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17131. concerned - 10/22/2005 5:02:37 AM

SL -

Mere ambition has been the predominant characteristic of those who have primarily opposed me at A****** to date. I proposed a detailed migration path to a beamline personnel safety system that featured fully automated validation and event logging not long after I started work here. This was ignored by certain others who had already distinguished themselves primarily by political infighting against others before I started my tenure here and who subsequently demonstrated that they could only implement a system that was nearly an order of magnitude late and an order of magnitude over budget beyond which they had promised, and which offered only the first step of capability compared to what I had proposed. So the professional reputations of a number of others, including one or more of my direct line supervisors, now hangs in the balance here.

17132. concerned - 10/22/2005 5:04:59 AM

Hence, the 'retaliation' and 'defamation' potential.

17133. concerned - 10/22/2005 5:07:50 AM

These are terms which discussion of my situation with an attorney whose specialty is employment litigation garnered, btw.

17134. ScottLoar - 10/22/2005 5:11:48 AM

Then you need allies, not adversaries. If your work is genuine and contributes to corporate profitability and shareholders' returns then it cannot be neglected for long unless you willingly allowed others to misrepresent you. If your work is so advanced and detrimental to the status quo of corporate politics then the ambitious are eager to have you on their side. Somehow I don't feel this is you crusading against the many oppressors; corporate politics are just too complicated and the most political always want to glom onto the successful.

17135. concerned - 10/22/2005 5:13:02 AM

Re. 17131 -

In the interests of full disclosure:

'Magnitude' here is defined by that assigned to stellar intensity.


17136. ScottLoar - 10/22/2005 5:17:11 AM

Based on what you've written here and having seen a number of persons try it I can predict you won't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning suit against a team of corporate lawyers committed to litigation. "Defamation"? Who called your character into question? "Retaliation"? I don't even know the legal context to use such a word. But, you choose. I'll bet your lawyer thinks he can be such a pain in the ass the corporation will likely settle out of court. Fat chance if the corporation's legal team is committed to litigation.

17137. concerned - 10/22/2005 5:18:33 AM

SL -

In as far as Yankee trading is respectable, I figure that if properly exploited, I offer(ed) A****** several million dollars of value. If they want to shit in their own bed instead, it should not be any matter of conscience to me to extract a couple out of them in exchange for their destroying my career, right?

17138. concerned - 10/22/2005 5:25:40 AM

The case for retaliation is clear. By investing the reputations of APS line management in an inferior and overly costly alternative to the easily demonstrable preferred solution, the obvious next step for such a degraded management sensibilility would be to first destroy the reputation of and then eliminate the messenger of the preferred solution. I have hundreds of pages of documentation attesting to precisely this course of action which has been embarked upon wrt myself.

17139. concerned - 10/22/2005 5:36:21 AM

Based on what you've written here and having seen a number of persons try it I can predict you won't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning suit against a team of corporate lawyers committed to litigation.

You might be right. Yet, without decent employment prospects but with some financial resources and with an attorney on contingency (a distinct possibility to my best knowledge), it could certainly be a worthwhile hobby for several years.

17140. ScottLoar - 10/22/2005 5:57:10 AM

"If they want to shit in their own bed instead, it should not be any matter of conscience to me to extract a couple out of them in exchange for their destroying my career, right?" This was never part of my argument nor have you proved you even had a career let alone "they" are destroying it.

"The case for retaliation is clear." You're sure you're right, but what was presented to me sure seems flakey and I am a most disinterested party.

I've given you good advice and good insight, especially #17134; I've no further comments.

17141. concerned - 10/22/2005 6:36:28 AM

Re. 17140 -

This response discounts the proper evaluation of the avaricious machinations of the ilk of David Sarnoff of RCA who illegally stole many of Edwin Armstrong's, (a far better human being), major inventions, including that of FM radio and ultimately drove him to despairing suicide because of RCA's legalistic roadblocks, or of the political maneuverings that subsequently stifled the career of William Friedman in the wake of his breaking Japanese encryption codes during WWII.

I will wager any amount of funds you are willing to put up, SL, that my technical competence far outweighs, by the judgment of a competent agreed upon outside agency, those who have opposed the ideas I have presented at A******. Be a man and back up your assertions, or retract.

17142. concerned - 10/22/2005 6:49:23 AM

Btw, SL, I appreciate your comments & I won't think worse of you if you don't accept my wager.

17143. jexster - 10/22/2005 7:09:34 AM

Hello TD..welcome to hell

Glad UR here...I was about post UR fave topic - Islam,the Straight Path - in Religion..so I will do here

JC and I were talking today about dar al islam when I mentioned that carrying these books around people kept asking whether I planned to convert. Even my EyeRabian former Tudeh ME history professor, when I had finished my presenetation on Arkoun's Rethinking Islam told me "John, I am not the best Muslim but I could put you on the straight path"

Of course I begged off - shop keeper's petit bourgeois collection of Satanic Verses!.

JC said "Well I can speak about Maziar's faith but Arkoun once told me he didn't even believe in God so I am not sure the conversion would take"

Oh JC = Juan Cole...Unlike BUsh I don't have the Big Guy on my speed dial

Welcome again to HELL

17144. jexster - 10/22/2005 7:16:50 AM

""Do you think New Orleans should be rebuilt? sso hard to protect from Acts of Me - should we rebuild NO"

"Oh Holy One a thousand pardons but they protect Holland. They can proitect New Orleans."

17145. concerned - 10/22/2005 7:19:18 AM

I dunno, Jex. What do you want me to say about kissing up to a cult that is not only by far the most evangelistic on the face of the earth but but will forever be intellectually and socially retarded at the sixth century AD sand monkey level?

17146. concerned - 10/22/2005 7:24:51 AM

RE. NO, I personally would backfill anything I move back into there to above sea level. But I know an attitude like that's just making too much sense for you to handle, jex.

17147. concerned - 10/22/2005 7:28:36 AM

'Course, I'm speaking from the experience of having a half acre of property backfilled and graded to eight feet above floodplain for for about a quarter the cost of a double-wide.

Don't expect you to wrap your brain cell around that either, jex.

17148. jexster - 10/22/2005 7:35:03 AM

I got it...you're a red neck

I come from New Roads Louisiana...worked on a Louisiana US Senator's staff...

Oh Louisiana!

17149. jexster - 10/22/2005 7:35:22 AM

Little brown-nosing poli sci girlie prof to the Great One (speaking in acronyms cause she didn't think I knew that MESA=Middle Eastern Studies assn - after she'd prattled on in Kurdish to His Holiness)

"Well yes since I am president-elect I suppose it would be impolitic not to - a dereliction of duty I'd think"

Back to About MESA

Ali Banuazizi
Boston College

Juan R. I. Cole
University of Michigan

Laurie Brand
University of Southern California

17150. concerned - 10/22/2005 7:41:54 AM

Re. 17148 -

No, I'm somebody who is just a little bit proactive about protecting himself against acts of nature. That a crime in the LW Bible now, "Mr. Redneck" Louisianian?

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