinist, as well, if you heard my mother tell it. I think it was only that he didn't think my mother really meant it when she scolded him so he learned not to take her seriously.

14986. judithathome - 5/16/2005 8:37:23 PM

The guy across the street got one of those invisible fences and his little lab seems to be adapting to it very well. She doesn't come out of the yard, anyhow.

14987. iiibbb - 5/17/2005 1:14:24 PM

Cool site of the day... Cluster Balooning.

14988. Magoseph - 5/17/2005 3:11:48 PM

I could never do something like this, iiibbb--could you?

14989. alistairconnor - 5/17/2005 3:13:33 PM

Mago, did you ever see a book called "Pascal and the red balloon"?

Had it in the 60s... translated from the French... that was what happened at the end, Pascal sailed off around the world with a bunch of balloons.

14990. Magoseph - 5/17/2005 3:58:04 PM

II didn't know anything about it, Ali, but I found the video here long ago in some school material, but I don't remember where the school was, though.

14991. Ms. No - 5/17/2005 8:56:28 PM

That was one of my favorite books as a child, but it made me cry every time I read it. Somehow the magical trip with the balloon hoardes at the end never compensated for the death of a loyal friend.

14992. iiibbb - 5/17/2005 9:03:15 PM

Message # 14988

I'm not sure I could devote the funds to soemthing like that. I'm not scared of heights. I think it'd be fun... but maybe with the hot-air variety rather than this.

I've always wanted to try hang-gliding or para-gliding... but it's one of those things I may never get a shot at. I have a friend who's a hang-glider pilot and hung around a few for a month or two when I lived elsewhere. It was pretty cool. We went to an overlook once to watch them launch. It was a really windy day... only 2 guys took the plunge and they didn't stay up long. It was wierd for someone to be standing there, and then not... especially for me who's used to rappelling, but nothing like this.

Apparently you can get into the sport for about $5K... so it's not cheap. It's more the time investment. You have to fly alot to stay good.

If I got a slug of money I'd probably explore the race driving stuff more deeply.

14993. arkymalarky - 5/17/2005 9:22:24 PM

Hello all.

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