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17606. Jenerator - 11/27/2005 2:43:11 AM

We had a great Thanksgiving. None of us wanted to cook or clean so we made reservations at a nice restaurant.

17607. arkymalarky - 11/27/2005 4:03:56 AM

We had the standard with both families, and it was nice. Mose had her 21st birthday yesterday, and had a nice gathering with 15-20 of her best friends, several of whom were in for the holiday from out of town or out of state schools, so it was a really nice reunion for her.

We didn't attend, though we knew something she didn't about the event--she's now engaged. No date. She still has a year and a half of school, which is the one concern I expressed to her b/f when he called to let us know what he was planning about two weeks beforehand.

17608. Jenerator - 11/27/2005 4:18:06 AM


Mose is engaged!!

She was just barely a teenager yesterday...

17609. wonkers2 - 11/27/2005 4:21:08 AM

We did something which apparently is very trendy--deep fried a turkey. Despite some trepidation over the safety of the process (we did it in the back yard and equipped ourselves with safety goggles and protective gloves), we got the job done in less than an hour (not counting assembly of the propane boiler), and the turkey was delicious. After purchasing corn oil several kibitzers said only peanut oil should be used ($50 for the required 5 gallons). We went ahead and used the corn oil which seemed to me to be fine. Apparently conisseurs use peanut oil.

17610. Jenerator - 11/27/2005 4:30:11 AM

Husband loves to fry turkeys (and anything else he can get his hands on). He always uses peanut oil. We have tried vegetable oil, but peanut oil really does taste better.

I love how fast the turkey cooks and was surprised the first time I had one that it wasn't greasy at all.

17611. Jenerator - 11/27/2005 4:30:53 AM

The State Fair of Texas said that it's much sought after food this year was the deep fried marshmellow.

17612. robertjayb - 11/27/2005 4:43:20 AM

Best wishes to Mose.

17613. arkymalarky - 11/27/2005 5:52:11 AM

Thanks Robert and Jen.

17614. judithathome - 11/28/2005 4:27:44 AM

Hey, add our congrats, Arky!

17615. arkymalarky - 11/28/2005 5:47:25 AM

Thanks Judith. They're not getting married until May of 2007, which is a good thing, but they're both excited about it. They've been dating almost three years.

17616. Macnas - 11/28/2005 10:27:38 AM

Well now, long life and every happiness together for Mose and her betrothed!

17617. Magoseph - 11/28/2005 2:55:38 PM

I heartily concur, Arky, and wish the best for the young couple. After school, you and Mose will have a good year to prepare for the wedding.

Hello, Mac.

17618. wonkers2 - 11/28/2005 3:07:53 PM

Best wishes to Mose and her fiance.

17619. Macnas - 11/28/2005 3:36:41 PM

Heyho Mago.

17620. thoughtful - 11/28/2005 3:41:39 PM

Congratulations to Mose & fiance.

17621. alistairconnor - 11/28/2005 5:30:06 PM

ooh awfully young Arky.

Still. Experience has taught me that judgement doesn't necessarily improve with age so...

Felicitations to the prospective spouses (spice?) (they are going to spouse up their lives?)

17622. Macnas - 11/28/2005 5:36:14 PM

Indeed, I'm a bigger eejit now than I ever was.

17623. Ms. No - 11/28/2005 6:44:58 PM

Congratulations to Mose and the future Mr. Mose!

17624. Ms. No - 11/28/2005 7:06:15 PM

It was wonderful to see Judith and Keoni and yes, we were the envy of all the other restaurant patrons since we were clearly having the best time at our table. I was proud of my mom for holding her own with some blue concoction called the Conchonga Monga that was bigger than her whole freakin' head. She finished it all with very little help from me and Judith and didn't even giggle, much less stagger. When she ordered it we were all sure we'd have to carry her out....or at least coax her down off the bar. My mom is the bomb.

Thanksgiving was great. I feel very strange that my family gatherings are so tame. We were a smaller group this year than last, only 20 of us this time around. Most of my Texas family doesn't drink --- Southern Baptists --- and while they love their football they don't get very raucus. Honestly, all the aunts and uncles and cousins etc are so sweet to one another it's likely to put outsiders into a glycemic coma.

A marvelous time was had by all. The food was great and I watched one of my two football games for the year. We missed my grandmother, of course and all the families with little kids were absent this year, but it was still a good gathering.

17625. Magoseph - 11/28/2005 8:30:52 PM

Benign is the word of the day--next appointment for same procedure will be three years from now.

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