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19550. Magoseph - 6/1/2006 11:06:51 AM

Tell me, Ano, did you write the above post in eight seconds or did you see the post I deleted?

19551. anomie - 6/1/2006 11:10:09 AM

That was back when you didn't see pick-up trucks everywhere. I'm talking about like a 1949 Dodge or Chevy used to actually haul cotton to the gin. Quite a novelty to a city kid. My uncle like to scare the hell out of us in the back by turning off all the lights while hurling down a gravel road doing about 60 MPH. 10 seconds of total dark seemed like 10 minutes. Looking back I think he was crazy and dangerous. I suppose that's obvious.

19552. iiibbb - 6/1/2006 2:27:58 PM

The wedding went pretty well. I was running around like crazy doing errands both Saturday and Sunday... didn't shave and shower until 2:15, and I had to be ready by 3pm.

The ceremony was a bit longer and a bit more religious than I had envisioned... but when you have a Rabbi and a Pastor... they're gonna talk. It was mostly Jewish, but my pastor also had a couple of prayers and a reading. Overall we were quite pleased with how well they blended the two elements rather than a dueling banjo's kind of service.

People seemed to like it... even my ardent athiest friends.

We even got some very nice comments from some Moslem bystandards that were on the grounds and watched the service. My mom was stopped by some other bystanders that watched. Apparently the mixed service we developed with our celebrants struck a chord with some people.

P had a good day... which is all I cared about... and even though my Jewish mother in law and her were fighting the week before... when it was all said and done she only complained about the size of the plates and the length of the food line; that, is a moral victory.

Trying to decide if I like the ring on my left or right hand now. I'm very left handed... the ring is a bit of a distraction when I'm trying to do things. The right hand doesn't seem to mind so much... so maybe I will follow the German tradition of putting it on that hand.

19553. wabbit - 6/1/2006 2:38:25 PM

Jexster, PLEASE learn to close your tags.

Congratulations and best wishes to you both, iiibbb!

19554. Magoseph - 6/1/2006 2:50:54 PM

Much happiness to you and your wife, iiibbb!

... so maybe I will follow the German tradition of putting it on that hand.

Be careful about that, it may mean here something your don't want it to mean.

19555. arkymalarky - 6/1/2006 3:10:57 PM

My reading is that "Flexi and I" is an appositive, set off by commas, standing to clarify "we" and so having to use the nominative case.

That's why I don't worry much about grammar. Clear communication is the goal. Grammar is the tool to that end.

19556. arkymalarky - 6/1/2006 3:18:21 PM

CONGRATS 3I3B!!! I'm so glad everything went so well!

I have a friend whose Christian daughter is marrying a Jewish man and they're combining elements of Jewish and Christian ceremonies. I told her about you. If you have any specific advice on this end of it I'll send it along. Their wedding is at the end of the month.

19557. jexster - 6/1/2006 3:21:08 PM

The kids are jewish correct?

19558. arkymalarky - 6/1/2006 3:23:15 PM


Was he drunk? I've ridden in the backs of pickups, but thankfully only with sane drivers. Still, it's very dangerous. However kids do all sorts of stuff that makes me cringe--four-wheelers, trampolines, hunting, driving before they're supposed to, etc. Parents thought I was such a neurotic and thankfully Mose didn't feel deprived since she never was much of an outdoor type, but I just couldn't take it.

Dad grew up the same way in the heart of Dallas--he'd go out with his gun and dog when he got up and come home when he wanted and his mother was never even interested in what went on between. And she was a great woman and mother--one of the most solid people I ever knew.

19559. arkymalarky - 6/1/2006 3:24:50 PM

Which kids, Jex?

19560. iiibbb - 6/1/2006 3:35:39 PM

Everything depends on them and their officiants (assuming it is a religious wedding).

We were lucky in that we had 2 very good, open minded officiants, who knew us both very well. The minister was Presbyterian (my dad and her mom grew up together). The Rabbi is reconstructionist and her cousin.

My concession was that it would be primarily Jewish and led by the Rabbi and that we would not mention the J-word. My minister said a few prayers, gave us the Presbyterian vows before the Ketubah, and read from I Corrinthans 13 (which is my favorite chapter in the Bible). Everything else was very Jewish, we had a chupah, ketubah, 7 blessings... the only thing we didn't do was the circling, which seemed a little contrived.

