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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 19887 - 19906 out of 29250 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
19887. arkymalarky - 7/29/2006 1:29:03 AM

This is Ms.No

We are having a high time in Arkansas. It is gorgeous here and we spent a couple hours today driving around the area getting the local history and gossip. We are now on our way to getting lubricated for an evening spent with good company on the Arky's fabulous porch.

Judith says "Hi!" but she's far too comfortable sitting in the breeze from the porch fan with a cold libation to get up and type. I intend to be too comfortable to type in short order.

A good evening to you all --- wish you guys could be here!

19888. Magoseph - 7/29/2006 2:42:09 PM

How nice of you to check with us, Ms. No—- I imagine all of you wolfing down Keoni’s biscuits around this time.

19889. RickNelson - 7/29/2006 2:47:38 PM

I wonder if part of my cognition is inhibited by the heat wave Minnesota's Twin Cities is enduring.

We usually have an average of 14 days a year above 90f.

So far 19 and two 100's in a row Sun. and Mon. followed by more 90's.

Global Warming is a bitch!

19890. RickNelson - 7/29/2006 2:48:34 PM

I've got air, but I've done some take home work in my garage. Sweatin' buckets.

19891. prolph - 7/30/2006 4:46:09 AM

praise be to the weather person.
after twoo weeks of triple digits North county San Diego has cooled to 90' s. We have been waiting until after 7 to turn on electricity and praying the grid wont go out. Also giving thanks that we do n ot live in Saint Louis. Soggy bugs, Patsy

19892. prolph - 7/30/2006 7:08:26 AM

Geez, I turned on the TV and learned that 120 people had died here from heat . Mostly old people withoutt a/c. I am an old persom with a/c . sorry to have whined, I am covered with rue, Patsy

19893. alistairConnor - 7/30/2006 12:39:22 PM

After thousands of deaths here in France a couple of years ago, everyone was geared up to look after the old folks this year... very few deaths. Quite a lot of hospital admissions from salt deficiency, people drinking too much water prompted by constant radio advertising etc, can have serious consequences.

19894. arkymalarky - 7/30/2006 8:06:00 PM

I'm so glad for you all, Patsy! I hope it stays that way.

Judith and MsNo and Keoni left late this morning and MsNo is heading back to California this afternoon.

As usual, we had the BEST time, topped off with a wonderful late breakfast of a good friend's egg and sausage casserole and Keoni's fabulous biscuits. MsNo was loved by all, and everyone already expects Judith and Keoni every summer and starts asking about them weeks ahead. They will be doing the same for MsNo next year!

Frank and Seadate are going to have to make another trip over here one of these days.

And Judith, when you get a chance to read this, I think we have Keoni's golf shoes (?) and what I meant to send with you that I couldn't remember was...WATER!! We also had a lot of cucumbers to send.

19895. PsychProf - 7/30/2006 9:08:40 PM

Very neat.

19896. arkymalarky - 7/30/2006 10:11:44 PM

Hey Prof! It really was. The last of our company just left a few minutes ago.

19897. prolph - 7/31/2006 1:51:39 AM

Arky et al youse guys have got to stop telling about Keone's biscuits OR
semd me some.prolph biscuit deprived.

19898. arkymalarky - 7/31/2006 3:53:26 AM

Better yet, come down next time we get together and get the full menu!

19899. arkymalarky - 7/31/2006 3:54:30 AM

Better yet, come down next time we get together and get the full menu!

19900. arkymalarky - 7/31/2006 3:54:56 AM

As you can see, we're generous with seconds.

19901. Magoseph - 7/31/2006 10:15:01 AM

Hello, Mac--heat advisory today, another day inside keeping Flexy cool and entertained. How are you?

19902. Macnas - 7/31/2006 10:29:06 AM

I'm fine altogether Mago. The weather has changed here, rain showers and cooler winds coming from the southwest.

I don't mind it to be honest, I'm not a great man for the heat, and appreciate the drop in temperature and humidity.

19903. alistairConnor - 7/31/2006 11:07:11 AM

Ah now and you had a fine little climate there last week, and you're glad it's over!

Honestly I can't remember a moment when it was too hot. Pleasantly warm, and I'm fine with the humidity.

Let me know when that weather returns, and I'll come back.

19904. RickNelson - 7/31/2006 1:02:56 PM

100f yesterday and 101 today, 88 tomorrow with the rain coming back.

Dang heat sweat me to the core yesterday. I've had to get some work done in my garage. Rebuilding an older wood storm door, and its screen and glass inserts. Would have liked to hang it today, but dang if I would rather not!

Neighbor's a/c wasn't working, she asked me to look at it for her. She has four kids there 3-16. I looked at it and found some fiddling had caused it. Fiddling in that she had a visitor, who contributed some rent in exchange for work. He looked at the wires for some reason. What he did was disconnect all the wires. Right before the latest heat wave.

They endured the first two days, as I thought she had our Excel Energy fixing it. They didn't come out, so I wonder what's up there. I think she's not exactly working the system. There's some different situation over there. Anyway, I looked at the a/c schematic and had all but one wire set, the last took two tries to get the compressor working. Then she asks me to look at the hot tub.

Sheesh, that same maliciousness happened to it too. This one was very dangerous though. The a/c wires I mentioned are low voltage, but this one was a 50 amp circuit. One of the two feeds was burned off at the circuit breaker, and had melted the breaker housing. I couldn't even budge the breaker itself. Very bad!

I wonder if we would have had an ash heap if the breaker had failed to stop the problem? I think the guy either accidentally or purposely (as she thinks) crossed the wires, to short it?

Everyone needs good folk like arkys and friends.

A month ago I looked at an outlet she said wasn't working and that the circuit kept blowing. She or that same visitor had tried to change the outlet to a GFI, because someone told them it was a good idea. The problem is when someone works with early twentieth century wires yeah gotta know what you're doing. They grounded the hot to the metal box and it welded to it.

That man is villainous, if he's doing this stuff?

19905. Macnas - 7/31/2006 1:09:37 PM

Rick, that sounds very strange.

I think you should get her to call a certified electrician and get a survey done of her power and earthing.

Whatever it might cost, it would be better than the house burning down around her.

19906. RickNelson - 7/31/2006 1:14:38 PM

There's poverty involved Mac. I'm just about all she'll get, I'm trying to get the name or some way of getting ahold of the owner she's renting from. But, I'll only use that as a last resort. I know the previous owner very well and I know everything is to code. I know this for a fact. The problem is in that man who stayed with her. She called him an uncle? I don't know or care really, but he did some f'ed up stuff. It appears to be malicious or very stupid stuff? I don't know?

But, that was all he did, accordin to her, The circuit board would blow a breaker if anything else was wrong and nothings wrong now. I fixed the last thing and she promised to leave the hot tub alone.

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