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18944. judithathome - 3/19/2006 9:56:57 PM

Wish I'd been along...I love their food!!

18945. arkymalarky - 3/19/2006 10:07:53 PM

I thought about you there, and that we'd have to make a day to go this summer!

They were absolutely PACKED, and Hot Springs was bumper-to-bumper traffic. I guess racing season, rainy night, and whatever else, but it's getting impossible to get around in Hot Springs any more. They need to do something to relieve the congestion. I much prefer going there to going to Little Rock, but it's getting to be such a popular place for everyone that it's simply not equipped to handle all the people and traffic.

18946. judithathome - 3/19/2006 10:10:36 PM

I guess everyone likes it better than Little rock, huh?

I can see why, though. It's a great little town!

18947. arkymalarky - 3/19/2006 10:34:43 PM

It's beginning to seem that way. I do wish they'd get a few things there, especially a good health food store.

I shouldn't diss Little Rock too much, since they're really working on making the River Walk a lively and interesting place, but they aren't there yet, imo.

18948. judithathome - 3/20/2006 12:26:00 AM

Arks,, we're getting drenched like mad here...it has raind like crazy, really hard downpour, for about an hour straight. After a steady light rain all day yesterday, last night, and today and now this...we should be floated away before the Sopranos is on tonight.

That is, if it even IS on tonight...dish satellite keeps going out in this deluge.

18949. judithathome - 3/20/2006 12:26:34 AM


18950. Magoseph - 3/20/2006 12:54:04 PM

Thank you, thoughtful.

Yesterday, a kid on a skateboard, holding a dog by its leash, narrowly avoided a car and in the process broke his leg—I saw all this because Butch was barking crazily at the kid and his dog. I called 911, then the parents—busy afternoon…It turned out, the family just had bought a part of a road we owned. So now, I have some neighbors who want to be my friends—something I took pains to avoid, not wanting people coming over for a cup of sugar or whatever…

18951. Magoseph - 3/20/2006 1:44:49 PM

Now, who would call this early in the morning? it’s the boy’s mother. Her husband is half way to a meeting at eight, her car’s battery is flat, she needs a ride to the hospital and I’m her best friend, the only one she can call since she’s new in the neighborhood.

I’m giving strict orders to Flexy not to move until I come back—I know him, he’s likely to take the garbage out or something worse, and what if he breaks a leg?

18952. Macnas - 3/20/2006 1:57:38 PM

Make clicking noises in the back of your throat during every lull in the conversation, and deny you can hear them or know what shes talking about.

Bet she'll think twice about asking you for a lift after that.

18953. thoughtful - 3/20/2006 2:50:15 PM

Happy Monday, everyone. And why not. After the weekend we had. Did our income taxes and found out we underwithheld so much as to owe a penalty on top of our already substantial tax bill. We also owe the state. And I broke a tooth. Can it get any more fun?

18954. alistairconnor - 3/20/2006 3:44:31 PM

Please accept my deepest sympathy for the tooth and for the tax. Also please accept my rueful apology for laughing out loud at your post.

18955. thoughtful - 3/20/2006 3:57:18 PM

I thought I heard you laughing from here!

18956. Max Macks - 3/20/2006 9:31:06 PM

hi Moters

18957. judithathome - 3/20/2006 10:36:55 PM

Hi, Max!

18958. arkymalarky - 3/21/2006 12:51:07 AM

Hi all.

The way we avoid interactions with neighbors is not to have any.

What an awful Monday, Thoughtful. I'm going to do our taxes on my spring break in a couple of weeks. Last year I dreaded it and we got a very nice refund. This year I'm cautiously anticipating it, which probably means I'm going to get stuck. I absolutely can't tell from one year to the next any more.

18959. judithathome - 3/21/2006 1:14:16 AM

We always get a refund...Keoni has them take out a LOT so that we do end up getting money back. We never miss it through the year but we sure do love it at the end...ha!

18960. arkymalarky - 3/21/2006 1:35:16 AM

I hope that's the case with us. We changed our withholding a couple of years ago and it helped a lot. The straw was the $1500 tax right after we'd bought Mose her car. It still makes me mad when I think about it.

18961. thoughtful - 3/21/2006 10:44:23 PM

Well, the dentist fixed my broken tooth but is insisting on a crown. I guess you'll just have to call me Princess thoughtful from then on!

We sent off the check to the feds today hopefully to minimize the interest penalty.

I'm still trying to figure it all out and I think I did. We had some sizable cap gains this year and I didn't realize that they are treated as a preference item under the AMT. So we got whacked good.

So now I know. Anytime I hear this crap about how much the economy has grown because they cut the cap gains tax, I know it's all BS. I mean I've always known from an economic pov how lame the argument was, but now I know from a real pov of how lame it is...most of the people who take cap gains don't get the lower tax rate as it's taken back in the AMT.

Oh to have a govt with competent policy makers!!!

18962. thoughtful - 3/21/2006 10:44:36 PM

BTW, where did the mote go today? On vacation?

18963. Magoseph - 3/21/2006 10:50:14 PM

Dear Princess, maybe the site that carries our beloved Mote probably had some maintenance to do today.

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