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15631. Ms. No - 6/25/2005 5:14:57 PM

Anybody here use Vonage for phone service? Everything looks good to me about it but I'm curious about sales calls since Vonage isn't really a telephone company. If you list your number on the Do Not Call list, but then switch to Vonage service, are you technically not a phone anymore and therefore open to sales calls?

Posting over in Technical as well, just in case.

15632. arkymalarky - 6/25/2005 6:30:50 PM

Interesting question. Some are beginning to try to get around the Do Not Call, and I got a very annoying call as a follow-up to a "survey" I stupidly participated in a few days before, telling me I'd won my choice of two or three lame prizes and a trip. They just wanted to come by to hand deliver my "prize" and ask my opinion about a Hilo product demonstration. When I said I wouldn't do that, they hung up on me. I should have called and reported them, but didn't take the time to.

15633. arkymalarky - 6/25/2005 6:37:05 PM

We've had bluebirds nest in our martin house, but I don't know if there have been any birds there in a while. We need to clean it out.

As predicted, Mojo got hold of the swift fledgling (either there was only one, or the others got away, or she ate them when we weren't looking) and bit its tail off. We have it in Mazie's kennel in the living room, but I don't think it's going to make it, and I guess it could never fly if it did. At least Mojo won't be traumatizing it. I'm open to any advice wrt what to do about it (other than Bob's "what did you do that for? You just made it worse"). I heard commotion on the porch last night as Mojo dived for the bird (she'd been watching them for a while, evidently, waiting for the moment). I walked around the porch and finally saw Mojo at the back of the house (the nest is in front), sitting on the fledgling like Lenny trying to hide the puppy in Of Mice and Men.

15634. Magoseph - 6/25/2005 10:20:03 PM

Here, I found the following advice, Arky:

For those of you who come across baby birds that have fallen from their nests and fear for the baby's life, I have an answer. We all know it's best to leave fledglings alone (as their parents will tend to them on the ground, eventually), but if you have cats or other predatory or curious pets around, the baby birds will be in danger. The answer? Save old birds' nests that you've found and place the fledgling in the nest out of harm's way. It's best if you can find the tree you think the baby fell out of. If you don't have an old nest, try a brown paper sack, sandwich-sized, filled with dry material. Then sit back and wait for the parents to return knowing you've done the most you could with the least interference your heart and conscience would allow.

15635. Magoseph - 6/26/2005 12:43:32 PM

Hello, wonk--Arky, what's up with the fledgling?

15636. arkymalarky - 6/26/2005 4:09:34 PM

Thanks Mags.

I couldn't get in to post yesterday afternoon for some reason, but the bird died not too long after I posted. She had an injury between her chest and wing that I hadn't seen, in addition to having only one feather left in her tail.

15637. arkymalarky - 6/26/2005 4:11:47 PM

That's excellent advice for later, since we always have nests around, and I will also follow Bob's advice to get rid of the nest right when we see birds making it if it's where Mojo hangs out. There are plenty of safe places, since we have a big yard, but anywhere close to the house or on or around the porches, is a bad location for a bird nest.

15638. arkymalarky - 6/26/2005 4:13:11 PM

Sasha and Diva would eat baby birds if they could get them, but they didn't lie in wait for them like Mojo does, and they weren't as quick as Mojo.

15639. thoughtful - 6/26/2005 6:24:07 PM

I'm no expert on birds, but i believe there are birds that will only steal other bird nests, so i can imagine there would be birds that would make use of a vacant nest if it's the right size and shape. Birds tend to be very fussy about such things.

One of the amazing bird nests are those of the baltimore oriole...they weave together a nest so strong that they actually hang, suspended by a branch. Yet they when you touch them, they are quite soft. Very amazing pouches for the nestlings.

15640. judithathome - 6/26/2005 8:23:29 PM

We see out little jay around here every day.

Sorry about your little bird, Arky, but at least you tried.

15641. arkymalarky - 6/26/2005 10:16:52 PM

Thanks Judith. I figured that would be the outcome, but was afraid it would be more drawn out and due to my incompetence rather than its injuries. It's surprising the bird lived as long as it did. That's great about the bluejay.

15642. judithathome - 6/26/2005 11:30:47 PM

Hey, just dropped a line to Seadate and he may be able to come up there at the end of July!

15643. arkymalarky - 6/27/2005 3:15:54 AM

Oh man, that would be so great!

15644. Magoseph - 6/27/2005 9:18:27 AM

How was the "fête de la transhumance', Ali? Did you take some pictures?

15645. judithathome - 6/27/2005 10:33:39 PM

I had shocking and distressing news today; the man at whose house I broke my leg died yesterday at brunch. He was there with friends and just keeled over...wasn't even 50 years old.

He was such a beautiful and generous soul...it's just not real to me that this happened.

15646. arkymalarky - 6/27/2005 11:56:17 PM

Oh my. I'm so sorry, Judith.

15647. Magoseph - 6/28/2005 11:38:31 AM

I'm sorry too, Judith. I know how good a friend he was to you and Keoni. This is a man who'll be missed by many.

15648. thoughtful - 6/28/2005 4:08:23 PM

Oh dear. What a terrible shock. I'm so sorry to hear this.

15649. judithathome - 6/28/2005 4:29:59 PM

Well, hate to play Debbie Downer here but yesterday held another bit of bad news...my son called last night and told me he'd had a mild little stroke Sunday and was at the hospital all day yesterday having tests run. He didn't call anyone because he didn't "want us to worry".

Needless to say, when he hung up the phone last night, he realized he'd better not make that mistake again.

He has a little slur to his speech and said one leg feels weird but other than that, he's okay. Not so sure about his mom.

15650. Ms. No - 6/28/2005 4:52:09 PM

What a perfectly horrible Monday, Judith. I'm so sorry to hear about your friend and I'll keep your son in my good wishes.

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