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16042. judithathome - 8/6/2005 6:21:05 PM

Alistair, be careful after this...always get a prenup in future.

16043. judithathome - 8/6/2005 6:31:23 PM

Today my letter about Bush was published in the paper and I just happened to receive a phone call from the head of the election committee for our village council. This is the guy who nearly had a heart attack when I told him I was a Democrat.

His call was about something coming up at the council meeting next Tuesday and we chatted a bit and then the subject of the council race came up and I noted a certain coolness in his voice. He took pains to let me know, in the nicest possible way, that there are 4 or 5 people on the list who really want to run. What that tells me is the the fervor for my candidacy has cooled considerably.

Screw it. Not a month ago, he was telling me that we needed to get going on this NOW (for a May election) and the jerk just said he wasn't really too concerned about that and wouldn't be til around March or April. I'm considering removing my name from the list officially...not so sure I want to be involved with a group that says one thing and believes another. They say personal political feelings mean nothing and religion (or lack of it, in my case) is a private matter but obviously, they don't really mean that.

16044. Magoseph - 8/6/2005 6:53:05 PM

He knows that. She knows he knows that. That's why it's funny, Mago.

Oh, okay--humour-impaired, that's me!

Well, Judith--why bother with these people anyway--they will never change.

16045. arkymalarky - 8/6/2005 6:57:23 PM

Judith, is there any way you can email me your letter? Registration is just too slow.

16046. arkymalarky - 8/6/2005 7:01:48 PM

I don't know what I'd do about the political situation. You might be able to accomplish more agitating from the outside than trying to have an impact in a really skewed group within the constraints of an elected position.

16047. arkymalarky - 8/6/2005 7:08:36 PM

That'll be great. We'd all love to see Frank again too (if he's lurking!)

16048. arkymalarky - 8/6/2005 7:10:14 PM

Blast it, I've regressed and suddenly can't link posts any more!

Message # 16011

16049. alistairConnor - 8/6/2005 7:45:39 PM

Judith, as you can see I'm hopelessly naive about these games... what's a prenup?

16050. alistairConnor - 8/6/2005 8:20:31 PM

Oh - a prenuptial agreement.

No, Judith, the current difficulty does not concern the division of our worldly goods. That has gone very smoothly -- the notary was almost in tears, he said he had never met such reasonable divorcees in his career. We had the house valued, we both found the valuation terribly low, so we upped it by 20% for the purposes of the buy-out. She renounced any alimony, though I generally earn more than she does -- the judge nearly threw us out for that, we had to sweet-talk her.

No, neither of us are motivated by money issues.

16051. judithathome - 8/6/2005 10:06:38 PM

Alistair, I was referring to the girlfriend. Just an attempt at humor; move along, pay it no mind.

16052. Jenerator - 8/6/2005 11:45:55 PM


Do NOT run for council.

16053. arkymalarky - 8/6/2005 11:57:27 PM

Why not?

16054. Magoseph - 8/7/2005 10:35:55 AM

Here's the letter, Arky--just in case Judith was out last night.

"I totally agree with Price. The use of this "gross term" shows a considerable lack of decorum and sensitivity and I feel that it's undignified, to boot.

But an editor's note below Price's letter said that the term is a nickname given by the president of the United States to his employee.

I have to admit that I'm concerned, as Price is, about the decline in decorum and sensitivity shown by President Bush.

We read that he frequently gives these sorts of nicknames to people rather than addressing them formally. He apparently seems to think that it makes him more folksy and friendly.

He has a similar habit in regard to the English language and has probably inspired many young boys and girls who hate English class to relax in their studies. After all, if George W. Bush can slaughter the language and still become president, why should kids work to learn the language properly?

This slide in sensitivity and decorum started at the top and should be nipped in the bud right now, before even more cartoonists are driven to embarrassingly quote Bush. Send the president to summer school and give him a few sessions with Miss Manners. Let's make him clean up his act!"

16055. wonkers2 - 8/7/2005 12:23:47 PM

Not bad!

16056. arkymalarky - 8/7/2005 4:06:32 PM

Thanks Mags. She emailed it, but it's good to post it in case others have a similarly snail-paced isp connection.

16057. arkymalarky - 8/7/2005 4:08:57 PM

It wasn't as much of an issue when I had a separate phone line, and Bob is nagging me to get it back because he doesn't like our phone being tied up, but I'm determined to wait a few weeks and assess some options. We're phone poor in this household, between our regular line and four cell phones. It's become a ridiculous necessity.

16058. wonkers2 - 8/7/2005 6:33:25 PM

My brother just touted me on a website called "Arts & Letters Daily" which is a compendium of articles of interest to their participants. Anybody tried it?

16059. Magoseph - 8/7/2005 7:16:59 PM

I just looked at it--I need more time, though, to form an opinion about it. Jex got me interested in TPMCAFE. Do you know that one, won?

16060. judithathome - 8/7/2005 10:20:27 PM

Wonkers, I just love Arts & Letters Daily...terrific site!

16061. judithathome - 8/7/2005 10:23:00 PM

Oh and Jen? Why shouldn't I run for council? It's a small village, not the city. I am very familiar with and liked by 70% of the population and am very familiar with all the ordinances and regulations of the place.

Are you advising against it because of the small mindedness of small towns? That IS one disturbing factor, I'll grant that.

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