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18142. wonkers2 - 1/9/2006 4:01:45 AM

Mago, Arky, W2 was not in any of the pictures. He was the photographer. W2's younger brother was in the group picture with the bride and groom and the bride's parents. Rest assured that wonk's beard is intact.

18143. concerned - 1/9/2006 4:15:03 AM

LW Attaboys -

"We are not without accomplishment. We have managed to distribute poverty equally."
-Nguyen Co Thatch, Vietnamese foreign minister

"Outside of the killings, Washington has one of the lowest crime rates in the country."
-- Marion Barry, Mayor of Washington, D.C.

18144. arkymalarky - 1/9/2006 5:18:08 AM

Ahhhh. Thanks for clearing that up, Wonk.

18145. arkymalarky - 1/9/2006 5:18:42 AM

Well hello to you too, Con'd.

Hope you had a Merry Ho Ho.

18146. concerned - 1/9/2006 5:22:05 AM

Hi, arky -

It wasn't bad, considering. Hope everybody elses' Ramamas Kwanzaakah was felicitous.

18147. alistairconnor - 1/9/2006 12:24:33 PM

Personally, I frisked all guests at the door to confiscate any religious paraphenalia, and I used an electric cattle-prod to repress any references to a higher being of any sort (nothing higher than the upstairs toilet was allowed).

18148. Magoseph - 1/9/2006 5:23:40 PM

Hello, everyone, finally things are returning to normal, which by this I mean that the regular train-train journalier (as my brother puts it), is back until we have to face the birthday celebrations the next few months.

18149. Ms. No - 1/9/2006 6:16:11 PM

Woo-hoo! Party at Connor's next year!

18150. Magoseph - 1/10/2006 5:54:14 PM

Flexy lost his balance yesterday when Butch lunged sideways and he badly bruised his right arm. I’ll be his chauffeur for a few days, looks like—pity me, we are going this week to a town meeting, a lawyer meeting, and a family dinner, all occasions I was planning happily to miss.

18151. Magoseph - 1/10/2006 6:02:50 PM

Another thing, I plan to retrain Butch how to heel and keep his nose from the ground. Flexy realizes how wrong he was not to follow the original training I had given the dog. Of course, I don't like to see Flexy in pain, but in a way, I am glad this mishap happened because it probably avoided a worse one down the line--Flexy was not about to change his ways any time soon.

18152. Ms. No - 1/10/2006 6:34:38 PM

Sometimes the kid just has to touch the stove.

18153. Magoseph - 1/10/2006 6:50:22 PM

It’s my experience that men and boys in my life have to check out all my advices to them, often at their peril. I was telling this to a friend last night and she said that if I were wrong occasionally, I might be taken more seriously. Of the most inane statements from you, I said to her, this one wins the prize, really! She said, “Oh, I know, but I’m correct.
Oh, well…!

18154. Ms. No - 1/10/2006 7:36:47 PM

I'm not sure how that makes any sense at all. If you've got an excellent track record for being right it seems counter-productive for people to beat their heads against walls doing the opposite of what you say.

Unless she feels that they do it in the hopes of one day proving you wrong.

But that still isn't your problem. It's something for the men in your life to overcome.

18155. thoughtful - 1/10/2006 7:57:44 PM

So glad to hear it isn't just me.

Sometimes I get so angry about it...like the other day I grabbed an old grocery bag and saw that it had a hole in it and I needed to get another one. Hubby said, "it has a hole in it? It's still alright. Let me see it." I got mad at him...madder than I felt as that seems to be the only way to get him to stop. But I'm perfectly capable of determining if a bag has a hole in it. For cripes sake, after nearly 28 years of marriage, you'd think he'd built up enough trust in me to trust that I'm capable of recognizing a hole in a bag and using the appropriate judgment. Sheesh!

It's such a little insignificant thing, but it has such deeper implications. If it were only holes in bags it would be one thing, but there are so many ways in which he doesnt't trust me to make the right choices even in areas where I know what I'm doing and areas that I've handled for him for years.

Like I told him, I know nothing about cars, and he knows an awful lot, so if something goes wrong, I rely on his judgment and let him do what he thinks is best. I don't 2nd guess him or question his judgment. But he never seems to be able to afford me the same courtesy. Most frustrating.

Esp when the tables are turned, like with my mother...she was working on something and I wasn't sure she had everything all worked out, so I was asking her some questions to see if she'd thought it through. Hubby jumps on me to leave my mother alone, that she knows what she's doing....lending her more trust than he'd ever lend me. I ignored him and asked a few more questions and sure enough she hadn't thought it through and needed to change her plan.

But still somehow in the whole thing, I came off as the bad guy once again.

18156. alistairconnor - 1/10/2006 8:08:09 PM

The incredible rightness of women.

Infallibility is for the pope. I definitely prefer a measure of human imperfection.

18157. thoughtful - 1/10/2006 8:12:07 PM

So you'd rather I steer you wrong and appear more human than suggest the right course of action and spare you misfortune?

Sounds very woman must know her place, protect man's fragile ego at all cost, kind of thinking to me.

Anyone got a burka i can borrow?

18158. wonkers2 - 1/10/2006 8:17:56 PM

I'm not sure its necessarily a male-female issue. I have experiences with my spouse that are similar to those described by thoughtful and magoseph, above. (And I'm sure my spouse would say the same about her experiences with me.)

18159. thoughtful - 1/10/2006 8:34:13 PM

Now there are times when not only is it appropriate but appreciated to question me, and when he does i'm thankful...mainly because I'm an airhead. I will often leave for the store without the shopping list, head for the car without the keys and other such distractions so comments like, did you remember to lock the door, did you bring your measuring tape, etc. are all appreciated. I know I'm an airhead about such things and I deserve to be second guessed in those instances.

18160. wonkers2 - 1/10/2006 9:11:36 PM

I plead to backseat driving when my wife is at the wheel. But that's because I'm so much better a driver than she. For example, on a freeway she often waits too late to get into the right-hand exit lane, whereas I plan ahead and avoid a last minute Perils of Pauline exit across several lanes. Also, I speed up when I'm changing lanes and she brakes before changing lanes thus entering the new lane going too slow and annoying the cars behind her in the new lane. These are but a few examples. I could easily go on. (I will give her credit for being a careful driver with an accident free record.)

18161. PelleNilsson - 1/10/2006 9:19:12 PM

The fact is that women never cease to try to "improve" their men.

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