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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 19662 - 19681 out of 29250 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
19662. wonkers2 - 6/21/2006 3:02:13 PM

WRT to Wilson's racism, such attitudes were pervasive during that era both in the North and the South. It's the unfortunate truth that there were more people with attitudes like Wilson's and Ezra Pound's than like of Norman Thomas and Walt Whitman.

19663. judithathome - 6/21/2006 5:17:41 PM

What ever happened to the Rants thread?

I just got a call from my friend Patti wanting to know when my car would be ready and offering to take me to pick it up...she asked me what the problem was with it and I told her what the mechanic had told me and she says "Oh my god!! That is the most expensive part there IS in that car!" To begin with, it is not and she doesn't know any more about cars than I do but this still caused my blood pressure to shoot up as she started lecturing me on its being time to ditch that car and get a new one....yes, my car has need for repair a few times a year but even at its most costly, it is far less on upkeep than making $500 car payments each month like she does.

And for her to chide me for keeping my car, which is a classic and still looks fabulous, is just short of ludicrous considering SHE kept hold of her ratty 1986 puce-colored BMW that was rusted out and had thread-bare seats through 2006, having a $4,000 repair bill done on it just 6 months before it caught fire and burned to the ground.

And I had to bite my tongue when she repeatedly advised me not to get an Alexis...no, she wasn't saying A LEXUS but AN Alexis ....just as she says Wives Saint Larent for the designer. I'm sure I want to take automobile advice from this woman when she can't even say the names of cars correctly.

19664. Magoseph - 6/21/2006 8:19:07 PM

This is the place for rants, Judith. I'm preparing one against people who should not ask personal questions and those who are so greedy for family heirlooms that they don't want to wait for our demise.

Wonk, what type of lumbar contraption for the car did you get?

19665. wonkers2 - 6/22/2006 1:19:05 AM

It's a small, ribbed foam cushion covered with cloth. It has an elastic strap intended to go around a bucket seat and hold the cushion in place. However, the strap was not sewed securely to the cloth cushion cover and came loose after a couple of days. I bought it at a Murray auto supply store. It cost $12 and change as I recall. It's a big help even though the strap failed. I just adjust the cushion after I get into the car. It helps keep the proper forward curvature in my lower spine.

19666. arkymalarky - 6/22/2006 2:55:39 AM

Judith, don't you just hate people telling you what you should be doing when you know perfectly well what you want and need? My family says I'm bad about it, but I try not to be, and I certainly hope I'm not with friends. I just feel a responsibility toward my family to help them gain perspective on important personal issues. ;-)

On reading (not relating to Judith's remarks, just thinking about trying to read a book of my choice), I've read more in the last three years than in the last ten before that, I think, and it's stuff I needed and was interested in, but not stuff that entertained and educated me in a way that wasn't work--of the high-pressure, deadline type. In research and legislation alone I've read thousands of pages, and there's a new research report just out that I need to read, even though I'm in the middle of this seminar--which also has massive amounts of reading). All that doesn't count any of the reading it takes to teach six different courses a day during the school year, and the graduate course reading. When the legislature picks back up in January there will be a lot more legislation, news, and research reports to read, from everything I'm hearing.

I think when I get my masters I'll use the raise in my first paycheck to buy a pile of cheap, fun novels and bury myself in them.

19667. arkymalarky - 6/22/2006 4:13:16 AM

Well, wind down time is up.

Day four tomorrow. I've never really been through anything like this. I'm enjoying it, but thinking nine more days in a row is starting to feel claustrophobic or something.

19668. Ulgine Barrows - 6/22/2006 5:33:34 AM

Dream on in my world
Brother sister too

Brother sister too
And I promise you the river ain't deep

19669. Ulgine Barrows - 6/22/2006 5:50:08 AM

I have some cracked-ass mama crap that was left in the family home that I have guilt over but would willingly sell

Should I list it with you?

