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15029. jexster - 5/18/2005 9:40:34 PM

Ooops..misinformed..I will only lose Krugman (I love him but 50 bucks a year to get him?). I could give a rat's ass for what Tiny Tim Freidman or Brooks think, say or do.

Still, this practice needs to be nipped in the bud before it spreads like a nasty tumor

    NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 16, 2005--The New York Times announced today a new online offering called TimesSelect, which for a modest(!!!!) fee will provide exclusive access to Op-Ed and news columnists on NYTimes.com, easy and in-depth access to The Times's online archives, early access to select articles on the site, as well as other exciting features (better be VERY exciting for 50 bucks!)

email the The Public Editor

15030. jexster - 5/18/2005 9:51:05 PM

Boy what a sad comment on the state of journalism in AmeriKa

I love Ace

I want him

Now more than ever

Anyone have his home contact info?

15031. judithathome - 5/18/2005 10:23:50 PM

Heh...not even the little hottie Blogsphere (or whatever it's called) reporters on CNN could get that info out of him.

15032. thoughtful - 5/18/2005 11:33:01 PM

good for Ace! and they say cnn has such a liberal bias...to highlight a guy like ace? they're getting more rw all the time!

15033. arkymalarky - 5/19/2005 12:12:18 AM

One of their main news anchors is dating Rush Limbaugh.

I pretty much quit watching CNN.

15034. judithathome - 5/19/2005 12:42:49 AM

I may.

15035. Macnas - 5/19/2005 8:07:46 AM

Fair dues to Ace!

15036. Macnas - 5/19/2005 8:12:50 AM

I had to pass a picket this morning, unofficial and all that but still, made me squirm a bit.

If I can find out what it's all about I may not pass it tomorrow.

15037. alistairconnor - 5/19/2005 10:14:24 AM

That's distressing, did they not make it clear what the matter was?

15038. Macnas - 5/19/2005 10:46:57 AM

No, it was pure wildcat. I've only found out in the last half hour what the main issues are.

Without proper consultation, certain factions of manufacturing management decided to place video cameras in the working area, to monitor all aspects of the operations.

The unionised workers went to the managing director, to try and get some clarification and discussion going on what they see, and rightly in my view, as a gross imposition that is intrusive and demeaning.

The MD, a man just a few weeks in the job, decided to come the hard man act, and told the union reps to talk to HR if they had an issue, that he wasn't going to debate with them on it, and threw in a "who's running this place, you or me?", just for pig iron.

A meeting was called last night and it was voted to agreement to picket the plant this morning. It is very opportune as there are some high level senior managers and VP's due on site today, as well as a bunch of outside auditors. And there is a deadline for an important manufacturing target due tomorrow.

Couldn't have timed it better. There have been thorny issues in the past here, but it has never came to the point of strike. It goes to show what lack of debate, poor communication and lack of regard (if not outright contempt) will get you.

15039. alistairconnor - 5/19/2005 11:09:50 AM

Yeah just go talk to HR, you little cog.

The very name, "human resources", is demeaning in itself.

The guy ought to work out that it doesn't necessarily cost any more if he pretends to behave like a human being.

15040. Macnas - 5/19/2005 12:46:20 PM

While it is awkward, to say the least, I hope the new MD will learn from this dispute.

As you say, he could pretend to listen, at the very least. It is highly embarrassing for him for this to happen in front of his own boss, and his boss's boss.

I'm not unionised myself, which makes it a bit of a crisis of conscience for me. I agree with the essence of the dispute, but do not want to make my working life any harder than what it already is. The flip side of the coin is, the unions would not walk out in support for me if I got laid off because of supporting them.

Difficult times ahead.

15041. thoughtful - 5/19/2005 1:57:08 PM

clearly when an issue like that arises, it's a management failure. I've seen too many instances of mgmt insensitivity to workers' needs. Some of it unintentional, some of it is just callousness. A lot of it is incompetent insecure mgrs who always find it easier to blame the underlings for their problems rather than fix the systems and processes that lead to the bad result. The latter requires them to take responsibility and action for the things that are directly under their control.

15042. iiibbb - 5/19/2005 4:19:53 PM

Well... looks like I've very close to getting another manuscript published. This is the 3rd from the dissertation. The 2nd one is still tied up in a vicious cylce of crappy editor/crappy review/procrastinating co-author.

#3 got turned in a good 8 months after #2 and it looks like it's going to get published first. It is annoying because #2 really lays some groundwork that it would be nice just to cite it, instead of having to add that stuff into #3. I don't care... "Do whatever they tell you to and just get it published" is what my mentor says. Sage advice.

This is the rub... the 2 papers are similar... they use the same method that I made up... they cover similar topics. I think #2 is actually superior to #3. #2 is getting shit on pretty bad, but this is the comment from the review of #3

"It is not very often that I read about studies of forest site preparation and growth response that I am both surprised by the results and impressed by use of a novel approach. I was with this manuscript. While I can see how some reviewers might argue with specific aspects of the methodology or interpretations in an effort to reconcile the authors’ results with their own understanding of soil disturbance, this temptation should be avoided. On
balance, it was a well-executed study and well-written manuscript."

This is pretty much the antithesis of the comments I've been getting from the other paper. My former major prof pisses me off because he insists on seeing everything before it goes out, but then holds it for a disproportionate amount of time considering the quality of comments I get back from him.

/rant off

I will calm down once these 2 papers finally get a volume and page numbers associated with them. Then I will have something to show for myself. You ain't no-one until you publish something significant. These papers are pretty significant.

It was nice to read that review though. A little validation after all the shit from paper #2 is helpful to my mood.

15043. thoughtful - 5/19/2005 4:24:47 PM

Good for you isbs!

Remember, Fed Ex founder Fred Smith submitted his idea for Fed Ex in a college paper on which he got a C and a remark from the prof that it will never work.

15044. thoughtful - 5/19/2005 5:23:32 PM

girlfriend is getting married for the 2nd time and they are holding a 'hawaiian' wedding...we're asked to wear hawaiian clothing. fortunately I still have my genuine made in hawaii muumuu, and hubby has a matching aloha shirt. Pretty fabric...royal blue background with white hibiscus all over.

But, I have no idea what to get for a wedding present. They are combining households, both have grown children, so I'm just not sure what they would appreciate. I'm open to suggestions....

15045. judithathome - 5/19/2005 8:48:43 PM

Wine rack and corkscrew; something with their
i new
initials on it...like a monogramed corkscrew. Heh.

15046. iiibbb - 5/19/2005 9:13:53 PM

- Tivo
- Fat Lowes or Home Depot gift certificate
- A weekend at a bed and breakfast...


15047. iiibbb - 5/19/2005 9:14:39 PM


Some friends of mine had a wedding once and made the mistake of saying explicitly they didn't want a toaster.

They got about a dozen.

15048. thoughtful - 5/19/2005 9:21:02 PM


figures people would get what they don't want.

I was actually thinking of a nice set of crystal wine goblets...the initialed corkscrew would be a nice touch.

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