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15709. judithathome - 7/6/2005 6:19:03 PM

He's beautiful, Mags...and that mix bodes well for being very smart.

15710. PelleNilsson - 7/6/2005 7:01:12 PM

Slept on your bed! Macnas will have a heart attack.

15711. arkymalarky - 7/6/2005 7:38:04 PM

Hahaha! Bob would too. But Mazie sleeps right by the bed. There's nothing quite like a dog for snoozling.

I am so happy for you and Flexy, Mags. Judith is right about smarts with that mix, and it's great he's already showing that. He should be the right amount of playful, also, without chewing stuff up, especially since he's not a pup.

15712. Ms. No - 7/6/2005 8:28:13 PM

Congratulations, Mago! What a handsome fellow! How old is he?

I used to let Billie sleep on the bed but she's a bed hog --- right in the middle with all 55 lbs of her bad self. Now she sleeps on her own bed on the floor unless I'm sick in which case she snuggles up on the bed so I feel less miserable.

And then there was that time a few months ago when I had a horrible nightmare and she got to sleep on the bed then too. ;->

15713. arkymalarky - 7/6/2005 8:30:59 PM

Haha! When Mose was still in her crib, Bob worked nights. I woke up a lot with nightmares, and I used to go get her in case she was scared or anything.

15714. Max Macks - 7/6/2005 9:22:40 PM

Hey Mago Hi.

Now I am in YOUR territory , Haven't seen you in
WERDZ lately.

I just peeked into the Mote because I know wabbit
has info on the Tour de France.

15715. Ms. No - 7/6/2005 9:42:01 PM


That's hysterical. I swear, I'm too old for nightmares about monsters. Mortgage forclosures, company layoffs, deaths of loved ones, sure, but Zombies??? jeez. What am I? 12?

15716. Magoseph - 7/6/2005 10:16:27 PM

I cannot believe I misspelled your name, thoughtful--forgive me, please.

Ms. No, he is five years old. I heard him growl for the first time today when a package was delivered. “Excuse me”, I said, I’ll be right out to sign”. It’s a great feeling to be able to control the traffic here, I tell you.

15717. Magoseph - 7/6/2005 10:23:43 PM

Pelle, I hope Mac will understand--another thing that might be of interest is the fact that Flexy has to sleep in a dust-free environment and now I'll have to be the visitor to his room. Tomorrow, I'm ordering new bedding and relegating my satin pillow, sheets and comforter to the guest room.

15718. Magoseph - 7/6/2005 10:24:58 PM

Judith--he seems to be pretty clever so far and certainly very loving.

15719. thoughtful - 7/6/2005 10:26:38 PM

toughtful? it has a ring to it...reminds me of when i'm combing the cat when he's shedding...he's tuftful too!

15720. wonkers2 - 7/7/2005 12:08:16 AM

Mags, at least you didn't call her toughtless!

15721. concerned - 7/7/2005 7:52:09 AM

How about 'toughless'?

15722. alistairconnor - 7/7/2005 8:44:19 AM

Or Tortless ?? i.e. free of sin.

15723. alistairconnor - 7/7/2005 8:46:11 AM

I wonder if I'm ready for a dog yet. I sort of feel it would be a heavy responsibility. Which is not a good sign for engaging in long-term relationships in general.

But I find the idea appealing. According to a quiz from a couple of months ago, I should have a Dogue de Bordeaux.

15724. Magoseph - 7/7/2005 2:09:39 PM

Butch and I had our first walk at 3am and it took all my strength to keep him apace with me. Most people have dogs around here and they all greeted Butch loudly from their owners’ houses. I will have to take him out not so early in the day—otherwise, every household that has a dog will sic the association on me, and I may be fined if I wake up people at such an ungodly hour. After this experience, I am keeping this dog on site from now on--there's plenty of space on this property. I was so scared this morning that he would get away from me.

15725. concerned - 7/7/2005 3:12:17 PM

Re. 15723 -

I keep reading that dogs generally aren't really happy unless their master bosses them around a little. Since that really isn't my style, I've gone with cats so far.

15726. arkymalarky - 7/7/2005 3:41:46 PM

It takes time to train an adult dog that isn't used to a leash, especially one with a lot of energy, but it's worth it because you never know when you'll have to have them on one. The yard is fine for training, and if he does well you might get to where you feel that he can start walking with you. Mazie hates the leash, and where we are we don't need it, but I'm working with her anyway for when we travel, and just as part of teaching her to be obedient. Diva took to it as an adult with no training at all, but that's not how it generally goes, from my experience.

It's really fun having an untrained dog that weighs 80 pounds when you have to go to the vet. Sasha would pull me down trying to get into the van, she'd bound out as soon as we stopped and drag me across the parking lot, and as soon as I opened the door to the building and she got a whiff of the inside, she'd dig in her heels and I'd have to drag her the rest of the way.

15727. thoughtful - 7/7/2005 5:03:02 PM

If you haven't seen it, there's a wonderful show on nat'l geographic about this dog psychologist...dog whisperer... if you will. The show shows him with the owners and 'bad' dogs who are 'bad' for all sorts of reasons and in all sorts of ways. He always starts out by teaching them to walk on the leash. He will commonly have 'wild' 'energetic' dogs walking tamely at his side within 10 min. His 'secret' is to make the dog heel. In dog language, you are the leader and he is the subordinate. If he is out in front pulling you along, you're the subordinate and what you say doesn't count. However if you are in front, you are in charge and the dog then knows he should be paying attention to what you say and do...not the other way around.

He will hold them on a short leash at his side, firmly and calmly...collar up around the top of their neck where you can administer a short tug to get their attention. He will also use a "tssssh" noise to get their attention, and will occasionally touch them with his foot from behind (not kick them, but touch them) if they are not paying attention. The goal is to stop any inattention to you as soon as it occurs.

He also is big on providing 'calm' energy. He says dogs are very sensitive to their owner's energy and will respond to it. So things like vigorous petting and such when they're behaving well will only get them more excited. Rather he wants the owners to maintain that more serene, leadership position. He does, of course, distinguish teaching dogs appropriate behavior from training a dog to sit or fetch or whatever where rewards are part of the training process.

15728. thoughtful - 7/7/2005 5:04:06 PM

Link to dog whisperer.

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