We were both really pleased with how blended it came out... we really lucked out with the officiants. They worked with us and together really well.

There were some stressors before in that her mother was starting to get uncomfortable about how much Christianity was in it. P pretty much had to work that out... it did get worked out before we got to the Rabbi... but that's what both the Rabbi and Pastor kept telling us... it's our service and no one should be getting out of line. If there's a problem, then refer the complainer to them.

I think P and I have a very good understanding of our faith traditions... as the Rabbi said, we have integrity. It seems that has been very helpful. There is very little the Pastor and Rabbi brough up in counselling that we hadn't thought of and discussed beforehand... however it was also very good that we spent so much time with as well.

P is supportive of my faith, and I am supportive of hers.

The only leap of faith for me in all of this is the raising of our children as Jewish... I'll just have to trust to love on that one. sort of an expansion of the concepts of Sola Fide and Sola Gracia.

19561. iiibbb - 6/1/2006 4:07:41 PM

The best thing about the service was that although it was pretty religious, it was also very loose. The Rabbi cracked a couple of jokes, P shhh'd the crowd when she dropped the ring. I heard more laughing than I've heard at any service.

It was nice.

19562. arkymalarky - 6/1/2006 4:16:04 PM

It sounds wonderful, and your overview in 19560 has good points in it. I'll pass them along.

19563. jexster - 6/1/2006 5:23:45 PM

Dick's Thought for the Day

    The statistics on sanity say that one out of every four persons is suffering from some sort of mental illness. Think of your three best friends
    -- if they're okay, then it's you.

19564. jexster - 6/1/2006 5:25:54 PM

Which kids, Jex?

An arky should ask such questions (howzat for Jewish!!)
About a certifiable gun nut at that!

19565. anomie - 6/2/2006 10:24:01 AM

Congrats, newly weds.

Mago: I didn't see teh post you deleted. Did I miss something good?

Arky, he could have been drunk. Half the family were penticostal and didn't touch the stuff and the other half were incorrigable sinners. Funny how I look back on those visits. I remember being bored most of the time, but I have vivid memories of interesting experieces like riding in the back of the truck - once sitting high on top of the cotton going to the gin...riding on the tractor fender...mules...fresh eggs...chickens running everywhere...big blocks of government cheese...cow milking...watching the cream rise...homemade butter...exploring small caves... But at the time I couldn't wait to get back to Chicago and civilization. Ha! I remember one thing I didn't like was that the closest store was about 2 miles away and it was just a corner store and gas station. It was never easy to get a ride there. But it had cold pop and candy and a few little things for a kid to spend a nickle on. Those places are long gone. Probably a WalMart now.

19566. Ulgine Barrows - 6/2/2006 11:21:55 AM

19488. judithathome - 5/27/2006 8:54:32 PM

Ulgine, I can appreciate your stream of consciousness posts as much as the next guy but why don't you try expressing yourself in your own words occasionally? It might be of help to those of us who haven't a clue about pop or rap or whatever sort of music your typing out.

I am quite insulted by your mention of "stream of consciousness" posts comment. I loathe William Burroughs, the pervert. He is forever entwined in my mind with the "stream of consciousness" writing style. He raped little boys. I abhor him.

Cut/pasting lyrics is no worse than correcting grammar/spelling, in my opinion. I've joked with you about your personal peccadillo, of correcting your typos in the next post. I love you for it.

I am not going to stop posting lyrics.

19567. alistairconnor - 6/2/2006 11:25:51 AM

Hey cool it, around here "Stream of consciousness" means Joyce, not Burroughs.

So I decree, anyway.

19568. alistairconnor - 6/2/2006 11:29:43 AM

You lucky man iii... Jewish in-laws!
As for the kids, they will sort themselves out in due course. i.e. they'll probably turn out Wiccan or Hindu.

19569. Ulgine Barrows - 6/2/2006 11:59:35 AM

well, alistairconnor, you're god-like in these parts, and I will gladly take the Joyce long-pole.

Burroughs is a nasty piece of work. Heave all of his over the fence.

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