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15178. Magoseph - 5/26/2005 8:50:05 PM

15179. Magoseph - 5/26/2005 8:53:10 PM

Self portrait of Miss Ida Jolly Crawley, artist and world traveler who opened the house as a museum.

15180. Ms. No - 5/26/2005 9:08:56 PM


Yes, it's One Park, we've always called it the Red House though or Red Roof. I never knew the address until the website went up.

15181. thoughtful - 5/26/2005 9:24:11 PM

Mags, all of that ornate woodwork and dim lighting reminds me of a number of victorian mansions I've been to. I associate italianate with more stone and plaster work.

Here for example is the hallway from Mark Twain's house in Hartford...very victorian.

Pardon my messing up the margins, but I did want you to be able to read the description.

15182. thoughtful - 5/26/2005 9:29:30 PM

When I think Italianate, I think the Breakers in Newport RI

Lots of stone, marble, archways and columns

15183. Magoseph - 5/26/2005 9:38:28 PM

Far too much wood they used in those days, probably the only material easy to get at the time. Around here, there are houses whose owners imported wood workers from Europe and repatriated them. They are mostly on the larger lake in the area and many are still owned by the descendents of the Chicago elite. Every year you can visit them and admire the furnishings on a tour that is hugely successful. Most have much of the wood on walls taken out over the years. Some are quite beautiful and their winter gardens are showpieces of art and plants.

15184. Magoseph - 5/26/2005 9:39:02 PM


15185. Magoseph - 5/26/2005 9:40:23 PM

Thank you for the link about Eastlake, Judith.

15186. thoughtful - 5/26/2005 9:43:50 PM

My tastes are truly eclectic. There are some aspects of almost all designs that I enjoy. Yet, if it's too much of any single design, I find it overpowering and don't like it. For example, I love the shape of the gothic arch, but to surround myself with all that stonework and huge heavy wooden furniture...nuh uh...and you can keep the suits of armor.

There are some wonderful shapes out of art deco that are just gravity-defying and ever so sleek and graceful. But give me a hollywood glam art deco room and blech.

About the only style I really can't abide is the overdone american country with the chickens and watering cans. Yuck!

15187. Magoseph - 5/26/2005 10:15:55 PM

I like simple and clear lines myself in everything. Flexy likes to look at the new subdivisions in our area and I can't believe the horrors of architecture he imposes on me. It’s amazing that so much money is spent on them with so much excreable taste.

Gosh, Flexy just shouted: "Do you realize that Monday is Memorial Day? No, I didn't, goodness, I better get a grocery list ready for him. Have you got any plans for this weekend?

15188. Ms. No - 5/26/2005 11:17:04 PM

The man who built what's now called Hanger Hall owned a saw mill so that's why there's so much wood. Also, Biltmore Village is only about 20 minutes away. The town was created to house the European craftsmen Vanderbilt imported to construct the Biltmore house and most of them stayed in the area even after construction was complete. You can see the products of their labors all over the area and the artisan tradition is still very strong.

15189. Magoseph - 5/26/2005 11:26:08 PM

I enjoyed the site, Ms. No, and particularly the history of the area. It must be lovely to live there.

15190. Ms. No - 5/26/2005 11:33:21 PM

Well, I've never lived there as an adult for more than a week at a time, but it certainly is beautiful and it's a wonderful city to visit. I'll likely live there at some point, but I don't know that it will be soon. I'm planning to rent the house for at least a year once we get it finished. It may turn out that it's better for me economically to lease it to someone else than to live in it myself for awhile. It's all kind of up in the air right now.

15191. Magoseph - 5/26/2005 11:48:24 PM

I just wonder about all the interest the locals have in your house and whether or not it may incite you to invest more than you planned. It looks to me that you may make quite a bit of money eventually were you to sell it since there’s definitely a market for retired people who want to live in a place where there’s some culture and a nice way of life.

15192. Magoseph - 5/26/2005 11:48:57 PM

And, of course, a nice climate, too.

15193. Ms. No - 5/27/2005 12:09:34 AM

Well, I've got a set amount of money I can spend so we have to get everything done for that amount --- keeps one from going wild with gold-plated toilets and the like. ;->

When finished I could make a good profit if I turned around and sold it, but I'd rather use the equity to buy another property and turn that one around for sale. We've talked about leaving room to install an elevator in the Hen House so that it's elderly accessible --- in the great misty future I plan to grow very old on the porch and yell at the neighbor kids to keep off my grass.

15194. judithathome - 5/27/2005 12:23:00 AM

Actually, Twain's house had a lot of Eastlake influence in it. I saw a PBS program on it once and they mentioned Eastlake.

15195. judithathome - 5/27/2005 12:24:44 AM

I'm rather "into" Eastlake because it is so close in nature to Arts & Crafts period. And because we have two Eastlake chairs.

In the A&C period, I love all the Stickley furniture...we have one of his chairs, too. ;-)

15196. arkymalarky - 5/27/2005 12:47:09 AM

What a great neighborhood. Your project looks like it's going to be great fun, start to finish.

15197. arkymalarky - 5/27/2005 12:52:15 AM

Thanks for the name suggestions, guys!

I would love to give the puppy a Mote-related name. I've thrown some Mote variations at Bob, and while he likes you all as individuals.... ;-)

I think Mazie is it, but to be sure, we're trying out the top two or three (with ourselves--not to confuse the poor dog) and agreed to pick a name by this weekend. The Seinfeld dog name show came on this afternoon, and the dog's name was Smuckers, not Snickers. I like both, but Bob thinks they're too cutsie.

And we all know a wiggly little two-pound dog that looks like a baby weasel shouldn't have a cutsie name.

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