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15660. Magoseph - 6/30/2005 2:10:14 PM

92 degrees and 87% humidity is pretty bad, so as much as I like to smell the summer, I have all windows shut now and the air-conditioning going full blast. Maybe, I'll be able to do something useful around here today.

15661. Ms. No - 6/30/2005 5:38:44 PM

Got a call from my brother this morning and there's possibly some big changes on the horizon. His company is considering him for a job at their national headquarters in Denver, CO. It would be a really great move for him both job-wise and location-wise so 99% of me is crossing my fingers and toes that he gets it and they give him a good moving package....and that his ex agrees to either re-locate or be reasonable about custody of their son.

But, man, that 1% of me is just in a panic that they might move so far away!!

So, please ignore my 1% and add your good wishes for his promotion.

15662. jayackroyd - 6/30/2005 5:49:53 PM


I did make some vonage comments in tech.

15663. Ms. No - 6/30/2005 5:50:14 PM

Cool, thanks I'll go check them out.

15664. Magoseph - 6/30/2005 6:39:33 PM

Ms. No, I'm hoping that everything will go well for your brother--as for you, think about going there and skiing maybe?

15665. Ms. No - 6/30/2005 8:13:03 PM

I don't ski, but I'll definitely visit them there. I've never been to Colorado, but I hear Denver's nice even if it is a Red State. ;->

I really want him to get the job and a good package and for things to go smoothly with custody etc., but if it does then I know they'll be leaving within the next couple months and I'm so not ready for it.

The boys are going to grow so fast when I'm not seeing them regularly and I'll miss meeting up with my brother for movies and coffee. At least if the Squirrel's mom doesn't re-locate he'll be out here in the summers and I'll get time with him then, but I'll miss out on the baby's firsts and he won't really know me like his big brother does.

Gah! Look at me, I'm a mess already and they haven't even made him an offer.

15666. thoughtful - 6/30/2005 8:47:06 PM

Denver...eh. Boulder much more interesting. Fortunately, they're not far apart.

And we sure enjoyed hiking the rockies last year...went in June and it was lovely.

Boulder heart of liberalism...few miles south in co. springs, home of the air force academy...heart of far rw radicals. Interesting contrast.

15667. arkymalarky - 6/30/2005 10:03:20 PM

You took the words right out of my mouth, Thoughtful. I don't care for Denver at all, but it's a small city and so close to such a lot of GREAT stuff, that I think your brother would love it, MsNo.

15668. Ms. No - 6/30/2005 10:25:58 PM

I'd always heard that Boulder was so far left as to be bordering on fascism.....of course, that may only be compared to the rest of the state.

15669. robertjayb - 6/30/2005 10:31:28 PM

WRT internet telephony: Slate has a feature comparing various services. Here.

15670. Ms. No - 6/30/2005 11:17:01 PM


15671. arkymalarky - 7/1/2005 2:44:51 AM

Boulder's a great place to visit, but I wouldn't want to (and couldn't afford to) live there. The small town of Nederland, however, is one of the few places I've been that I think I'd love to live in.

15672. arkymalarky - 7/1/2005 2:45:49 AM

Nederland is just a few miles from Boulder, and from our cabin.

15673. jayackroyd - 7/1/2005 3:41:59 AM

I didn't like that review very much, Robert. Picking a phone with crappy quality and a complex pricing plan struck ahead of vonage made very little sense to me.

Giving 5 points for international to Galaxy voice pushed it to the front. While 212 seems to be key to this guy, I don't understand why he thinks it matters to other people (and I got a 212 number, actually). More valuable than the 212 would have been the SAME 212 number that I had been using as an office number before. A more useful question would have been whether you could keep your current number. A more useful review would have pointed out that retaining your number is an option for some services, and then evaluated how realistic this option is. For example, I bet verizon does a pretty good job of getting your old number transferred. But it would be nice to know whether it is true.

FWIW, I'm using vonage for normal outbound calls, on the 500 minute for 19.99 plan, with the computer calling option so that I can use my vonage phone on the road without bringing along the router, just a headset. That one also gives me a Maine phone number so that family members can call me toll free, and so I can have a 207 number for sentimental reasons and so I can fool Olympia Snowe's caller id. I retained the old voice line, which is used for incoming legacy calls and for 800 numbers.

I'm using skype for international calls, some skype to skype, some skype-out. I doubt I'll use all of my 10 euros of skype credit on the skype-out calls before it runs out next year, if I can avoid calling mobile numbers (spent 0.32 euros on 18 seconds of no-answers for two calls earlier this week.) Skype-out came in most handy when I was in Europe, before the vonage call by computer feature. I could call the US more cheaply that way than any other alternative I could see. Now I'd use vonage when in a European wifi cafe calling the US.

15674. jayackroyd - 7/1/2005 3:44:01 AM

Sorry, I skipped a half paragraph. His international calculation looked dodgy and unspecified to me. He should have said which 20 countries carried the first 60 minutes free. Links to international rates rather than his scoring system would also have been more useful. It could be that ATT sucks because it is anywhere from a half cent to five cents more expensive per minute.

15675. jexster - 7/1/2005 4:03:37 AM

Somehow I can't pay big bucks for a cat

Worth it!

looks like Sonny (aka Son of Thunder)..the most extroverted, intelligent breed there is...about 600 bucks..I got for 60 cause cattery lady had baby and needed to get rid of the House of Siamese

Boy's now goin on 17 and strong for an old man..Balinese are a hearty breed...

What I can't feature is paying 2000 for a dog

15676. arkymalarky - 7/1/2005 4:39:30 AM

Beautiful cat. I can't feature that much, but I think Mazie was worth every penny I paid for her (not nearly $2000). And Mojo was worth every penny we paid for her (zero, except for the vet bills).

15677. arkymalarky - 7/1/2005 4:42:28 AM

Dammit. Message # 15363 and Message # 15367, respectively. And

15678. Ulgine Barrows - 7/1/2005 9:24:31 AM

oh jexster, what a wonderful purrbox!

What toys does that cat prefer? Does it go outside? Please tell me claws are intact!

15679. wabbit - 7/1/2005 12:19:45 PM

I agree with Jay, that internet telephony review wasn't very good. For myself, I'm most concerned about quality, then price, and features are at the bottom of my priority list. I've moved so many times that changing a phone number is no big deal to me, and with family scattered all over the place, I'm not married to an area code.

I haven't switched to Vonage (yet), but I use Skype regularly. When Spunky was in New Dehli and Mumbai a couple months ago, we used Skype and found we got far better connections than with the landline. We've also used SkypeOut and had no problems with either connections or call quality.

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