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19263. Dubai Vol - 4/28/2006 12:16:56 AM

Wow. Just wow. "I buy my kids' t-shirts from LL Bean but lately they are too pretentious even for me...."

No offense intended, but, um, er....

19264. judithathome - 4/28/2006 1:10:59 AM

Jesus, the things you learn at the Mote! First I find out there are "professional smokers" and now I learn there are rules about wearing t-shirts!!

don't logos on t-shirts have to make sense? That the places on the t-shirt have to exist or at least have to be places you've actually visited?

I never gave this a second thought but now that I have the answer is "Huh? Who wrote THIS rule and why??" Wear whatever you want! Just don't wear one to the Opera or a funeral.

19265. Jenerator - 4/28/2006 1:22:38 AM

I think you have to have a young child (right now) to understand, Judith.

19266. Jenerator - 4/28/2006 1:26:05 AM

19267. Jenerator - 4/28/2006 1:27:05 AM

No such hiking company exists.

19268. arkymalarky - 4/28/2006 1:41:22 AM

If you've ever worn a tube-top to a funeral, you might be a redneck. That's the only one that still makes me laught.

If my children have to wear meaningless slogans, I prefer that they be in Chinese or Thai script, this avoids pain and suffering on my part at least.

Chinese tattoos were all the rage for a while and Mose wanted one that said "Song." I told her that if I were a Chinese script tattoist (or whatever they're called) I'd tell people like her it said "song," but I'd really put "This end up," and other such smartass stuff. I'd have a blast with it.

WRT t-shirts, my favorite one came from the Dollar Store: "I'm out of bed and dressed, what more do you want?" Kids wear some really witty ones every once in a while--or I notice them every once in a while. I don't pay much attention to that sort of stuff. But like good jokes, I can't ever remember them when I want to.

Oh, one said, "I'm out of my mind right now. Please leave a message."

19269. arkymalarky - 4/28/2006 1:43:03 AM

Oh, and Judith, in the Good Life thread I think you had an Emily Latella moment. Jenerator posted PROFESSED smoker, not PROFESSIONAL smoker.

19270. Snowowl - 4/28/2006 1:47:34 AM

I'd rather my kids (or grandkids now) were wearing things with made-up names, rather than being walking advertisements for a brand.

I used to resent being expected to fork over good money to turn my kids into walking billboards.

19271. Jenerator - 4/28/2006 1:50:26 AM

I am loyal to some brands because they're made well and last long.

19272. Snowowl - 4/28/2006 1:54:48 AM

I don't mind buying good brands. I just object to turning my kids into walking advertisements.

19273. arkymalarky - 4/28/2006 2:19:31 AM

I used to resent being expected to fork over good money to turn my kids into walking billboards.

My husband is EXACTLY the same. You're never going to one-up enough Joneses with a brand name shirt and they're charging big money plus, as you say, getting free ads from you, so I don't see the benefit. If something looks great a label can usually only detract from that.

Disclaimer: The opinion above is from the woman who uses her dryer in lieu of an ironing board.

19274. wonkers2 - 4/28/2006 2:20:58 AM

Snowowl, I agree. I have resisted shirts with brand names, logos, etc. Especially ones like Polo or other pricey brands. I remember arguing with my oldest son when he was in high school over shirts with the Polo logo. (Levis are okay, however.)

19275. arkymalarky - 4/28/2006 2:27:34 AM

Okay. This is the first evening I've had the "Megaboost" feature enabled and it does seem MUCH better. I checked all three of my Yahoo email boxes (Uz wasn't there yet), pictures are loading just like at work--it didn't occur to me until Jen posted that shirt picture and I saw it when the page loaded. Before it would often never show up at all. I'd been to my ISP's office two or three times in person and talked to them several times on the phone, but this feature just became available a few days ago.

To be honest, if it stays like this I don't care nearly as much about getting dsl. I'll have to update the website I maintain and see how quickly that goes to get a better idea of how much faster it is, but that won't happen until at least week after next.

19276. wonkers2 - 4/28/2006 2:29:55 AM

I have several pictures on Shutterfly that I'd like to post, but I've never been able to get the cut and paste function to work. And it's too much work to type in the long url for each picture. Any suggestions?

19277. Adam Selene - 4/28/2006 2:33:00 AM

Arky - web accelerators work by preloading links on your current page, before you ask. As long as you have decent RAM and free disk space, they are well worth it. Just remember to clean your caches and defrag your disk every now and then, and you should be able to enjoy your new "speed" for a nice long time. Congrats!

19278. arkymalarky - 4/28/2006 2:49:04 AM

Thanks for the info, Adam! Those pointers will really help.

I don't know why we didn't have the service before now (I didn't really understand the concept, but knew NetZero and NetScape do that), and it was bearable until I became responsible for regular (needs to be daily) maintenance of a statewide organization website (we've grown significantly in the last year or so), and taking these two grad classes where now profs want you on listservs and send you documents and files. I like the good ol' days when you showed up with a pen and plenty of paper, took three tests, wrote a paper, and were otherwise left alone. It's all inclusive and "collegial" now, with the internet.

And seriously, I would like that a lot if I weren't so busy at work and so slow online at home. I think this is going to fix that.

19279. arkymalarky - 4/28/2006 2:50:38 AM

I don't know, Wonk. I have a Shutterfly account and posted pictures here with no problem copy/pasting the links. I haven't looked at it in months, though. I don't remember anything about how to get in or anything.

19280. arkymalarky - 4/28/2006 2:57:45 AM

I think when you can't copy/paste you might be able to highlight the url and hit ctrl-C and get it to work.

19281. judithathome - 4/28/2006 3:26:54 AM

I think you have to have a young child (right now) to understand, Judith.

No, I don't. I know exactly what you are saying and how very young children dress these days. I think it's ludicrous to see little kids (toddlers) in Ralph Lauren and Tommy Hilfiger and LLBean when they grow so quickly. But then, I think it's ludicrous to spend a fortune on label clothes, too...the billboard effect as mentioned earlier.

And as to the shirt you posted with the cavet "There IS no such place". My reaction is "So what?" There's no such person as Harry Potter, either, but he's all over the place. If people want to be willingly bilked out of money for expensive t-shirts with imaginary place names on them, more power to the sellers! It's the American way...style over substance! (and that is sarcasm, Jen.)

Hahaha! Arks, you're right...Emily Latella moment. But it would have been just as believable my way. ;-)

19282. Adam Selene - 4/28/2006 3:29:46 AM

My favorite shirt has my dojo logo on it... but no one ever asks me about it! drives me crazy. I so want to brag.... but I guess they don't think the logo has anything to do with me really...

Sucks much.

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