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1929. wabbit - 12/3/2008 3:09:08 AM

Alas WoW, you are married and having met your charming and beautiful wife I can say lucky you, because she is wonderful. But I'm sure I'd love reading those letters!

JJB, I go through the archives every so often and am amazed at the discussions and appreciative of those who have stuck with us. The Sci-Tech thread from the Fray always makes me smile. I wish I had all the old Fray threads. I've made most of what I do have available, though it looks like I'm due to move them to a new host. It's good to see you again.

1930. vonKreedon - 12/3/2008 5:57:11 PM

Jexster is the one reason I don't post here with any regularity or interest. Cal used to mock me for claiming that one can be shouted down in an online environment, Jex is empirical proof of the possibility.

1931. thoughtful - 12/3/2008 11:19:43 PM

I said it a long time ago...Grisham's law come to the fray/mote. The bad posters will drive out the good.

We did used to have fabulous discussions around here...that caused me to think and stretch as good intellectual exchange should. I've looked back at some really old posts from the late 90s that i'd saved and was stunned at how sharp the other posters were and how much sharper that made me. It was really a mutually beneficial exchange. EG, I remember learning about ochams' razor here. It helped me to grow and I was better for it.

This place hasn't been that way in a long long time and I'm sorry for it. Any half way decent exchanges seem to deteriorate into ugliness, for which no one is better off.

1932. jexster - 12/4/2008 1:46:20 AM

Jexster is the one reason I don't post here with any regularity or interest. Cal used to mock me for claiming that one can be shouted down in an online environment, Jex is empirical proof of the possibility.

I will gouge your eyeballs out and skull fuck you

1933. jexster - 12/4/2008 1:49:06 AM

Last time I had a "lengthy" discussion with VK..I defended Manny Wallerstein's thesis that the War on Iraq was both symptom and cause of the demise of the US as one of the four global hegemons in the history of World Capitalism

I leave it to VK to declare his motives for raising the White Flag of Surrender

1934. jexster - 12/4/2008 1:49:46 AM

EG, I remember learning about ochams' razor here. It helped me to grow and I was better for it.

Why UR welcome!

1935. jexster - 12/4/2008 1:51:45 AM

Waaay back in the day when Nixon was president, I recall a Kissinger quote about Robert McNamara to the effect that he could overwhelm his opponents in any argument, silence them and leave them totally unpersuaded

Such is my cross to bear I thought then and knew a LONG time ago

1936. wonkers2 - 12/4/2008 2:28:17 AM

Please, Occam's Razor.

1937. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 12/4/2008 3:27:41 AM

. . . sometimes spelled Ockham's razor

1938. jexster - 12/4/2008 4:47:04 AM

Hey Wonks! You still sporting a Nehru Jacket???

1939. jexster - 12/4/2008 4:50:19 AM

1940. arkymalarky - 12/4/2008 5:00:20 AM

Things descended into drama a few years ago and a lot of people left as a result. IMHO, many who stayed failed to adequately nurture the site in a number of ways after that, including benign neglect. I'm as guilty of this (probably more so) as anyone. But the hosted thread structure--which looked at anyone policing a thread before the thread host stepped in as an encroachment on their territory--exacerbated the problem. The individual hosting is great, but policing is a tall order for many people. However, even considering all that, Jex has been the only consistent issue since the Great Schism.

When I was a kid we used to go up the block to what we called "The Little Store" with the neighbor kids to spend our allowance. The store owners were a rather heavy older couple. One neighbor kid called them "Mr and Mrs Fatso" whenever we came in. He fancied himself as a big kidder and he didn't have the basic social skills to know better. When the owners finally told him that if he couldn't be respectful he couldn't come into the store any more, we all felt very awkward, including the owners and the kid. But enough was enough.

For me, the line is crossed when a poster targets and harasses another poster or posters in ways that impair their ability to function in the forum and ways which others can't ignore. That's bullying and I despise bullies. The other line I consider as moderator is being a general, chronic, impossible to ignore nuisance, but we have always tried to defer to the thread host first on that. I don't think, for obvious reasons, that's a practical policy any more.

