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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 19787 - 19806 out of 29250 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
19787. judithathome - 7/20/2006 3:20:16 AM

My Dish is out...we tried everything and finally called the Tech Site. The will come out to fix it............Monday.

19788. iiibbb - 7/20/2006 3:19:29 PM

I pegged the scales at 188 lbs. this morning; that's about 15 lbs in 3 months and down from my 206-208 high during the peak of grad school. I'm shooting for 170-180.

I tried to get in to a exercise routine last year, but this year my wife and I have each other to push for better health. I quit drinking soda (maybe 1 a week now). Swimming 3 times a week (I'm up to 1800 meters) and walking 2-6 miles a day.

Cholesterol was 170, and a little high on the 'bad' and a little low on the 'good'. However I had that physical when I'd only just started the exercise and diet changes. Blood pressure has dropped quite a bit... resting pulse is down to the 50's.

19789. iiibbb - 7/20/2006 3:28:26 PM

On another note... I have been perfecting my own recipe for a spagetti sauce with a greek flair. A local resturant has served it, but their quality has gone to pot. There's isn't anythink like this, but I started experimenting. Maybe you guys might like it.

1 lb ground lamb
1 onion
1 green pepper
12 oz sliced mushrooms
1 14 oz can diced tomato
1 4 oz can black olives
1 4 oz can tomato paste
Juice of 1 large lemon (or 2 small)
2 tbl balsamic vinegar
1-2 tbl oregano
1/2 tbl basil
2-3 tbl crushed garlic

Brown lamb and drain fat. Saute' onions, peppers, and musrooms until tender. Add in lamb, canned tomato and juice, tomato paste, olives, lemon juice, balsamic, garlic, oregano, baisl. Simmer on low until flavors meld. Add small amounts of water if it becomes too dry.

Serve over pasta. Top with crumbled feta.

Tonight I'm going to try it for some friends with scallops and shrimp instead of the lamb.

19790. arkymalarky - 7/20/2006 3:51:00 PM

Thanks for the recipe, 3i3b. I'm going to paste it into The Good Life thread, as well.

I lost 3 or 4 pounds in CO, but I would like to lose about 20. We have a recreation center that has equipment and a nice indoor walking track, and since I'll be taking three classes per week I plan to do that when I'm "in town" and I've ordered a set of poi (see Arts thread) to play with, and I have a great exercise video that works really well for me when I use it. I'm going to be very busy this school year, but I'm hoping to have the discipline to stay on an exercise schedule, whatever else falls by the wayside.

19791. iiibbb - 7/20/2006 4:06:32 PM

I can juggle the "devil sticks". I've never been able to figure out juggling individual balls or beanbags.

19792. arkymalarky - 7/20/2006 4:13:31 PM

I don't know that I'll ever do much more than bonk myself in the head and trip myself up, but our CO neighbor gives lessons and I also ordered a DVD on that site, so maybe I can learn enough to get some exercise and enjoy myself in the process. I'm not very active, and it's one of the few things I've seen that made me want to try it.

The set I ordered can be changed from the soft balls I ordered to fire later. Not that I'll ever be ready for that step.

19793. iiibbb - 7/20/2006 4:18:47 PM

It was strange learning the devil sticks. I went from being an utter klutz to pretty good with them pretty quickly. I imagine you'll be bonking yourself with them one day to being pretty proficient with them. I think it just takes a while for the muscle memory to kick in.

19794. Ms. No - 7/20/2006 4:50:09 PM

That sauce sounds delicious!

19795. iiibbb - 7/20/2006 5:01:01 PM

There are many aspects of it that were an accident.

The resturant pretty much was just olives, onions, peppers, and tomato. I think their sauce wasn't much different than a vinaigrette added at the end and topped with feta.

My first itteration pretty much just involved using cubed lamb. I literally bought Greek salad dressing to cook the vegetables. It was good.

Then I couldn't get the salad dressing so I started to play around with the lemon juice and balsamic.

The real breakthrough was when I started using tomato paste. It adds a whole new dimension to it. My sauce came out really thin one time for reasons I forget... I think I didn't drain the meat and it released a lot of liquid (lamb has a lot of water and fat in it relative to beef) so I added the paste to thicken it.

This has been one of the best things I've ever thought up from scratch.

19796. judithathome - 7/22/2006 2:56:44 AM

They are coming Monday to start removing my beautiful tree...I saw it exposed from the road leading to my street today (different angle than I've ever seen it) and I started to cry...it's so beautiful!

19797. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 7/22/2006 3:03:14 AM

Maybe you guys might like it.

Indeed–I'll try it.

. . . and I started to cry...it's so beautiful!

Everything of beauty is transient. Plant another, Judith and thrill someone in the future the way someone in the past thrilled you.

19798. judithathome - 7/22/2006 3:33:47 AM

Well, I plan to do that. And in the meantime, I am going to plant things I've never been able to put back there before.

Also, they are leaving the trunk about 3 feet tall so I can use it as a plant stand.

19799. Magoseph - 7/24/2006 1:16:36 PM

Hello, everyone!,

In American Politics, I made a blank post—I cannot for the life of me figure out how I did that, but I won’t obsess about it this time. I just talked to my brother and down in Haute-Provence, they are expecting a temperature of around 38 degrees this week, just like where we live, but we don’t complain about it.

19800. judithathome - 7/24/2006 3:38:05 PM

I'm listening to my tree being devoured by this monster-sized wood chipper. Thinking of the movie Fargo.

19801. arkymalarky - 7/24/2006 4:03:53 PM

Maybe you can save part of it and burn it and scatter the ashes around your yard. Nothing to do with Fargo, just a thought. I still haven't seen all that movie. I've started it or caught it in the middle several times, but something always seems to interrupt me.

19802. arkymalarky - 7/24/2006 4:05:21 PM

Which parts of Europe were having a heatwave? I just saw a headline. Now California is having one too? Things finally moderated here, thank goodness. I can handle the lower 90s.

19803. judithathome - 7/24/2006 4:19:05 PM

Yes, I'm hoping for this type weather for the weekend...remember last year when it got chilly out after dark? That was great!

19804. judithathome - 7/24/2006 4:22:06 PM

WC seems to be down...again.

19805. arkymalarky - 7/24/2006 4:40:19 PM

Hey, that's right! I'd forgotten about that.

19806. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 7/25/2006 4:25:49 AM

For the Cap'n . . .

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