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15978. arkymalarky - 8/2/2005 3:25:42 AM

Hello Speedy. Welcome to the Mote.

15979. speed55tx - 8/2/2005 3:33:01 AM

Thanks. Mago invited me.

15980. jexster - 8/2/2005 3:42:50 AM

is that tx Tejas?

Do you remember the Alamo?

15981. Macnas - 8/2/2005 9:00:22 AM

Hello Mago!

Now then Pelle, you wise man you. You have no excuse not to take the time to visit, now that you're a man of leisure.

I've been busy of late, I have a new guy who joined the group and my time has been taken up with training him. Poor fool, he actually thinks he has a career here, I haven't the heart to tell him it's just a job.

Anyhoo, on Sunday we all went up to Clonmel, to go to the game and country fair. What a good time we had, the kids loved it all. We watched the Tipperary foxhounds parading with foot beagles. I'd forgotten just how big a real foxhound was, and the "take me home!" appeal of the little beagles. We saw the falconry team, with huge white headed sea eagles swooping, goshawks hunting, merlins flying like swallows. Then the huge Clydesdale horses, in full rig, something to see I tell you.

We detached ourselves from the arena, and the kids took horse and pony rides, giddy as the gentle creatures ambled along. We did the bouncy castle thing, did the bouncy slide thing, and would have jumped on motorised miniature trikes had the small man been taller, ah well, next year and he'll be there.

They absolutely loved the archery stand, my little girl (little? she's 10!) showing some flair for it. The small man nearly nailed one of the instructors, thinking he was fair game as he was in front of the firing line.

Then I went among the shops, and managed to pick up some turnscrews that I'd been keeping an eye out for some time. Down to the gun stands, where I played "what's the least number of shotguns I could buy before my gross salary ran out", I got it down to 5.

The Irish deer hound society were there, with those big, mournful looking wiry hounds, that look like a cross between a greyhound and an Irish wolfhound. Next door to them we saw ferrets, little ones, popping up and down and looking left and right, chittering to themselves. Once again, the kids were fascinated.
We missed the gundog trials, but I'm going to get that in next year.

Back to the arena and some Ukrainian horsemen were doing the most dangerous antics as they thundered by, a fantastic display of skill. Another browse among the shops, buying a hat for the small man, a pewter pin for her.

I wandered down to the clay pigeon area, looking wistfully at the continuous stream of clays being thrown and broken, and vowed that next year I'll make sure to come prepared and spend an hour or two at this most excellent diversion.
Then home for the dinner. What a good day out.

15982. Magoseph - 8/2/2005 12:27:13 PM

Judith, I went in the backyard very early this morning and although, the sky was clear, those pinpoints of light up there seemed very far away to me.

Hello, speeds, I hope you stick around here and get to know us.

Mac, your rendition of Sunday’s outing to the Clonmel Game & Country Fair sent me on a very interesting search this morning because I wanted to see everything you saw--well, I read a lot about the origins of this event and about the Cashel’s rock and I intend to continue the search for pictures later today.

15983. speed55tx - 8/2/2005 1:01:57 PM

Yep, I remember the Alamo, but I'm nowhere near that aged!

15984. arkymalarky - 8/2/2005 6:54:55 PM

What a wonderful outing, Mac!

15985. PelleNilsson - 8/2/2005 8:03:09 PM

You have no excuse not to take the time to visit, now that you're a man of leisure.

Actually, Macnas, you may live to regret that. Ireland has long been on our list of places to visit. Your account of Sunday's outing did nothing to put us off.

15986. alistairConnor - 8/2/2005 10:15:51 PM

Hum yes, Ireland. Not this year after all, maybe next. Finally we have settled on a week's cycling in the Netherlands, me and the gals, at the end of the month.

We were training for it these pasttwo days, on the wonderful Voie Verte cycle path in southern Burgundy. The elder girl needed a new bike, the younger one inevitably got the hand-me-down, still in perfect condition -- I don't want to do sexist stereotypes, but girls just don't wear out their bikes like boys do...

15987. jexster - 8/3/2005 12:07:37 AM

15983 - HAIL Honest Texican

15988. wonkers2 - 8/3/2005 2:05:47 AM

I read somewhere recently that Ireland has the highest or nearly the highest GDP per capita in Europe? What happened to the potato famine?

15989. wonkers2 - 8/3/2005 2:16:59 AM

Ireland was 13th in the world in 2004 in GDP per capita according to estimates in the CIA fact book. Here.

15990. Marc-Albert - 8/3/2005 3:00:25 AM

Exciting ranking. Guernsey, Jersey and the British Virgin Islands are poised to overtake the United States. And Macao, the Cayman island and the Isle of Man are not that far behind.

15991. Marc-Albert - 8/3/2005 3:03:42 AM

If Nun's Island near Montreal had been included, as it should have been, it would probably rank No 1. But No 2 if we include Key West or Sanibel Island.

15992. wonkers2 - 8/3/2005 4:46:02 AM

All rigtht smartass! Just leave the small countries out and adjust.

15993. Macnas - 8/3/2005 8:39:00 AM

Pelle, as long as you can control your nordic tendancies and resist the tempation to rampage across the country, I'm sure I'll shant regret it at all.

Alistair, you've been moaning and groaning about coming to Ireland for years. Get off your arse and get a good bike, then cycle from Wicklow through Kerry, taking the mountains in. That'll soften your cough for you.

Are things this good, GDP wise, in Ireland? I can't recall feeling anymore flush of late, maybe I'm one of those factored out in the statistics.

15994. Ulgine Barrows - 8/4/2005 3:19:04 AM

Ms. No, I forgot to mention how your rendition of the KROQ countdown thrilled my little heart. KROQ was my favorite station when I lived out there.

Huh, Green Day seems a little tame for #1.

My checkbook is bleeding and I'm having petty snips at my son about things he wants to choose in the market. Halfway healthy gets a yes. Anything fried, canned, or prepared is a flat no. Decent bread is freaking expensive.

The online bills are instant notice that I don't have enough to pay them.

15995. alistairconnor - 8/4/2005 8:41:05 AM

so, Gine, what are you selling this week?

Not the furniture yet, I hope?

15996. RickNelson - 8/4/2005 1:58:57 PM

Howdy Speed55tx.

Mago is fabulous. This is the easiest forum to post to, that I've found on the web. That is, it's user friendly.

15997. Ms. No - 8/4/2005 5:14:33 PM

Hi Ulgine,

I'm glad you enjoyed the countdown. I was perfectly satisfied with Green Day in the #1 slot. I was expecting Nirvana, but I have to say I wouldn't have been all that happy about it. I know, I know, Nirvana is the greatest most influential rock band of the last 20 years blah blah blah. I'm tired of hearing about it. Nirvana's okay. Yes, I can see their influence, but Grunge was a movement, not a band and I prefer Soundgarden, Pearl Jam and the Stone Temple Pilots all over Nirvana. Hell, I like HOLE better than Nirvana.

Just goes to show you what senseless, scandalous death at a young age can do for your popularity.

Where the hell are you again? Or can I ask that? "Heartland" or "Midwest" or PNW is fine, I'm just trying to figure a vague approximation of time-zone/geography.

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