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19675. Ulgine Barrows - 6/24/2006 7:01:13 AM

don't make me throw another rock at you.

(D.L. Hughley)

19676. arkymalarky - 6/24/2006 2:08:14 PM

When Bob and I first married he worked the night shift and we kept a large spiral notebook on the kitchen table and wrote each other every day/night. I still have it, but haven't looked at it since we moved into this house. I don't know what Mose will think, but I hope she will cherish it when she gets it.

19677. judithathome - 6/25/2006 3:00:43 AM

She will...I know this already.

Give it to her as a wedding gift, Arky.

19678. arkymalarky - 6/25/2006 3:07:51 AM

Hey, that's a good idea, Judith!

19679. alistairConnor - 6/25/2006 12:13:59 PM

Hullo all
Just finished declaring my tax on line and I'm mentally exhausted.
Lots of work to do around the house (like spring cleaning, it's getting pretty squalid, thanks for the hints Ark) but I can't face it, it's too hot and I'm (see above)

Mostly I just goof off with the kids on weekends, I miss them during the week.

19680. arkymalarky - 6/25/2006 3:31:06 PM

I have the morning "off" to take pictures for an activity for this seminar, which takes back up at 1:00. The picture-taking will be fun, though.

I feel for you, Alistair, I really do. At least the taxes are done and you should reward yourself today!

THE BEST ADVICE when it does get out of control--I actually took "before" and "after" pictures I'll post when I get time--after a very general "picking up" around the house, is to do like Judith said and go room to room, starting with the ONE YOU WILL MOST USE. The reason I use all caps is because it will make you feel instantly better and you'll see that the rest of the place 1) can be conquered and 2) doesn't have to be conquered in a day for you to reap the benefits, especially the emotional ones, which for me was the most important. I'm enjoying my nice living room as I type. My study, which I'm not spending time in during this seminar, is a wreck. But it's not in my world at the moment. The rest of the house is MUCH better than it's been in a couple of years, at least.

Now, off to take my pictures! My theme--based on, what else, RURAL EDUCATION!!!--will be entitled "What have we got to lose?" I'm starting with the Caddo Indian mound down the road, going to the ghost town down the other road, going to the near-ghost town where I taught until the school was closed, then on to my vibrant little town where my vibrant little school is. I'm excited about it, and hope it turns out like I want. I wish Marj was handy to snap them for me!

19681. arkymalarky - 6/25/2006 3:32:40 PM

As for what my theme has to do with ESL, it doesn't have to have anything to do with it because the purpose is to learn how to use digital cameras with the kids to make materials for class, but it is definitely cultural.

19682. wabbit - 6/25/2006 5:50:08 PM

i3b3 and ronski,

I have two of these litter boxes (and five cats) and they have worked out beautifully. They do take up a bit of space, though.

19683. judithathome - 6/25/2006 11:18:09 PM

My friend Guy has those...at one time, he had 7 indoor cats. And 8 feral cats in his garage. He's insane.

19684. iiibbb - 6/26/2006 12:14:40 AM

That's cool Wabbit. P has issues with toxoplasmosis... apparently a risk to pregnant women and fetuses (we're not pregnant yet... but we're going to be trying in a year or so).

19685. iiibbb - 6/26/2006 12:19:37 AM

I like the price of yours... we don't have room in dru's space to do the roll.

Definitely easier to leave the cat alone for a weekend.

19686. Magoseph - 6/26/2006 1:11:29 PM

Hi, everyone,

I'm so busy lately preparing stuff for the Onyx truck that I've no time to come here and say hello. I've decided not to have a garage sale because it's much easier to have the stuff squashed and gone every Monday. However, my DIL goes through everything before it’s put on the curb and pulls out what she deems can be sold along with furniture and that will be done on appointment only. She and my son think that I’m too busy with Flexy’s forthcoming right eye/carotid operations and three real estate closings the next six weeks to bother with garage sales.

19687. iiibbb - 6/26/2006 8:41:31 PM

Got my first physical in a long time today. Still have to get my colesterol checked, but came out ok. Got my tetanus booster. Surprised to find out whooping cough is going around (vaccine is included in child's initial tetanus shot, but not adult boosters).

Something to keep your eyes/ears out. I actually know someone who apparently got whooping cough recently.

19688. arkymalarky - 6/27/2006 2:53:32 AM

We had a rash of it through the schools in my part of the state a few years ago and had quite a few elementary school parents panicked, but apparently, from what the state health people told us then and what was in the news, it's actually not as rare as I'd always thought.

19689. arkymalarky - 6/27/2006 3:05:00 AM

I hope your husband's surgery(-ies?) goes well, Mags. Garage sales are a big job eveb if you're not busy, from what I've heard and seen. I've never had one, but I've heard lots of people complain about having them, and I've known "garage-salers" who are addicted to going to them. Too early a hobby for me. We had one right before we moved to AR, and people love them in town here, but not much point having one where I live, and I'm certainly not carting a bunch of junk somewhere else to sell it.

Which reminds me, Bob and I have noted that you can determine the socio-economic status of some rural households out here as you drive by, before you ever see the house, because they label their big trash box "trash," usually with bright red spray paint. We decided it was because they didn't want the county sanitation people carting off other stuff in boxes lying around their yards by mistake. We figure the sanitation department knows where ours is without a label, and we try to keep it discretely at the edge of the trees across the road from our house. They haven't missed it and picked up the wrong thing yet.

19690. arkymalarky - 6/30/2006 2:40:20 AM

Shitfire, I killed it.

Tomorrow's the last day of my seminar, and Sunday morning I'm heading for CO. I can't wait.

19691. judithathome - 7/1/2006 4:46:51 AM

Hey, have a great time and if you need a rest going or coming, give us a call...the guest room is still pristine!

Went to a memorial service tonight for Keoni's co-worker's husband who evidently was a wonderful man but you'd never have known it from the captive-audience sermon that was delivered in place of his memorial...I told Keoni he'd better hope his friends and co-workers stayed healthy because this is the last one of this type I'm ever going to attend.

19692. arkymalarky - 7/1/2006 5:02:11 AM

Thanks so much, Judith! I LOVE your guest room. We will certainly call you if we go that direction, but----Mazie will be with us! It's her first real road trip, and I'm anxious/nervous to see how it goes.

I was going to email you about this, Judith, but I'm going to call them out myself right here:

Frank and Seadate, if you're out there, this is the FIFTH annual, and we've got people coming who'd LOVE to see you! I'll email you both when I get back from CO, but if you can possibly do it, we'd love to see you again!

19693. arkymalarky - 7/1/2006 5:04:52 AM

It's a shame someone's wonderful memories aren't the focus of a memorial service because of a tunnel-visioned preacher who can't appreciate the person everyone is there to remember.

Both my grandparents' (on my mother's side) funerals were preached by people who didn't know them, because they got ill and the preachers changed while they were sick, but both preachers bothered to talk with the family and find out what my grandparents were like and delivered wonderful memorial services for them, without pretending to know them--just reflecting on what we'd told them.

19694. arkymalarky - 7/1/2006 5:07:46 AM

I can't believe I'm finally on the other side of that twelve day seminar. Now I have a semester's worth of work to do to complete the requirements, but it was quite an experience. Can't say I'd turn right around and do it again, but most of it was really great and I'm looking forward to applying it to my new teaching career experience, and possibly a permanent new direction. We'll see.

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