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Host: Magoseph

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15697. Ms. No - 7/3/2005 1:12:25 AM

Maybe it'll hit and I'll be like "Oh, yeah, okay."

15698. Ms. No - 7/3/2005 1:22:10 AM

I'll be sure to check back in and post the #1 group even if I'm cursing and spitting over it.

For now I'm going to go tool leather. Wheee!

15699. Ms. No - 7/3/2005 1:30:11 AM

Okay, it's cool. I'm completely satisfied

The #1 KROQ band is:


15700. arkymalarky - 7/3/2005 3:08:36 AM

Oh yeah!

15701. arkymalarky - 7/3/2005 3:10:31 AM

Company is gone. We shot fireworks and rode around on our newly fixed golf cart with my niece and parents. That was our 4th celebration, and was very fun and laid back--much better than fighting a crowd at the lake.

15702. Magoseph - 7/4/2005 5:53:05 PM

We are leaving for Chicago and tomorrow we'll be back with Flexy's new companion--not a puppy, a guard dog, folks. I have been out of commission for the last two days, in the throes of a summer cold--sore throat, coughing, losing my voice, getting my men folks so upset that I almost landed in the emergency at the hospital. My eldest son kept calling here every hour, telling Flexy that something must be bad since I never get colds. Anyway, while they were arguing on the phone, I drove myself to the pharmacy where I found what I needed—a couple of allergy pills and I was out for the night and most of the following day.

15703. arkymalarky - 7/4/2005 6:37:37 PM

Summer colds are the worst. They can also be confused for sinus infections because of all the allergens in the air.

Let us know how things go with the dog!

15704. alistairConnor - 7/5/2005 11:34:58 PM

I had an amusing job interview today.

I was in an office in Lyon with two French guys, in a telephone conference with another French guy in Madrid, and two Spanish guys in a car somewhere, in Switzerland I think. Naturally, the interview was conducted in English, with appropriate amusing accents. The guys in the car kept dropping in and out of the conference as the reception varied. Everytime they re-entered, there was a Ding-dong doorbell chime. It put me in mind of an ancient Peter Sellers sketch, and I had to keep biting my lip to stop from cracking up.

The interview went well, all things considered.

15705. Magoseph - 7/6/2005 4:59:17 PM

This is Butch, a Labrador Retriever Beagle Mix.

15706. thoughtful - 7/6/2005 5:07:52 PM

What a cute dog! Welcome Butch! If he takes over the house, will that be a Butch Putsch?

15707. arkymalarky - 7/6/2005 5:56:53 PM

What an adorable dog! His coat is beautiful. I bet you'll both have a lot of fun with him.

15708. Magoseph - 7/6/2005 6:14:41 PM

I think he's going to be my Putsch, toughtful--he slept on my bed last night--I guess I have to give up my bedding for some more suited to him now.

Arky, he's a doll--so smart, he already figured out who's going to be the softie around here. We both are thrilled with him.

15709. judithathome - 7/6/2005 6:19:03 PM

He's beautiful, Mags...and that mix bodes well for being very smart.

15710. PelleNilsson - 7/6/2005 7:01:12 PM

Slept on your bed! Macnas will have a heart attack.

15711. arkymalarky - 7/6/2005 7:38:04 PM

Hahaha! Bob would too. But Mazie sleeps right by the bed. There's nothing quite like a dog for snoozling.

I am so happy for you and Flexy, Mags. Judith is right about smarts with that mix, and it's great he's already showing that. He should be the right amount of playful, also, without chewing stuff up, especially since he's not a pup.

15712. Ms. No - 7/6/2005 8:28:13 PM

Congratulations, Mago! What a handsome fellow! How old is he?

I used to let Billie sleep on the bed but she's a bed hog --- right in the middle with all 55 lbs of her bad self. Now she sleeps on her own bed on the floor unless I'm sick in which case she snuggles up on the bed so I feel less miserable.

And then there was that time a few months ago when I had a horrible nightmare and she got to sleep on the bed then too. ;->

15713. arkymalarky - 7/6/2005 8:30:59 PM

Haha! When Mose was still in her crib, Bob worked nights. I woke up a lot with nightmares, and I used to go get her in case she was scared or anything.

15714. Max Macks - 7/6/2005 9:22:40 PM

Hey Mago Hi.

Now I am in YOUR territory , Haven't seen you in
WERDZ lately.

I just peeked into the Mote because I know wabbit
has info on the Tour de France.

15715. Ms. No - 7/6/2005 9:42:01 PM


That's hysterical. I swear, I'm too old for nightmares about monsters. Mortgage forclosures, company layoffs, deaths of loved ones, sure, but Zombies??? jeez. What am I? 12?

15716. Magoseph - 7/6/2005 10:16:27 PM

I cannot believe I misspelled your name, thoughtful--forgive me, please.

Ms. No, he is five years old. I heard him growl for the first time today when a package was delivered. “Excuse me”, I said, I’ll be right out to sign”. It’s a great feeling to be able to control the traffic here, I tell you.

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