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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 19873 - 19892 out of 29250 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
19873. Macnas - 7/26/2006 5:32:21 PM

It was really good meeting Alistair and his enchanting daughters, not to mention the famous van.

The calvados is going down a storm by the way. Next time you are here, we'll plan it a bit better and I'll get you some poitin.

19874. Jenerator - 7/26/2006 5:44:46 PM

That's so neat you two met - I don't suppose someone tooka picture?

19875. Jenerator - 7/26/2006 5:48:07 PM


Dickey's is good. Did you know that Ross Perot eats at the one in downtown Plano when he's here?

You'll have to give Sonny Bryant on Inwood a shot - they're fantastic! Also, JWs on Industrial has the most delicious ribs, but who wants to drive down to the Lew Sterritt area just for BBQ!?


19876. wonkers2 - 7/26/2006 5:59:50 PM

Ross Perot, that little weasel would be enough to cause me to avoid the place! Oh, but I guess he did help Clinton get elected, so he can't be all bad.

19877. judithathome - 7/27/2006 1:27:12 AM

Boast all you want about Dallas BBQ but you won't get anything as good as Angelo's in Fort Worth. I mean, seriously...no contest.

19878. wonkers2 - 7/27/2006 2:03:00 AM

No! No! No! The best barbecue is at Harold's in Lakewood (Atlanta) Georgia. Harold's

19879. arkymalarky - 7/27/2006 2:29:02 AM

Nownownow, according to one Americana-type magazine the best is in the little town where I work. Or it's in the top 5 at least. And Judith's had some of it! (though I don't know if that's the "best" that's there. A number of people there cook great bbq)

19880. jexster - 7/27/2006 8:27:12 PM

A couple - friends of mine - are pregnant and due yesterday. So I call this morning, Jamie answered


"Can Sam come out and play?"

"He can tommorrow"

"How you know?"

"I am in labor. I just broke water!"

"What RU doing talking to me? Get your ass to the hospital girl! Where's Bennett?"

"Bennett's in Berkeley"

"Where's your dula?"

"She's getting accupuncture (!!)"

19881. alistairConnor - 7/27/2006 9:26:04 PM

Well, I could do the doulas.

19882. alistairConnor - 7/27/2006 9:52:33 PM

Is that the Bennett of the memory game? I'm not sure he ever charged me for it.

19883. Jenerator - 7/28/2006 3:03:07 AM

Kreusz Market in Lockhart (?) is touted as the best barbecue in the State of Texas.

19884. Magoseph - 7/28/2006 2:04:33 PM

What happened to your Mote name, Jen?

19885. Magoseph - 7/28/2006 2:07:50 PM

As in JEnerator, I mean.

19886. Jenerator - 7/28/2006 3:07:34 PM

I logged in too fast.


19887. arkymalarky - 7/29/2006 1:29:03 AM

This is Ms.No

We are having a high time in Arkansas. It is gorgeous here and we spent a couple hours today driving around the area getting the local history and gossip. We are now on our way to getting lubricated for an evening spent with good company on the Arky's fabulous porch.

Judith says "Hi!" but she's far too comfortable sitting in the breeze from the porch fan with a cold libation to get up and type. I intend to be too comfortable to type in short order.

A good evening to you all --- wish you guys could be here!

19888. Magoseph - 7/29/2006 2:42:09 PM

How nice of you to check with us, Ms. No—- I imagine all of you wolfing down Keoni’s biscuits around this time.

19889. RickNelson - 7/29/2006 2:47:38 PM

I wonder if part of my cognition is inhibited by the heat wave Minnesota's Twin Cities is enduring.

We usually have an average of 14 days a year above 90f.

So far 19 and two 100's in a row Sun. and Mon. followed by more 90's.

Global Warming is a bitch!

19890. RickNelson - 7/29/2006 2:48:34 PM

I've got air, but I've done some take home work in my garage. Sweatin' buckets.

19891. prolph - 7/30/2006 4:46:09 AM

praise be to the weather person.
after twoo weeks of triple digits North county San Diego has cooled to 90' s. We have been waiting until after 7 to turn on electricity and praying the grid wont go out. Also giving thanks that we do n ot live in Saint Louis. Soggy bugs, Patsy

19892. prolph - 7/30/2006 7:08:26 AM

Geez, I turned on the TV and learned that 120 people had died here from heat . Mostly old people withoutt a/c. I am an old persom with a/c . sorry to have whined, I am covered with rue, Patsy

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