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16201. Magoseph - 8/15/2005 4:02:16 PM

Gaines Dog Meal? He gets Pedigree, Won, but I still don't know if that is better than any other brand. My step-daughter gave us a fifty-pound bag of dry food and forty-eight cans of ground beef. I have to ask Arky what she feeds Mazie.

16202. Ms. No - 8/15/2005 4:50:16 PM

My folks fed their dogs Pedigree for years only switching out to a higher grade, more specialized food when the dogs got up in their later years. It seemed to work fine for them

I used to feed Billie Pedigree but she developed a sensitivity to it so now I'm feeding her a comparable brand with fish oils in it that agrees with her system much better. I have a feeling it's got less corn in it as well. I've heard about the evils of corn-based dog kibble, and while it makes sense to some degree I'm always a bit skeptical about any insistence that only the highest grade dog foods should ever be considered. I mean, dogs aren't dropping dead right and left because they eat Purina, you know?

Puppies and older dogs have special needs, but I figure if the dog will eat it and maintain his health then you're doing fine.

16203. thoughtful - 8/15/2005 5:02:19 PM

Just because a pet food is expensive doesn't mean it's good. We bought the $$$iams for cas for many years and it led him to bladder blockages, so now we have to buy him special cat food available only through vets that costs mega bucks. Only reason why we do is it's a lot cheaper than the vet bills to get a catheter inserted in the cat.

Damned if we do, and damned if we don't.

16204. thoughtful - 8/15/2005 5:04:33 PM

and i'm convinced that there's a lot of hocus pocus in pet care going on. I'm hearing more and more about chronic pet illnesses that we never experienced growing up...things like bladder problems, kidney problems, thyroid problems...i'm wondering if some of it isn't related to some of the long-acting vaccines we're required to give the animals or other animal meds. Who knows?

16205. Macnas - 8/15/2005 5:14:10 PM

I change the diet according to what I want the dog(s) to do. During hunting season, some raw meat, and carbs of one sort or another, with some dry mix. Off season, mainly dry mix with vegetables and some milk. I know others frown on that, but the dog likes it and is never ill other than injurys she may pick up while out and about.

We had dogs when I was very young that were general farm mutts. Cowdogs you might call them. The diet was whatever was leftover from the family meals. They lived up to 18 or so, so I reckon expensive food is a bit of a waste of cash myself.

16206. Magoseph - 8/15/2005 5:32:45 PM

The diet was whatever was leftover from the family meals.

It was for us too, Mac. After reading about what you feed your dog, I think that I may share some of my food with Butch.

16207. PelleNilsson - 8/15/2005 5:32:49 PM

We had a dog when we lived in Yemen. When we got it somebody asked me what we planned to feed it. "Household leftovers", I said. "You're a crazy man, Pelle", he replied, "you can't bring up a dog on empty bottles".

16208. Magoseph - 8/15/2005 5:42:31 PM

Ms. No, this weekend, I wanted to delete a post in which I had misspelled Arky’s dog name. Well, I couldn’t get in the thread’s menu. I sent an email requesting my password, but so far, no answer. I can’t believe that I forgot it, but it seems that I did. I wonder, when you can, if you’d look into this, please

16209. judithathome - 8/15/2005 5:52:39 PM

Klaus was raised on Science diet dry food but since he's gotten older, we changed to Science Diet canned, which he tired of and eventually refused to eat. Now we're giving him a mix of IAMS canned and Science Diet dry...a mix called Nature's Best, which he loves.

We give him a tablet every month called Sentinel, which is a combined heartworn/flea preventitive. He has had no fleas whatsoever for since he's been on it...years now.

Magos, all you need to do is flop Butch's ear back while petting his head...ear mites are too small to see with the naked eye but there might be some brownish residue that is easily seen...it's dryed blood from the mites. The vet will explain and probably give you some drops that will take care of it in a few days. The drops will feel good to Butch's ears, too.

Dogs get these types of things all the time.

16210. Ms. No - 8/15/2005 6:04:22 PM

Sorry Mags, I was out of town over the weekend. I'll reset your password and send it to your email. Gimme a few minutes.

16211. Magoseph - 8/15/2005 6:09:58 PM

Thanls, Ms. No.

16212. Ms. No - 8/15/2005 6:10:47 PM

Okay, you should be all set!

16213. Magoseph - 8/15/2005 6:10:59 PM

By the way, how was your weekend, Ms No?

16214. Ms. No - 8/15/2005 7:25:21 PM

It was really good. We were missing our fourth, but it was still a much needed meet-up. These are my best girlfriends from college. We always have fun together but we also make good sounding boards for one another's lives.

That was our lunch discussion yesterday as we were headed home: propose the perfect future for the others. We got a lot of good ideas out of it. The people who know you best but don't have an agenda for you like family might often see things about you that you never noticed yourself or are willing to propose things that you might be too scared to consider.

I don't miss Sacramento as a town so much, but being with K & S did make me wish I lived closer to them. I'm always aware of missing those close friendships but it's intensified when I've spent time with them and get a hit of the peace and well-being they provide. We energize one another and spark each other's creativity and drive. I feel really lucky to have such friends.

16215. Magoseph - 8/15/2005 10:04:06 PM

I’m very glad that you enjoyed your weekend and I can really relate to what you say about families having an agenda for their relatives. Personally, I had problems relating to women friends and when I was your age, I always connected better with men. I’m still so skeptical of friendship with women that I think having three long-time friends you trust implicitly and have fun with has to be a rare occurrence in one’s life.

16216. arkymalarky - 8/15/2005 11:02:45 PM

Message # 16199

Haha! I forget that meaning. Mazie's the biggest piddler around the house at the moment, though she's getting lots better.

16217. arkymalarky - 8/15/2005 11:05:21 PM

I feed Mazie Purina Puppy Chow, and the two big dogs get Cheap Stuff, which they supplement with whatever they catch.

16218. arkymalarky - 8/15/2005 11:10:17 PM

"Household leftovers", I said. "You're a crazy man, Pelle", he replied, "you can't bring up a dog on empty bottles".

Haha. Ours would have a tough time getting by on what was left in the tv dinner tray.

We don't feed Mazie anything but dog food and one kind of dog treats. Predictable bowels are a good thing with a house dog, and that's the best way we've found to do it. Plus, they're prone to weight gain if you're not careful. Diva was so active it wasn't an issue, but Mazie's much more confined.

16219. arkymalarky - 8/15/2005 11:18:24 PM

Sounds like a great weekend, MsNo. I didn't have female friends out of high school, and though I love my high school friends still, they ended up having a lot of problems and we finally fell out of touch. I couldn't relate to them any more. My closest friends after that were guys--mostly Bob's friends, which is how we met (through mutual friends who we still are very close to)--and colleagues from work, which is one reason it didn't work well for me to try to change jobs a few years ago. Maybe you all can start doing what we've done at our summer party and just make a commitment to get together so many times a year (even if it's only once a year).

16220. arkymalarky - 8/15/2005 11:19:57 PM

On dog medicines, they have stuff now that takes care of everything, including earmites and worms, with one medicine, usually applied once a month. Ticks are the big problem out here.

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