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16830. wonkers2 - 10/3/2005 3:12:54 PM

Congratulations, Jen, from W2 and the Cap'n!

16831. vonKreedon - 10/3/2005 5:20:56 PM

Jen - Congratulations!!

Oh, and get well.

16832. PelleNilsson - 10/3/2005 5:31:57 PM

First ScottLoar and now vonKreedon. Inkreedible. But nice to see you vonK.

And congratulations to Jen!

16833. marjoribanks - 10/3/2005 5:49:59 PM

And Kreedon, to boot.

I tell you, this Mote still retains the power to pleasantly surprise.

Welcome back, Kreedon. As with Loar, you have been missed and I hope you stick around now (where you belong) alongside the rest of us grizzled relics.

16834. vonKreedon - 10/3/2005 5:58:59 PM

Thanks and hello, but I don't think I'm "back". Interestingly when I participate in the Mote, or when I briefly participated at TPW, I get deeply depressed. So, I've stayed away. I was commenting in Ace's Comments/Forum fairly actively, but that recently got depressing as well. Continuous agressive blindness and ad hominem in support of partisan political positions seems to put me in a blue funk.

I still read a lot though.

16835. Ms. No - 10/3/2005 6:09:36 PM


How the hell are ya?

16836. Macnas - 10/3/2005 6:21:27 PM

If I am in a time-warp, I damn better have more hair.

16837. Macnas - 10/3/2005 6:23:13 PM

Well I haven't got more hair, but I have gained an hour...

16838. vonKreedon - 10/3/2005 6:30:03 PM

Hey Cos! I am well, my family is well. How are you?

16839. Ms. No - 10/3/2005 6:33:51 PM

Pretty good --- managed to avoid roasting in any of the brushfires this past week and it appears that Fall is returning to the field after sneaking off on us so I'm energized and eager to meet the new season.

16840. Ms. No - 10/3/2005 6:34:12 PM

Congratulations on your new addition, Jenerator!

16841. Ms. No - 10/3/2005 6:36:48 PM


I agree that the political infighting can get depressing. Every few weeks or so I have to just turn off the radio and withdraw from any kind of political news or discussion to regroup.

Things are usually quite cheery here in the Cafe, however, where mostly we talk kids and dogs and food and everyday stuff.

So, what's new with you?

16842. vonKreedon - 10/3/2005 6:44:28 PM

Let's see, I'm back working at Microsoft as an FTE in User Assistance as a Technical Writing Lead. Our son continues his quest to become a professional tennis player. My wife has developed a successful photography career. I'll be turning 50 in 6 months. I succeeded in a summer project of being able to sit on the floor and stretch to touch my knee with my nose (and I don't mean bring my bent knee up to my nose, which is what my son did when I announced my intention in April). I'm playing basketball with a group of other 35+ year olders and am playing very well.

There's actually not all that much that is new in my life at this point, but I am well content with my life.

16843. Ms. No - 10/3/2005 6:55:41 PM

It sounds great to me. It's all the day to day stuff that adds up and makes one either happy and content or not.

Are you enjoying being back at Microsoft? I'm still in the same company and so far haven't been motivated to do anything about moving although I know I should. It's not as if this job will be any different ten years from today than it will be ten minutes from now, but I've grown somewhat complacent.

I had thought that I might be leaving here and moving out of LA entirely by this point, but events conspired to change that and here I still am. I'll have to apply myself more diligently to getting free. ;->

16844. marjoribanks - 10/3/2005 6:56:57 PM


Your son wants to be a pro tennis player? That sounds expensive.

Please post some of your wife's photos (in the Escapes thread, if you like). We're all photography buffs here, you know, and would like a look see.

16845. Magoseph - 10/3/2005 6:57:10 PM

When did you get that hour, yesterday?

16846. vonKreedon - 10/3/2005 7:11:01 PM

Marj - Yep, it's pretty expensive and we aren't really putting that much into it yet. He's twelve. He announced about two and a half years ago that he wanted to play professionally and he's been very focused and disciplined in following that dream since. I'm playing the best tennis of my life, but I can no longer play with him without our both becoming frustrated at my relative lack of competence.

I'm not sure how to share my wife's photos without giving up our anonymity, as the easiest thing would be her Web site. Any suggestions?

16847. vonKreedon - 10/3/2005 7:12:30 PM

Cos - I like working at Microsoft. I preferred training to writing, but I like writing. Pretty low stress job so far, with lots of time for my family, so that's all good.

Speaking of which, job not family, I should get some work done.

16848. Ms. No - 10/3/2005 7:23:58 PM

Good to see you, Cos!

16849. jayackroyd - 10/3/2005 7:58:11 PM


Shutterfly (www.shutterfly.com) works fine for photos.

Good to see you back.

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