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16621. Magoseph - 9/17/2005 12:01:43 AM

I just logged on for the first time today and here I found you. What luck! I programmed it to see in the morning because I'll be too tired tonight. I'm leaving now to meet my eldest son and his wife for the Fish Fry. Flexy is too tired to join us. Thanks for warning me, Judith.

We really enjoyed the last show, which we saw this afternoon after a long day of running around seeing the lawyer, the real estate people, and the new buyers.

16622. Ulgine Barrows - 9/17/2005 7:58:05 AM

By gum, in the throes of a particular cable stitch issue, so maybe I misunderstood

I think the rocker had a snitch in its getalong, is all.

And I don't mean that snotty. I like to sit and rock and watch the sunset with best of the birds. Those birds are very active in the gloaming. That's when they get most of their society stuff done.

16623. Magoseph - 9/17/2005 1:05:47 PM

Hello, Ulgine--I didn't know that this comic was ever a rocker.

Hello, everyone--we're going to have a nice weather this week. It's time to get the houseplants in and ready for winter and more stuff out of the house so that, maybe, some painting can be done this winter.

Now, have you any interesting plans for this weekend?

16624. judithathome - 9/17/2005 6:55:54 PM

We're going to see a maudlin play called Tuesdays With Morrie or something like that. Then out to dinner and after that, to hear some jazz at the Jazz On The Boulevard festival. Long day...hope I last!

16625. marjoribanks - 9/19/2005 3:45:36 AM


Give me a day or two, and I'll get back to you.

16626. jayackroyd - 9/19/2005 4:29:40 AM

I just emailed you, because I thought I'd been impolite. There's no rush. I'm still flailing around. And I'll let you know what I find out on my own, if you're interested.

(Lurkers, this nothing of any real interest to anybody. If it becomes so, I'll post the details.)

16627. Magoseph - 9/19/2005 2:55:45 PM

I'd assume that only regulars read the bulleton board in here, jay.

Hello, everyone! judith, how did the evening go?

16628. jayackroyd - 9/19/2005 3:07:51 PM

I'm a regular. And I do a lot of lurking.

16629. Magoseph - 9/19/2005 3:15:18 PM

All right, the point is well taken, jay.

16630. Ms. No - 9/19/2005 3:58:52 PM

Arrrr! Whar bye the Cap'n?? 'Tis International Talk Like a Pirate Day, mateys!

16631. wabbit - 9/19/2005 4:44:53 PM

From the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster:

...we expect that the global average temperature will drop significantly today, and then rise again tomorrow.

May you be touched by His Noodly Appendage, aaaarrgh!

16632. Ms. No - 9/19/2005 4:55:39 PM

All hail His Spicy Meaty Goodness!

16633. arkymalarky - 9/19/2005 6:03:34 PM

Had to go to the doctor today--my foot hurt so badly yesterday for a while that I didn't know what to do, but I couldn't see anything wrong but two spots in the area where it was hurting, and I hadn't done anything to it. He thinks it was a spider bite and he's put me on steroids for a week. It feels a lot better but it's more red and swollen than it was yesterday.

16634. PelleNilsson - 9/19/2005 6:07:23 PM

Spots close together? Snake bite?

16635. arkymalarky - 9/19/2005 6:08:28 PM

I'm also getting a laptop delivered today so that I can work more efficiently both on my rural ed stuff and my school work, so I had been planning to take a personal day anyway.

I'm going to get a Treo 650, too. I'm tired of trying to work on dialup and not getting anything done or being able to transport stuff where I need it. I know dsl at work has spoiled me, but I'm sure my dialup isp is slower than it used to be, too.

16636. arkymalarky - 9/19/2005 6:11:13 PM

He said that, Pelle, but he agreed that surely I'd notice if a snake bit me. They weren't close enough together for that.

Although...one of our students got bitten by a copperhead and he never saw the snake--but he felt the bite immediately and it was two spots close together. He spent a couple of weeks on crutches.

16637. PelleNilsson - 9/19/2005 6:19:11 PM

What kind of spider would that be?

16638. Jenerator - 9/19/2005 6:19:57 PM

That's a snake.

16639. arkymalarky - 9/19/2005 6:24:51 PM

Yes, the copperhead snake is a very common poisonous snake in AR. Bob's seen lots of them this year in particular.

16640. arkymalarky - 9/19/2005 6:31:42 PM

I've been sort of irritated at our attempts to make it known that our upstairs (two bedrooms, a full bath, a walk-in closet, and a balcony) is available for any evacuees who need it. The Red Cross emptied out the nearest shelter and they didn't show any interest in helping people find local temporary housing. I went there in person and all they wanted was money--no supplies and no volunteers, which we can't do anyway, because of our work schedules and where we live.

We're inconveniently located, I know, but it seems the places I call aren't interested in facilitating location of evacuees. The churches are working on their own, but these rural churches don't have many people needing housing. Most have found something already, but some people could still have a more comfortable place to stay than a shelter and cheaper than a hotel if groups were more coordinated and equipped to match people up. I'm hesitant to go with a national non-profit that's not well known, but it seems between the Red Cross, FEMA (who didn't even answer the # provided on the ONE small sign which I had to stop in the middle of the street to even read--it was the # to City Hall, who gave me yet another number that didn't go anywhere, either), etc, they'd be able to facilitate something like that on the local level in the communities where they're already working and running shelters.

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