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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 19924 - 19943 out of 29250 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
19924. Jenerator - 8/1/2006 4:46:43 PM

I wouldn't have had kids if I lived 150 years ago. Medicine has come a loooooooooooooooong way!

19925. judithathome - 8/1/2006 7:22:22 PM

Go over to News and Current Events to see why Bush is the way he is...

19926. Ulgine Barrows - 8/2/2006 7:16:07 AM

Duh, whatever it might cost? Macnas I expected better advice from you.

Hello. She's asking any villian to check her wiring.

Rick. Tell her that whackazoid is setting her up for a fire, and get the shit beat out of yourself after she mentions it to him.

Honestly, I'd say your job is done when you get the kids out of the fire. You are a neighbor, that's what neighbors do is save kids, cuz the adults have chosen their own path.

I don't feel tardy.

19927. Ulgine Barrows - 8/2/2006 7:36:37 AM

19924. Jenerator - 8/1/2006 4:46:43 PM

I wouldn't have had kids if I lived 150 years ago. Medicine has come a loooooooooooooooong way!

you might want to reconsider your phrasing.
such as, I'm glad I didn't die giving birth 150 years ago and I'm so glad there are so many more nets to help a woman in childbirth.

heh, yeah, you wouldn't have had kids.
You wouldn't have had a choice.

I am SO glad I did.

19928. Ulgine Barrows - 8/2/2006 8:18:13 AM

sorry.....gotta post this

Gonna buy a fast car
Put on my lead boots
And take a long, long drive
I may end up spending all my money
But I'll still be alive

19929. Magoseph - 8/2/2006 1:48:59 PM

Hello, everybody!

19930. Jenerator - 8/2/2006 2:07:32 PM


If phrasing it your way makes more sense to you, that's fine. The bottom line is I am glad to be alive today rather than 150 years ago.

Imagine having your period back then.(hence the phrase 'on the rag')

Or a cavity back then.

NO thanks!

19931. judithathome - 8/2/2006 3:16:20 PM

But since you'd have no comparison, you'd probably have done just fine. Sure, knowing the ease we have now in living, I'd not want to return to the past but if I didn't know life could be like it is today, I'd have been fine with it back then.

The slow paced life when even hearing from people took days, not seconds...the freshly grown food and unpolluted air...the little things that brought happiness and the beauty of undeveloped land.

19932. Jenerator - 8/2/2006 4:12:13 PM


I wouldn't have been fine, I would have probably died from an abcessed tooth, tetanus, or child birth. At 35, I would have been an old maid, too!;-)

19933. judithathome - 8/2/2006 6:58:59 PM

Oh, I seriously doubt that...by 35, you'd have probably been a widow twice over.

19934. Jenerator - 8/2/2006 10:42:21 PM



19935. lemwalker - 8/3/2006 2:31:33 AM

I live near a small town. One of the young Marines killed last week was from here. Parents born here too. It is all so sad.

19936. jexster - 8/3/2006 4:10:00 AM


My bet...5.2

19937. jexster - 8/3/2006 4:12:51 AM

19938. jexster - 8/3/2006 4:24:55 AM

4.7 shit this building shakes

19939. arkymalarky - 8/3/2006 5:29:34 AM

Hang on, Jex!

19940. arkymalarky - 8/3/2006 5:30:03 AM

I'm so sorry to hear that, Lem. Something like that really affects the entire community.

19941. Magoseph - 8/3/2006 1:01:09 PM

Tragic, it makes one so angry.

19942. wonkers2 - 8/3/2006 3:01:22 PM

Light earthquake hits San Francisco.

19943. PsychProf - 8/3/2006 3:18:07 PM

Left SF last week after a four day stay. Timing is everything.

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