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15130. jayackroyd - 5/25/2005 3:08:14 PM

Things illegal in Arkansas:

he Arkansas River can rise no higher than to the Main Street bridge in Little Rock.

A law provides that school teachers who bob their hair will not get a raise.

A man can legally beat his wife, but not more than once a month.

Oral sex is considered to be sodomy.

Alligators may not be kept in bathtubs.

15131. arkymalarky - 5/25/2005 3:20:00 PM

Boy, do I know a lot of criminals.

15132. arkymalarky - 5/25/2005 3:20:31 PM

But I would never bob my hair.

15133. Magoseph - 5/25/2005 3:26:55 PM

Arky, how about letting Bob name the puppy?

15134. PelleNilsson - 5/25/2005 4:01:50 PM

arky of yore:

15135. Macnas - 5/25/2005 4:13:46 PM

You just don't see that style anymore.

15136. Hobbes - 5/25/2005 4:18:13 PM

Someone said it was because they reached a preset posting limit and the sysop was sleeping in

He should give us his pager number.

15137. jayackroyd - 5/25/2005 4:38:19 PM

which is precisely why he won't.

When I was hosting the mote, there was one user who took on the job (unasked) of calling my office (immediately) with reports of any service interruptions. Those calls were fortunately not frequent enough to constitute an actual nuisance, but they did become a source of sarcastic commentary.

15138. arkymalarky - 5/25/2005 5:15:45 PM

Mags--that's what I'm supposed to be doing. We agreed at the outset that he would pick the name. He's really liked one name--Yoyo--which is OK, but.... (ha). I said if we name her that, her full name will be YoYo Ma Barker. We'll come up with one--we're both just being silly at the moment, but we're giving her a day or two to see which one seems to fit. Although, YoYo may well end up being it.

BTW, she slept soundly until 3 am, which was the end of that. She and Mojo played some this morning, and I think they're going to do well.


That does sort of look like me when I get up in the morning--without the makeup, unless it's after an unusually exciting evening.

15139. wonkers2 - 5/25/2005 5:19:27 PM

Mago, Our internet connection was down for 10 days until we finally figured out we needed a new modem and waited for it to arrive. But I have been busy--sailing season has started and the Cap'n's first race was last Saturday.

15140. wabbit - 5/25/2005 6:21:05 PM

I always try to avoid giving animals names that rhyme with a common command, like *no*. They don't always differenciate and it gets too confusing.

Of course, my furpeople end up with names like Woobus, Oohpah and Keevan, so perhaps I should stay out of this!

15141. Ms. No - 5/25/2005 6:33:35 PM

Apparently my shack has a tenant....well, at least in the front yard. The construction crew has noticed that their work is often observed by a rather large groundhog they've christened Mr. Fatty. I keep waiting for his progress report.

15142. arkymalarky - 5/25/2005 6:35:12 PM

That's a good idea, and I love the names. Too late for Mojo! But I love her name. Bob's "no" is always a loud "EH" (I guess that's how you spell it). Mine with Mojo is usually an involuntary reaction to her attempts to tackle me involving running, screaming, and flailing. Needless to say, that just eggs her on. But then she got here as a 50+ pound dog with a torn-off tail, so we've done more reacting than molding. I told Bob I thought Mojo and Yoyo sounded too similar.

I've had Molly, Doobie, and Chili (I didn't name Diva)--that doesn't count cats and other animals or family pets or strays, just my dogs. I like names that are really easy to say fast and to make up silly rhymes with (and evidently those ending in the long e sound). Doby just didn't quite sit with me. We're leaning toward Mazie, which is actually partly because of Judith. I was sharing the names in here with Bob and he asked if I remembered the Canadian women who were on our tour bus when we went to Europe years ago--Judith and Mazie.

15143. jayackroyd - 5/25/2005 6:36:42 PM

rather large groundhog

Do they come in some other size?

15144. arkymalarky - 5/25/2005 6:37:43 PM

Oh how cute, MsNo!

15145. Ms. No - 5/25/2005 6:44:41 PM


I think they all look chubby, but apparently Mr. Fatty exceeds even generous proportions.

There are also some cats --- a mother and two babies. I hope they manage to catch the mother and get her spayed, but having the cats around is good since they'll keep vermin and snakes out of the place while it's under reconstruction.

I think mine is the only house in the neighborhood with a feral cat security detail.

15148. Magoseph - 5/25/2005 8:54:41 PM

Sorry, I had to delete a post and ended up deleting ont of mine too.

15149. judithathome - 5/25/2005 8:56:30 PM

I like Mazie...it goes so well with Mojo.

Mojo and Mazie, sittin' in a tree...

Drivin' Arky & Bob C. R. A. Zee E. E. E.

15150. alistairConnor - 5/25/2005 10:01:46 PM

ooh, so there's actual construction underway, Nyetskaya?

Any photos coming?

15151. arkymalarky - 5/25/2005 10:44:49 PM

Hahaha. That's probably about right, Judith. We just have to get Bob mentally past my Bro having a dog named Macy, which I just learned. I'm in the process of convincing Bob it doesn't matter. The two dogs will likely never lay eyes on eachother.

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