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15142. arkymalarky - 5/25/2005 6:35:12 PM

That's a good idea, and I love the names. Too late for Mojo! But I love her name. Bob's "no" is always a loud "EH" (I guess that's how you spell it). Mine with Mojo is usually an involuntary reaction to her attempts to tackle me involving running, screaming, and flailing. Needless to say, that just eggs her on. But then she got here as a 50+ pound dog with a torn-off tail, so we've done more reacting than molding. I told Bob I thought Mojo and Yoyo sounded too similar.

I've had Molly, Doobie, and Chili (I didn't name Diva)--that doesn't count cats and other animals or family pets or strays, just my dogs. I like names that are really easy to say fast and to make up silly rhymes with (and evidently those ending in the long e sound). Doby just didn't quite sit with me. We're leaning toward Mazie, which is actually partly because of Judith. I was sharing the names in here with Bob and he asked if I remembered the Canadian women who were on our tour bus when we went to Europe years ago--Judith and Mazie.

15143. jayackroyd - 5/25/2005 6:36:42 PM

rather large groundhog

Do they come in some other size?

15144. arkymalarky - 5/25/2005 6:37:43 PM

Oh how cute, MsNo!

15145. Ms. No - 5/25/2005 6:44:41 PM


I think they all look chubby, but apparently Mr. Fatty exceeds even generous proportions.

There are also some cats --- a mother and two babies. I hope they manage to catch the mother and get her spayed, but having the cats around is good since they'll keep vermin and snakes out of the place while it's under reconstruction.

I think mine is the only house in the neighborhood with a feral cat security detail.

15148. Magoseph - 5/25/2005 8:54:41 PM

Sorry, I had to delete a post and ended up deleting ont of mine too.

15149. judithathome - 5/25/2005 8:56:30 PM

I like Mazie...it goes so well with Mojo.

Mojo and Mazie, sittin' in a tree...

Drivin' Arky & Bob C. R. A. Zee E. E. E.

15150. alistairConnor - 5/25/2005 10:01:46 PM

ooh, so there's actual construction underway, Nyetskaya?

Any photos coming?

15151. arkymalarky - 5/25/2005 10:44:49 PM

Hahaha. That's probably about right, Judith. We just have to get Bob mentally past my Bro having a dog named Macy, which I just learned. I'm in the process of convincing Bob it doesn't matter. The two dogs will likely never lay eyes on eachother.

15152. Ms. No - 5/25/2005 11:13:53 PM


Right now there's demolition happening. They've gotten the 8 layers of roofing shingles off and layed the....crap, I can't remember what the stuff is called but it's a self-sealing roof cover that will last up to two years of winter. We'll put the roof on long before that, but while the weight is off the house they're going to jack up the house in order to pour a concrete foundation underneath.

Once the foundation is poured and the back corner of the house is brought level then they'll finish the interior demolition of the lathe and plaster.

I've been promised pictures of the progress so far, but I'm not holding my breath since it requires my dad getting the film developed and then emailing me the pics from the disk.

Talked with a neighbor yesterday who was practically giddy over the exterior work that's going on. This is primarily cutting down rampant plant overgrowth and clearing out some tree stumps, but it apparently makes a big difference when you're driving through the neighborhood. Whit said that he'd completely forgotten the house was there and nobody really thought about it much since there's other construction going on.

The really cool thing is how familial the entire project is. Whit's the guy I originally bought the place from and he's building new houses in the neighborhood. His web designer contacted me and asked if they can put up pictures of my house or link to my site because we're all in the same Chicken Hill district. The guy handling the reconstruction loan is a long-time friend of my dad's and his father insisted on doing all the electrics. Titus just retired after some 50 years as a licensed electrician and we had to threaten not to let him do the job if he wouldn't let us pay him for his work. I get random emails from people I've only met once or twice asking me when I'm coming out to see the place, when I'm moving to Asheville, when it'll be done and they can see it. Or telling me they've driven by and seen what's going on. It's like the entire community is supporting the reconstruction of the Hen House.

Whit says he'll send me some pics from his digital camera so I'll likely see those before the ones my dad and his crew are taking.

15153. thoughtful - 5/25/2005 11:19:14 PM

cool but what a lot of work! Yikes!

Arky, if you don't want to go with mazie, how about molly? don't know why but mojo and molly is cute and it reminds me of good golly miss molly....and i have a sneaking suspicion bob doesn't know anyone named molly!

15154. Ms. No - 5/25/2005 11:37:37 PM

Yeah, it's a lot of work but we should be mostly done by the end of October --- it depends a bit on how much other work my dad has. Summer is his busiest time and winter is pretty dead so most likely he'll be doing interior carpentry like cupboards and countertops and bathroom tiling then if his schedule delays him over the summer and fall.

15155. arkymalarky - 5/26/2005 1:24:14 AM

Ha! But Thoughtful, *I* used to have a dog named Molly! Molly Bloom. She was a sweetie--a literal pound puppy who survived distemper with some nerve damage. My family also used to have a beagle named Blossom, and I loved that name--it was well before the sit-com, though.

15156. arkymalarky - 5/26/2005 1:25:36 AM

That's really exciting, MsNo, and just too neat how everyone is so involved.

15157. Magoseph - 5/26/2005 1:34:29 AM

I think you should call her Motie, Arky.

15158. judithathome - 5/26/2005 1:43:23 AM

I think Bob might have a cow if she did that, Mags!

15159. Macnas - 5/26/2005 8:15:50 AM

You could call her Madra, pronounced "mod-dra".

15160. Macnas - 5/26/2005 8:16:17 AM

Or maybe Biddy.

15161. thoughtful - 5/26/2005 1:28:53 PM

Oops Arky, I missed that.

15162. Magoseph - 5/26/2005 2:49:39 PM

Ms. No, is there a chance that we can see the house pictures on Whit’s site?

15163. Ms. No - 5/26/2005 5:18:52 PM

I don't think they've got any pictures of the Hen House up on their site yet. I've only got the old pictures --- the first ones we ever took before any demolition or clearing away of debris.

I've been lame about re-doing the site I started too. I mean, so long as we weren't doing anything with the place it just didn't motivate me to resize the picture files and fix margins etc. Now that the work has started, though, I need to get off my ass and get the site fixed.

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