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19416. wonkers2 - 5/15/2006 11:41:07 PM

Hi, Max. I was out in the Bay area last month. The weather was a bit wet and cold. The new museum (DeYoung) in Golden Gate Park is beautiful. Wish home prices weren't so high. I might move out there.

19417. judithathome - 5/16/2006 5:08:48 AM

Just returned from my first experience with a chiropractor or kinesiologist as he calls himself.

This is so timely...today on our way to the airport to unload the Greeks on their Lufthansa flight home, we passed a truck which had a sign on it that said "Equine and Canine Chiropractic Care" and we nearly drove off the road laughing...we were making jokes about the short tables for the dogs to lay on and the manipulation of the dog's spines and the hole in the tables where their snouts woud go....I guess you had to be there, Wonk, for it to be as hysterical as we found it.

Maybe it was in part the exhileration of delivering our guests to the airport, at last.

19418. judithathome - 5/16/2006 5:11:38 AM

Substitute an "e" for an "i" in that post.

19419. judithathome - 5/16/2006 5:12:45 AM

Or whatever....HA!

19420. Ulgine Barrows - 5/17/2006 6:21:34 AM


My husband neglected me on mother's day and well he should, my mother-in-law's cancer has come back. This may well be the last mother's day he has with her, and I don't mind.

He drove across town to make pancakes for her. He doesn't live with her. Your situation is obviously different, don't explain.

God I'll miss that lady, his mom, yet another loss. She's not doing the chemo this time cuz it almost killed her the last time. The kids are taking it hard and so am I.

19421. Ulgine Barrows - 5/17/2006 6:25:27 AM

Actually I do mind...there was a bratty part of my brain wishing he hadn't made such a mess of the kitchen.

Hmmm. Proves I'm human.

19422. Ulgine Barrows - 5/17/2006 6:54:38 AM

I'm going back to Houston to get me some pants.

19423. judithathome - 5/17/2006 1:24:34 PM

She's not doing the chemo this time cuz it almost killed her the last time. The kids are taking it hard and so am I.

Ulgine, having seen up close what chemo can do to a body...and even now, 33 years later, the effects are rearing their ugly heads...I can well understand why your mother-in-law would opt for her last days to be as plaesant as possible. She isn't chosing this road lightly. Nor is she thinking of anyone but herself in this choice...you guys may be hurt by her decision but the best thing you can do is stand by her and support it because she shouldn't feel the least bit guilty about it. It's right for her even though it's hard for you all...trust me, she has agonized over this and decided to do what she can bear the easiest.

I know you and your husband will understand and support her. And I know how difficult it will be for you both. My best wishes to all of you.

19424. Ulgine Barrows - 5/20/2006 6:49:35 AM

judithathome, thanks, I am trying to turn my husband to that way of thinking.

I'm not hurt by her choice at all. My mom dropped dead one day. I actually think these kids are lucky to make peace with things. But maybe they would prefer her to drop dead, ya know?

The twists that life gives us....

19425. judithathome - 5/20/2006 4:36:41 PM

Oh yes, I understand that completely. Both my parents went quickly and unexpectedly. Seeing friends go through the lingering deaths of their parents has convinced me I was let off so easily. It was hard at the time but it was hard in a quick way...

19426. Magoseph - 5/20/2006 6:36:26 PM

Hello, everyone—Flexy had the cataract operation Thursday and saw the surgeon yesterday who pronounced him fine. I think the next operation will be the early part of June.

Except for two kinds of drops given four times a day each and being careful not to do any hard work, there’s nothing to do for him, but sit in the sun under his wide black hat and dark glasses and poke his burning piles of wood.

19427. judithathome - 5/20/2006 7:28:26 PM

Well, that sounds like a relaxing afternoon for anyone.

Glad he did well. You must be so relieved...and tired. It's emotionally AND physically draining to be keeping up with all you've been doing the past 5 months. You need to relax for a bit yourself!

19428. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 5/20/2006 7:32:42 PM

All best wishes and give him a massage . . .

19429. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 5/20/2006 7:33:20 PM

Or have him give you one!

19430. arkymalarky - 5/20/2006 8:55:13 PM

I'm glad all went smoothly, Mags.

We had graduation last night and the mother of one of my students, who was a student of mine before I married, called me by my maiden name and was immediately all apologies. I told her I was thrilled about it.

19431. Magoseph - 5/20/2006 10:01:00 PM

Judith, you’re right that I should relax—I noticed that no sooner I knew that Flexy was okay, the back pain I had before the operation was suddenly gone.

Thank you, Wiz, for the video. I sent it to my younger son because he has a cat and a dog who love each other.

Arky, I was getting my regular coffee and three oatmeal cookies for Flexy at the local McDonald when I saw that the young man behind the cash register didn’t give me the senior discount. I asked him why and he said, “I just couldn’t decide.” I told that he’ll go far with the girls with such a gallant attitude. My friend Karen said to me later, “You shouldn’t have said that to him, he really meant what he said.” Then, I was thrilled.

19432. arkymalarky - 5/20/2006 10:16:21 PM

It's always nice to get strokes wrt age, but I was thrilled because she remembered me as her teacher by my "other" name of 22 years ago, even though I've been my married name since I've taught her son (an only child) from his 9th grade year through his graduation last night.

19433. uzmakk - 5/21/2006 1:56:47 PM

Arky and Pelle,
Pity we could never work out that date in the cafe.

19434. Magoseph - 5/21/2006 2:28:51 PM

Why don't you set the date, uz? I think they both can arrange to be here when you want.

19435. arkymalarky - 5/21/2006 4:57:23 PM

Mags is right, Uz. I hate being done before I begin. I've got another week and a half of school and then I have a few days before I have to start working on a big regional conference the second week of June. Then I start a seminar June 19 and won't be around from then until Mid-July.

So pencil me in already! ;-)

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