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18448. PelleNilsson - 2/8/2006 4:47:25 PM

Talking about IKEA, I just read an article about a British guy whose business idea is to take the pain out of the IKEA experience. He undertakes to buy, deliver and put together whatever furniture his customers have selected. He started out in April last year. Now he has 30 staff.

18449. alistairconnor - 2/8/2006 5:05:56 PM

Wouldn't it be simpler if they simply went to an ordinary furniture shop instead?

18450. alistairconnor - 2/8/2006 5:07:00 PM

Well yes, I would put the closet together myself, but I've got a sore back. And when you've finished that, would you mind humping my wife? Thanks mate.

18451. judithathome - 2/8/2006 5:13:13 PM

Got a letter in my paper today...it's over in News. I love that on the whole page, only one person spoke in favor of the incumbent. And that one was probably written by him!

18452. Magoseph - 2/8/2006 5:33:34 PM

If he's smart, he should be ringing your bell before the day is over, apologize profusely, and make a date for lunch at the best restaurant in town.

18453. Ms. No - 2/8/2006 6:58:06 PM


I'm sure he'll get lots of business so long as he doesn't increase the price so much that he negates the IKEA savings.

I find IKEA to be pretty painless for the most part, but I generally know what I want before I go there. I figure out that I have a need. I look through the catalogue to see if IKEA can fill it. I go to the store and check out the display to make sure it lives up to what I want and then I head down to the warehouse.

Now, I'm certainly guilty of the occasional impulse buying along the way, but all in all I'm fairly efficient. I go right when they open before the crowds descend. I don't wander. I don't take wanderers with me. I know where I'm going because I go often enough. And I find their assembly directions easy to follow as long as there's no glue involved.

I hate glue.

I've had problems with a bookcase that was too heavy for me to lift alone once I got it assembled and also with some check-out/schlepping/customer-service/return stuff before I learned the ropes, but now I've got it all down to a science. I'm generally in and out of IKEA in about 30 minutes.

18454. Macnas - 2/8/2006 7:23:47 PM

Whenever we talk about furniture, I always say " I'll make it, I've a good idea for that, see..."

And my wife looks at me with a tired expression and says " We need it next week, not in 2 months time".

So we buy the unit and I spend a few hours swearing and blinding, cursing the fellow who thought this turn and twist bolt capture device was a good idea. My wife usually leaves the house while I engage in this ritual.

18455. arkymalarky - 2/9/2006 5:51:29 AM

You can't buy a freakin pack of gum in Wal-Mart in under 30 minutes.

I have to do all the putting together in our house. Bob gets too mad. I'm sure that's a purposeful technique of his, but it works.

18456. Neato - 2/9/2006 10:18:22 AM

Well, incidents of "Ikea rage" are reported in Australia from time to time, and Russell Crowe had an attack of this. I love the place myself. When New Zealand comes to Australia they are thrilled with it all, as they lack Ikea there (NZ). There's a great episode of a local comedy in which a character disappears for days in Ikea....

18457. Macnas - 2/9/2006 10:40:04 AM

Hello Neato!

18458. alistairconnor - 2/9/2006 10:56:30 AM

Neato, don't be a stranger!

Australians exhibit "Ikea rage"
New Zealanders suffer from "Ikea envy"

I confess at least half of my furniture comes from the Swedish supermarket, or from a local knock-off of the concept. And I have issues with that bolt-capture device.

18459. wonkers2 - 2/9/2006 5:47:32 PM

Compared to the typical American furniture store which sells poorly made and horribly tasteless junk, IKEA is tremendous.

18460. PelleNilsson - 2/9/2006 6:03:17 PM

There is a technique for dealing with the bolt-capture thing. Contact me before your next assembly session.

18461. alistairconnor - 2/9/2006 6:07:31 PM

Engineers Without Borders!

Selfless Swedes succour the suffering bolt-capture-challenged Ikea clients.

18462. Macnas - 2/9/2006 6:18:46 PM

I can think of many very satisfying techniques of dealing with the bolt capture fixing.

I've no issue with making it work, I just hate it when the routed section has to be relieved due to poor sizing and I detest anything that cannot be taken apart easily once installed.

18464. Ms. No - 2/9/2006 10:04:48 PM

oops, that should've gone to Sex and Gender.

Mago, pardon me for moving it, but I don't know if you're around at the moment.

18465. Ms. No - 2/9/2006 10:10:57 PM

What's the bolt capture device? --- Oh, wait, is it the thing that looks like an eye-pencil sharpener that you twist to lock the bolts in? Once I finally figured them out I thought they were pretty damn cool.

I was also thrilled with the little plastic nail pinscher that holds the tiny nails at the same perfect distance from the edge of whatever I'm working on and keeps me from smacking myself.

18466. wabbit - 2/10/2006 2:33:21 AM

Contrary to popular belief, there is indeed enough Chuck Norris to go around. And you can say so on your t-shirt.

It was just a matter of time.

18467. judithathome - 2/10/2006 2:59:05 AM

Chuck Norris is passé now...it's all about Jack Bauer!

Superman wears Jack Bauer pajamas!

18468. Macnas - 2/10/2006 10:38:19 AM

Hey, Chuck rules.

30 things you never knew about Chuck Norris:

1. chuck norris's tears cure cancer. too bad he has never cried

2. rather than being birthed like a normal child, chuck norris instead decided to punch his way out of his mother's womb. shortly thereafter he grew a beard

3. chuck norris does not sleep. he waits

4. chuck norris sold his soul to the devil for his rugged good looks and unparallelled martial arts ability. Shortly after the transaction was finalised, chuck roundhouse kicked the devil in the face and took his soul back. the devil, who appreciates irony, couldn't stay mad and admitted he should have seen it coming. they now play poker every second wednesday of the month

5. chuck norris is currently suing NBC, claiming Law and Order are trademarked names for his left and right legs

6. chuck norris built a time machine and went back in time to stop the JFK assassination. As Oswald shot, chuck met all 3 bullets with his beard, deflecting them. JFK's head exploded out of sheer amazement

7. chuck norris's girlfriend once asked him how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood. he then shouted "how dare you rhyme in the presence of chuck norris" and ripped out her throat. holding his girlfriends bloody throat in his hand he bellowed "don't f*ck with the chuck!" Two years and 5 months later he realised the irony of this statement and laughed so hard that everyone within a hundred mile radius of the blast went deaf.

8. Chuck Norris once ate three 72 ounce steaks in an hour. He spent the first 50 of those minutes screwing his waitress

9. To prove it isn't that big a deal to beat cancer, chuck norris smoked 15 cartons of cigarettes a day for 2 years and acquired 7 different kinds of cancer, only to rid them from his body by flexing his muscles for 30 minutes. Beat that, Lance Armstrong

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