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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 18378 - 18398 out of 29250 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
18378. arkymalarky - 2/1/2006 2:32:51 AM

Yeah, I can't wait. Anytime people ask me how I feel about NCLB I just tell them I'd be fine with it if it were retroactive to its creator.

18379. Macnas - 2/1/2006 10:30:57 AM

Ach I scored shag-all but 1 in buzz word bingo.

Robjay: 1

Pelle: 8 (that's 3 for dmocracy and 5 for victory)

Mago: 22 (that's 16 for economy and 6 for jobs)

thoughful: 17 (the man loves his freedom)

Arky: 6

Full text can be read here.

18380. alistairconnor - 2/1/2006 2:29:10 PM

3 for me:

So the United States of America supports democratic reform across the broader Middle East
Democracies in the Middle East will not look like our own
...[no kidding!]
the nations of the world must not permit the Iranian regime to gain nuclear weapons.

18381. Magoseph - 2/1/2006 3:01:43 PM

I won, didn't I?

18382. thoughtful - 2/1/2006 3:23:04 PM

No mags, I won as I picked the single word repeated most frequently. Yeah!!!

Now you all can go ahead and crown me!

18384. PsychProf - 2/1/2006 5:38:36 PM

Good news Judith...very good

18385. anomie - 2/2/2006 12:15:00 AM

Ever notice how when Bush uses the word "bipartisan", he really just means the dems should shut-up and color? I'm not sure he knows what the word means.

18386. judithathome - 2/2/2006 12:31:54 AM

Thanks to all of you who expressed happiness at my good news...I was really stressed over this the past week.

18387. anomie - 2/2/2006 12:40:01 AM

I'm happy for you Judith.

Makes my small ordeal today very minor. I've stressed for two weeks waiting to have a tooth pulled. It's over. No pain. And I think the valium is reducing my anxiety right now to the point where I can post a few comments here. I feel like an idiot being anxious about the dentist.

Good to see you all doing well.

18388. judithathome - 2/2/2006 1:26:51 AM

Oh, Anomie, I undersatnd completely! I'm a dentaphobe, myself!

18389. anomie - 2/2/2006 2:18:29 AM

It might help to tell you that I really didn't feel any pain. Not even that brief acute zinger from the needle. I don't know how they do it. And then of course it's just the pressure after that, and that wasn't bad either.

It's the anticipation that's hell.

18390. Magoseph - 2/2/2006 3:26:01 PM

Good morning, everyone--I deleted the cartoon I posted #13383 because it is inappropriate.

18391. wonkers2 - 2/2/2006 4:50:46 PM

Good morning, ma cherie. Why not re-post it for a couple of days so we can see what you thought was inappropriate?

18392. Magoseph - 2/2/2006 5:51:12 PM

Well, mon chéri, if I had your e-amil address, I could send it to you.

18393. Magoseph - 2/2/2006 5:51:30 PM


18394. ronski - 2/2/2006 6:58:31 PM


Good to hear the good news.

18395. judithathome - 2/2/2006 7:25:20 PM

Thanks, Ronski...it turned out just like you wished for me. ;-)

18396. thoughtful - 2/2/2006 11:07:01 PM

Not good, not good.
Hubby went for his cat scan today and got a call back right away.

His PSA is up (test for prostate cancer) and they found a nodule on his prostate.

He'll see the urologist on Tuesday, and I suspect they'll want to do a biopsy. He had a psa done less than 6 mos ago and it was fine. Hopefully, it'll just be high because of his infection and hopefully the nodule will be nothing, as it is in 50% of the cases. But still....

Man, I hate the waiting.

18397. judithathome - 2/2/2006 11:16:15 PM

Oh, Thoughtful, I'm so sorry to hear that...we went through that about 15 years ago with Keoni and it turned out to be benign. I know that's no comfort but hopefully, it will be as you suspect and just due to the infection.

Keeping my fingers crossed for a good outcome!

18398. thoughtful - 2/2/2006 11:31:33 PM

Thanks judithah...worse part is i'll be travelling on business the day he's going to the docs. Though I doubt we'll find anything definitive that day.

Then on top of it, the decision about what to do if it is cancer is up in the air, depending on how aggressive it is. The cost/benefit of surgery isn't good in terms of injured nerves.

My old secy went through it...lost her father to it and her husband had the same thing and with poor doc and bad effects, ended up losing his bladder and now uses a bag.

But another fellow i know ended up having some elevated psa's and a biopsy and it was benign.

I hate waiting.

I hate not knowing.

I hate not being able to do anything to fix it right away.


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