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18668. judithathome - 2/23/2006 3:37:11 AM

Man, you can say THAT again! Keoni and I would move there in a heartbeat and live out the rest of our lives there if we had the money. We'd never look back, either!

18669. arkymalarky - 2/23/2006 5:01:39 AM

Ooooh, yes!

18670. anomie - 2/23/2006 1:53:53 PM

Well, if I get the offer and accept it, I'll expect a visit from Arky and Judith - yes?

This is the third time I've been up for this same job. Came close each time. Last year I waffled when asked whether I'd take it if offered. That hesitation cost e the job, I think. So this time will be the charm or the strike-out.

18671. alistairconnor - 2/23/2006 4:08:54 PM

Ah me too - as long as you are OK for a return visit to south-eastern France.

18672. alistairconnor - 2/23/2006 4:11:22 PM

They just cancelled the project I'm working on -- I thought I was dug in for the long haul, three years or so. Interesting international ambiance, frequent trips to Spain, I was enjoying it...

But due to politico-financial considerations, they are going to implement a bad technical choice. So a couple of hundred people will have to find something else to do, and an army of SAP consultants are rubbing their hands with glee...

18673. Macnas - 2/23/2006 4:32:42 PM

When don't they?

18674. alistairconnor - 2/23/2006 5:33:15 PM

The SAP consultants? When they get thrown out on their ears two years down the track. But the damage will be done by then. And they will just grin ruefully and find another pigeon to pluck.

18675. Macnas - 2/23/2006 5:52:45 PM

I've seen them at work here, biggest load of bluffers under the sun.

18676. PsychProf - 2/23/2006 6:00:56 PM

Bluffers...what a great image.

18677. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 2/23/2006 6:04:44 PM

SAP consultants? What are they?

18678. Ms. No - 2/23/2006 6:18:18 PM

Okay, I'm on the ISP search again. My cable provider just decided that they'd start charging $50 a month for service.

Are they nuts? Everyone's prices are going down and they're going to raise theirs by $15 a month for no good reason? Do they WANT to lose all their business?

So, I LOATHE the idea of going with SBC for DSL. I hate them and now that they've hooked up with AT&T I hate them even more. Cable is what I'm getting rid of ---- unless there's more than one cable company in my area which I doubt. And I don't have anywhere to install a dish...even if I hadn't already given it away.

Does this mean I'm up the proverbial creek? Must I deal with SBC? Pleasohplease tell me it isn't so.

18679. alistairconnor - 2/23/2006 6:19:44 PM

It's a German outfit that sells a business software package.

They did a quick audit of the project we're on, and they announce : with SAP, we cover 83% of the functionality.

That number provokes great hilarity. Just walk down a corridor here, and say "83%", and you'll hear screams and guffaws.

18680. jexster - 2/23/2006 8:33:46 PM

Dick's Thought for the Day

    Ever noticed since everyone has a camera phone or camcorder these days no one talks about seeing UFOs like they used to?

18681. jexster - 2/23/2006 8:35:47 PM

Ms. No ...I have had this conversation w/ my brother..I have SBC wanted to go cable at the intro prices
"Don't bother. Not worth the trouble. Once they have you, they'll all screw you"

That's capitalism (NB: that is NOT free-market capitalism which is a myth)

18682. Ms. No - 2/23/2006 11:06:07 PM

I loathe SBC though. I loved PacBell and then SBC bought them and it went to shit. I've long hated AT&T and they can only make things at SBC worse than they already are but it may be my only option.

Oh, wait. Hmmm....I'm calling our office phone guys and see what I can work out. Or maybe our company telecom providers do residential too. That would be cool.

18683. anomie - 2/24/2006 12:03:27 AM

AC, you'd be absolutely welcome. I'll keep you posted with a Mote post on the possible posting.

18684. anomie - 2/24/2006 12:08:03 AM

Ms. No,

I think I was scammed by the cable company too. I signed up at Best Buy for 20 bucks a month for the first six months but kept getting billed the full 45. Each time I complained I was promised an adjustment but never got it. I got tired of dealing with it and just gave up.

18685. Ms. No - 2/24/2006 12:13:57 AM

Here's another problem: I have Vonage. I don't WANT any other phone company. If I get DSL they have to run it through a land line that I don't want to use. I need to be able to get a DSL line and not use the phone line part of it which I don't know that SBC will do because they want you to use all their crap.

Honestly, if I can't get what I want I may decide to just do without. I may cancel it all and just go back to using my cell phone. I'm not paying hundreds of dollars a month to companies I don't like for crap I don't want.

I refuse.

18686. judithathome - 2/24/2006 1:23:48 AM

Not trying to take up for SBC but I have used them for DSL for a long time (years) and have had exactly one outage...weather related...and they fixed it in half a day. Never have a problem with the DSL dropping off suddenly, never have hidden charges...I called once and griped about having to pay more than an introductory deal and they cut my rate down to that lower one....I have no gripes with them at all.

Same with Dish Network...everyone told me I'd regret dropping cable and I haven't regretted it for ONE MINUTE. When we have severe storms, the TV might be out for a few minutes...unlike cable that was frequently out for DAYS...no probelms with Dish whatsoever.

(Now both will tank for a week, just you watch!)

18687. Ms. No - 2/24/2006 1:38:46 AM

hahaha, no, I never had service problems with my DSL and if it had been available when I moved to my current place I would've gotten it. I just don't want them NOW especially since they're hooking up with AT&T.

I like Vonage. It's great. I never want another phone carrier, but I have to have something to carry that line and if I'm going to have a land line anyway then it's not cost effective for me to also have Vonage since I can make my long distance calls for free already on my cell phone.

I'm just irritable. I'll figure something out.

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