19670. Magoseph - 6/22/2006 2:56:03 PM

Thanks, Wonk, I'll buy it next Monday when I go to the city.
...don't you just hate people telling you what you should be doing when you know perfectly well what you want and need?

Lately, the step-kids and my kids thought they could tell me what to do for just about everything, until I told them that as long as I cause no trouble for any of them, I’ll do as I please.

Ulgine, go ahead!

19671. iiibbb - 6/22/2006 10:02:08 PM

I know posting rules generally disallow commertial links... but

we just got this four our cat. Dru is finicky... and she just stared at it for the first 12 hours, but she's used it three times now and never went on the carpet.

Looks like Kenny's head (from southpark)

30-day money back guarantee.

19672. ronski - 6/22/2006 10:19:35 PM

I think we may get one, or two, of those.

19673. Ulgine Barrows - 6/24/2006 6:39:26 AM

19473. Neato - 5/26/2006 10:04:15 AM
After my mother died last year I found love letters to her from my Dad.

I found some things like that, when my parents kicked the bucket.....upsetting, yet enlightening, at the same time.

19674. Ulgine Barrows - 6/24/2006 6:48:00 AM

19670. Magoseph - 6/22/2006 2:56:03 PM

I love you, hunny bunny. I do.
I am going to grow up and BE you.
You make me smack my lips.

19675. Ulgine Barrows - 6/24/2006 7:01:13 AM

don't make me throw another rock at you.

(D.L. Hughley)

19676. arkymalarky - 6/24/2006 2:08:14 PM

When Bob and I first married he worked the night shift and we kept a large spiral notebook on the kitchen table and wrote each other every day/night. I still have it, but haven't looked at it since we moved into this house. I don't know what Mose will think, but I hope she will cherish it when she gets it.

19677. judithathome - 6/25/2006 3:00:43 AM

She will...I know this already.

Give it to her as a wedding gift, Arky.

19678. arkymalarky - 6/25/2006 3:07:51 AM

Hey, that's a good idea, Judith!

19679. alistairConnor - 6/25/2006 12:13:59 PM

Hullo all
Just finished declaring my tax on line and I'm mentally exhausted.
Lots of work to do around the house (like spring cleaning, it's getting pretty squalid, thanks for the hints Ark) but I can't face it, it's too hot and I'm (see above)

Mostly I just goof off with the kids on weekends, I miss them during the week.

19680. arkymalarky - 6/25/2006 3:31:06 PM

I have the morning "off" to take pictures for an activity for this seminar, which takes back up at 1:00. The picture-taking will be fun, though.

I feel for you, Alistair, I really do. At least the taxes are done and you should reward yourself today!

THE BEST ADVICE when it does get out of control--I actually took "before" and "after" pictures I'll post when I get time--after a very general "picking up" around the house, is to do like Judith said and go room to room, starting with the ONE YOU WILL MOST USE. The reason I use all caps is because it will make you feel instantly better and you'll see that the rest of the place 1) can be conquered and 2) doesn't have to be conquered in a day for you to reap the benefits, especially the emotional ones, which for me was the most important. I'm enjoying my nice living room as I type. My study, which I'm not spending time in during this seminar, is a wreck. But it's not in my world at the moment. The rest of the house is MUCH better than it's been in a couple of years, at least.

Now, off to take my pictures! My theme--based on, what else, RURAL EDUCATION!!!--will be entitled "What have we got to lose?" I'm starting with the Caddo Indian mound down the road, going to the ghost town down the other road, going to the near-ghost town where I taught until the school was closed, then on to my vibrant little town where my vibrant little school is. I'm excited about it, and hope it turns out like I want. I wish Marj was handy to snap them for me!

19681. arkymalarky - 6/25/2006 3:32:40 PM

As for what my theme has to do with ESL, it doesn't have to have anything to do with it because the purpose is to learn how to use digital cameras with the kids to make materials for class, but it is definitely cultural.

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