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15648. thoughtful - 6/28/2005 4:08:23 PM

Oh dear. What a terrible shock. I'm so sorry to hear this.

15649. judithathome - 6/28/2005 4:29:59 PM

Well, hate to play Debbie Downer here but yesterday held another bit of bad news...my son called last night and told me he'd had a mild little stroke Sunday and was at the hospital all day yesterday having tests run. He didn't call anyone because he didn't "want us to worry".

Needless to say, when he hung up the phone last night, he realized he'd better not make that mistake again.

He has a little slur to his speech and said one leg feels weird but other than that, he's okay. Not so sure about his mom.

15650. Ms. No - 6/28/2005 4:52:09 PM

What a perfectly horrible Monday, Judith. I'm so sorry to hear about your friend and I'll keep your son in my good wishes.

15651. thoughtful - 6/28/2005 4:53:52 PM

Oh man, that's awful. Do they have any idea what caused it? Does he have high bp? Very scary stuff. I'm glad he's basically ok. I trust they're doing something for him like blood thinners or whatever as a preventative...

15652. arkymalarky - 6/28/2005 5:25:58 PM

Goodness, Judith. What a week for you--and it's only Tuesday. Bob and I will be thinking of you all and hoping things go well from here with your son.

15653. wonkers2 - 6/28/2005 5:37:31 PM

Sorry to hear about your son, Judith. A close friend had a similar experience recently. Now he's own Plavix (blood thinner)Lipotor, blood pressure medication and a low-fat diet. He woke up on a Sunday morning with his left foot not under complete control, spent Sunday night in the hospital and was okay and released on Monday with a diagnosis of a slight stroke. Many tests followed and the recommended treatment program.

15654. alistairConnor - 6/28/2005 6:03:40 PM

Ah the week from hell Judith... best wishes for prompt recovery for your son.

15655. alistairConnor - 6/28/2005 6:04:52 PM

Yes Mago, I've got some pictures from the weekend... think I'll post them in Escapes.

15656. thoughtful - 6/28/2005 6:57:05 PM

J@h, my brother had his stroke in March and no one but his wife knew about it until June...just a few days before he was heading in for his surgery. He refused to let her tell anyone. She finally put her foot down and said, I'm not going to be the one left to tell your mother you died on the operating table when she didn't even know you were having surgery! You're telling her now!

We were all quite stunned.

15657. Magoseph - 6/28/2005 9:14:03 PM

Judith, how is your son now?

15658. judithathome - 6/28/2005 9:56:19 PM

He's doing fine...he's had these before.

He's on blood pressure meds and doesn't smoke or drink and is not overweight. His job is stressful but he's in pretty good shape except for that little run of Periphial Neuropathy a few months ago. And they think that is caused by damage from the chemotherapy drugs he had years ago.

I'm wondering if that might be a contributor to his penchant for stroke, too. I'm going to have him call his pediactric oncologist and ask her if she has any ideas if that could be causing it. She had so few patients who survived, she might be happy just to hear from him.

15659. thoughtful - 6/29/2005 1:28:57 PM

Good idea...the more input you have on his unique medical situation, the better.

So glad he's doing ok!

15660. Magoseph - 6/30/2005 2:10:14 PM

92 degrees and 87% humidity is pretty bad, so as much as I like to smell the summer, I have all windows shut now and the air-conditioning going full blast. Maybe, I'll be able to do something useful around here today.

15661. Ms. No - 6/30/2005 5:38:44 PM

Got a call from my brother this morning and there's possibly some big changes on the horizon. His company is considering him for a job at their national headquarters in Denver, CO. It would be a really great move for him both job-wise and location-wise so 99% of me is crossing my fingers and toes that he gets it and they give him a good moving package....and that his ex agrees to either re-locate or be reasonable about custody of their son.

But, man, that 1% of me is just in a panic that they might move so far away!!

So, please ignore my 1% and add your good wishes for his promotion.

15662. jayackroyd - 6/30/2005 5:49:53 PM


I did make some vonage comments in tech.

15663. Ms. No - 6/30/2005 5:50:14 PM

Cool, thanks I'll go check them out.

15664. Magoseph - 6/30/2005 6:39:33 PM

Ms. No, I'm hoping that everything will go well for your brother--as for you, think about going there and skiing maybe?

15665. Ms. No - 6/30/2005 8:13:03 PM

I don't ski, but I'll definitely visit them there. I've never been to Colorado, but I hear Denver's nice even if it is a Red State. ;->

I really want him to get the job and a good package and for things to go smoothly with custody etc., but if it does then I know they'll be leaving within the next couple months and I'm so not ready for it.

The boys are going to grow so fast when I'm not seeing them regularly and I'll miss meeting up with my brother for movies and coffee. At least if the Squirrel's mom doesn't re-locate he'll be out here in the summers and I'll get time with him then, but I'll miss out on the baby's firsts and he won't really know me like his big brother does.

Gah! Look at me, I'm a mess already and they haven't even made him an offer.

15666. thoughtful - 6/30/2005 8:47:06 PM

Denver...eh. Boulder much more interesting. Fortunately, they're not far apart.

And we sure enjoyed hiking the rockies last year...went in June and it was lovely.

Boulder heart of liberalism...few miles south in co. springs, home of the air force academy...heart of far rw radicals. Interesting contrast.

15667. arkymalarky - 6/30/2005 10:03:20 PM

You took the words right out of my mouth, Thoughtful. I don't care for Denver at all, but it's a small city and so close to such a lot of GREAT stuff, that I think your brother would love it, MsNo.

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