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18503. PelleNilsson - 2/12/2006 7:14:35 PM

Male solidarity.

18504. arkymalarky - 2/12/2006 7:43:12 PM

Now, how do you know the doctor wasn't female?

18505. wonkers2 - 2/12/2006 7:48:51 PM

Mago would never trust Flexy with a woman doctor! Maybe that's why she accompanied him???

18506. PelleNilsson - 2/12/2006 9:01:42 PM

"I just enumerated them for him."

I can see the scene. Flexy and Mago sits there. Mago in her Gallic intensity leans forward and enumerates. Flexy sits back. The doctor sees them both. Flexy sends manly, but subtle, signals about his preferences.

18507. jexster - 2/12/2006 11:17:54 PM

FYI JaySmackroyd

TPMC Karma - 4

18508. Macnas - 2/13/2006 10:22:34 AM

Ha ha yes, I think I can see it.

Mago starts to speak, laying down Mago-law in no uncertain terms..

Doctor glances at Flexy.."always like this?"..

Flexy blinks once.."oh yeah"..

Doctor lowers his chin and raises one eyebrow.."no sweat, I got you covered"

Flexy turning his face to Mago and nodding as if in full agreement with everything she says.."solid, I owe you one".

18509. Magoseph - 2/13/2006 6:07:42 PM

Hahaha, you, kidders, you’re the ones who didn’t see my ploy, which was to get what I really wanted and that is to keep the patient happy, resting, and healing!

18510. Macnas - 2/13/2006 6:10:50 PM

Lucky man that Flexy.

18511. thoughtful - 2/13/2006 9:10:46 PM

Juds, you're rapidly becoming such a big shot...will you still remember us little moties when you're in the governor's mansion?

I can see it now. Governor Juds: "Hold all my calls for the next 30 minutes...I have to mote."

18512. judithathome - 2/13/2006 9:34:46 PM

Ha! I'd love to be Governor! In the mold of Ann Richards...

Surely, if Bush could handle it, I could, too.

18513. Ulgine Barrows - 2/14/2006 7:07:40 AM

Ms.No, what have you been up to?

I have been eating lots of Chinese take-out and reading this retarded book about feng shui decluttering.

18514. Ms. No - 2/14/2006 7:19:24 AM

Ah, de-cluttering. My magic method was gifted to me at Christmas. It's called the e-book reader. I am slowly replacing vast numbers of paper books with electronic files thus freeing up many cubic feet of space in my apartment.

Certainly I'll keep some "real" books, but I've got over 1200 of them so most of them are going slowly but surely as I find the electronic files online.

Then it will be the task of getting rid of all the paper clutter that has accumulated and the tchotchkes that I don't need. Dust catchers and the like.

But all that is less on my mind of late than it was. I've become consumed by my hobby in recent days. So long as I've got the space to work on that I haven't much cared about anything else.

18515. Ulgine Barrows - 2/14/2006 7:23:22 AM

the leatherworking?

18516. Ms. No - 2/14/2006 7:27:14 AM

I was confronted by a rather nasty little quirk of mine the other day that's been holding me back. I've been thinking about this project that I want to do for ages. Really, since almost my first class I've wanted to make a fringed bag big enough to actually put stuff in and carry it around, but I haven't done it. I made a small bag from a kit but it wasn't practical.

I made a paper pattern. I bought a bunch of leather and waxed thread etc. and then I just didn't do anything. For 10 months.

Because I was afraid to fuck it up.

How stupid is that? OF COURSE I might fuck it up. I've never done it before. I'm a beginner. But nobody's going to die if I fuck it up. Even if it's total crap I can take it apart and make something out of the scraps. Hell, even if it were beyond salvage and had to be burned and the ashes scattered at sea it's not like I couldn't get another side of leather and start over.

So what's the big deal?

This weekend I finally mocked up the bag in muslin and I'm going to take the leather by the store tomorrow or the next day to have my instructor help me cut the thing out.

I can't believe I let myself get totally paralysed by fear of not being perfect at something. How insane is that? Truly, I need to go stand in front of the AutoSlap-Whap Machine™.

18517. Ms. No - 2/14/2006 7:29:48 AM

Yep, the leatherworking. I was tooling stuff like a fiend for Christmas and then it all left the house so I look around and it's like I have nothing to show for months of work. It's like I never did anything at all because there's almost nothing here. It's all in other people's houses.

Now I've got a little time to try some other projects and maybe keep a few around for myself and see if there are things I want to branch out into. The coasters were cool for gifts but they're not all that exciting to do at this point. I'm kind of burn out on them, but I made a LOT of them so that's no surprise.

18518. Ulgine Barrows - 2/14/2006 7:33:32 AM

Listen, I sew, and that crap of making up something in muslin is just that, crap.

WORK with the real thing, make your mistakes on it, muslin is nothing like leather.

We only have so many hours to give to our art. Let them be done with the best materials at hand.

18519. Ms. No - 2/14/2006 7:39:52 AM

I did the mock-up because I wasn't sure if I'd gotten the proportions right --- whether it was going to end up being too deep or if I'd made the gusset too wide or something. I didn't mock out the strap or anything just the body of the bag. The strap and the fringe length will be determined to some degree by what's left of the hide when I cut the bag body out of it. It's a pretty big hide though so I should have plenty of leather.

You're right, though, nothing really has the weight of leather. Hell, the hides can vary so much from one to another that half the time leather doesn't have the weight of leather.

18520. Ms. No - 2/14/2006 7:41:25 AM

I always wished I could sew. I never really took advantage of my grandmother like I should have though. She was amazing --- one of those people who could shop with a sketchpad.

What do you most like to make?

18521. Ulgine Barrows - 2/14/2006 7:53:50 AM

Like to make?

Vain woman that I am, with my long legs, skirts. I can sew a damn fine flirty skirt to show off my legs.

But where sewing really comes in handy & economical is the home dec stuff, window treatments cost a fortune but not for me.

Also pillows, it is fun to stuff them.

18522. Ulgine Barrows - 2/14/2006 7:57:47 AM

I made a roman shade for a window that priced out at over $300 for $45.

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