So Jex can be on the defensive instead of the offensive for a change, or he can facilitate rather than inhibit discussion and quit singling out his personal "Mr Fatsos," or the hammer can come down. It's entirely in his court. And I like Jex. I liked the neighbor kid. But the proprietors were right on in telling him to have some respect for others and for making it clear he wouldn't be welcome back if he didn't.

1941. Wombat - 12/4/2008 5:44:52 PM

While I do not contribute as much as I used to, I lurk daily. I am of two minds. I know from my interactions with Jex on the History thread that he can be a constructive and amusing contributor. At the same time, there are some threads that I barely look at, because they are all Jex all the time, with rendundant and sometimmes abusive screeds. Many of us lose patience with particular contributors (me and Concerned, for example), and most of us have particular shticks in our posting style that can irritate.

It is too bad that a degree of civility might have to come from Wabbit's "big stick," but if it's deemed necessary, I won't protest.

1942. wonkers2 - 12/4/2008 5:47:03 PM

IMHO we need more active participants like Jex, not fewer. Anyone who doesn't agree with or is offended by his posts need not reply and can easily scroll past them as I do many of them. Jexter attempts to harrass me are sometimes annoying but nothing I'm unable to tolerate and certainly would not cause me to leave the Mote. However, I can see how his use of racist, religious and ethnic slurs might discourage others from participating in the forum.

1943. vonKreedon - 12/4/2008 6:42:53 PM

Wonker says:
" Anyone who doesn't agree with or is offended by his posts need not reply and can easily scroll past them as I do many of them."

Unfortunately one cannot "easily scroll past" Jex's massively serial posts. I regularly find that in threads I might be interested in posting to that over 80% of the posts are Jex posts, and well over 80% of those are to my reading raving abusive drivel. It is simply not worth the effort to try and post to the Mote because of Jex's ravings. If there were an Ignore feature that would remove Jex from view it might be doable, but not with current all Jex all the time in all the threads environment.

The Mote might need more active participants, but not like Jex and it will not get them with an unfettered Jex drowning out such participants.

1944. wonkers2 - 12/4/2008 6:54:24 PM

Lighten up, VK! The Mote isn't ever going to compete with the Encyclopedia Britannica or Wikipedia.

1945. jexster - 12/4/2008 7:05:49 PM

Said it b4 ..will say it again...all you have to do is post

1946. jexster - 12/4/2008 7:06:40 PM

It is easy..I recommend a 3 step process

1. compose post
2. hit preview to check for toys
3. Hit post

1947. jexster - 12/4/2008 7:13:25 PM

U guyz are right though. Bereft of Concern, I tossed caution and brain to the wind and struck out in search of losers to torture in the Yahoo! Buzz threads...there are about 20-30 Concerned's left there still bashing Hussein and waiting for the Supreme Court to compel Obama to prove he is a natural born citizen etc

General reaction paraphrase: "I hate that asshole JohnMcCSF"

Which was the objective of course

1948. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 12/4/2008 7:29:29 PM

If it's a question of enthusiasm, jexster puts us all to shame; if it's a question of tolerating a joker in the deck, then it makes for a wilder game, I suppose, but it can indeed be annoying and tedious, I agree.

Jexster, pisses on everyone's shoes, sooner or later and he deserves a good wrap on the snout when he does it. Nevertheless, he keeps me in touch with a lot of ideas, events and points of view that I would miss if he weren't around.

Moreover, upon reflection of the times I've lurked in TPW, I still say good riddance to those self-inflated pedants and snobs who think they're superior to all others. Nor do I have the patience to ferret out all of their personal codes of communication that are incessantly meant to ascend Cal's pecking order.

They just don't have the humanity and the humility of those around here. I've never been impressed by over-informed careerists. I'll take courage, integrity and sincerity every time--and that's why I (compulsively) come back here, I suppose.

I may not always show it, but I respect and admire all of the posters here. It's also a game I know and I'm not interested in the ego games that CalGal invented and wallows in. She is mean and shallow, has always been mean and shallow and I hope that she, someday, lives to recognize it--for her own sake.

When everybody sings the same tune, the words become meaningless.

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