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18434. Ms. No - 2/6/2006 7:01:26 PM

Lord, I've missed a bunch. Good to hear the news about Judith's son, I hope the prognosis for Mr. Thoughful is just as good.

18435. Ms. No - 2/6/2006 7:01:37 PM

I will not discuss the weather here. I'm not in the mood to be bludgeoned to death this morning.

18436. Ms. No - 2/6/2006 11:27:59 PM


So, I was off on a rather mundane errand this weekend with a buddy of mine that I hook up with for such tasks as venturing out to Target, the Mall and Ikea. Neither of us much likes to shop but we manage to entertain one another fairly well when it must be done.

Yesterday was an Ikea trip and I thoroughly embarrassed my friend by sauntering up to the greeter at the door and asking him how to pronounce your name.

"Why did you do that? You can't just walk up to people and ask that stuff, they'll think you're nuts! Why would you think he'd know? Sure, it's Ikea but this is BURBANK!!"

But the guy actually looks a little like you. And his nametag said "Nisse" and I figure for sure he was actually Swedish so I just walked up and asked him and he was delighted to tell me and we chatted about how funny it is when nicknames are longer than real names and how to make Swedish characters show up in print with an American keyboard and blah blah blah.

So, I'm happy to announce that at least I haven't been butchering your name in my mind all these years. I can't tell you what a relief it is.

My friend may never go out in public with me again. Of course he says that every time I walk up to a likely looking stranger and strike up a random conversation. But I've never been turned away or gotten us thrown out of anyplace for it so I really don't know what he's complaining about. I think he's secretly amused by it.

I tell "Mortified Friend" stories and he tells "Mortifying, Nutty Friend" stories.

18437. judithathome - 2/7/2006 12:50:49 AM

Well, I don't care how it's really pronounced because to me, he will always be Pelle the Conqueror like in the movie of the same title and that was pronounced PELL-ee.

So how did Nisse say it was done?

18438. PelleNilsson - 2/7/2006 7:51:34 AM

That's right. Both e's are short and the stress is on the first syllable. Pelle has the same relation to Per as Jimmy to Jim -- or Nisse to Nils.

18439. Macnas - 2/7/2006 11:04:20 AM

I rather liked the Pel-eh sound, as in the footballer.

18440. Magoseph - 2/7/2006 2:38:59 PM

Hi, Mac--I pronounce PELLE as I do PELLY and it's as close as I can do it justice, I guess.

18441. alistairconnor - 2/7/2006 3:41:05 PM

Pelle schmelle. Nilsson schmilsson.

18442. Ms. No - 2/7/2006 8:20:57 PM

I think the guy was just excited that somebody in Burbank had actually even distantly "met" another Swede. He was really, really happy to talk to me.

I guess that's why he got the job as greeter. Lovely man.

18443. wonkers2 - 2/8/2006 6:37:06 AM

Somehow, I don't think Pelle would make it as a greeter. :-)

18444. Macnas - 2/8/2006 10:30:28 AM

Bet he would, he'd leave everyone in.

18445. jexster - 2/8/2006 11:27:28 AM


What do you think of the new TPMC format?

I think it totally bites and have told them so. The new comments format must have been designed by a geek on eXtasy

He calls himself Advomatic
He should be shot

    jexster sent a message using the contact form at

    I would have searched thru the FAQ, but pouring over and squinting my
    through pages of pointless small point is not in the cards


18446. jexster - 2/8/2006 11:29:54 AM

Pelle schmelle. Nilsson schmilsson

A greeter a Burbank IKEA???

Welcome to California
Now go home

18447. wonkers2 - 2/8/2006 4:19:28 PM

Would you buy Wal-Mart?

18448. PelleNilsson - 2/8/2006 4:47:25 PM

Talking about IKEA, I just read an article about a British guy whose business idea is to take the pain out of the IKEA experience. He undertakes to buy, deliver and put together whatever furniture his customers have selected. He started out in April last year. Now he has 30 staff.

18449. alistairconnor - 2/8/2006 5:05:56 PM

Wouldn't it be simpler if they simply went to an ordinary furniture shop instead?

18450. alistairconnor - 2/8/2006 5:07:00 PM

Well yes, I would put the closet together myself, but I've got a sore back. And when you've finished that, would you mind humping my wife? Thanks mate.

18451. judithathome - 2/8/2006 5:13:13 PM

Got a letter in my paper today...it's over in News. I love that on the whole page, only one person spoke in favor of the incumbent. And that one was probably written by him!

18452. Magoseph - 2/8/2006 5:33:34 PM

If he's smart, he should be ringing your bell before the day is over, apologize profusely, and make a date for lunch at the best restaurant in town.

18453. Ms. No - 2/8/2006 6:58:06 PM


I'm sure he'll get lots of business so long as he doesn't increase the price so much that he negates the IKEA savings.

I find IKEA to be pretty painless for the most part, but I generally know what I want before I go there. I figure out that I have a need. I look through the catalogue to see if IKEA can fill it. I go to the store and check out the display to make sure it lives up to what I want and then I head down to the warehouse.

Now, I'm certainly guilty of the occasional impulse buying along the way, but all in all I'm fairly efficient. I go right when they open before the crowds descend. I don't wander. I don't take wanderers with me. I know where I'm going because I go often enough. And I find their assembly directions easy to follow as long as there's no glue involved.

I hate glue.

I've had problems with a bookcase that was too heavy for me to lift alone once I got it assembled and also with some check-out/schlepping/customer-service/return stuff before I learned the ropes, but now I've got it all down to a science. I'm generally in and out of IKEA in about 30 minutes.

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