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20050. arkymalarky - 8/18/2006 10:16:57 PM

It's called Megaboost.

20051. judithathome - 8/20/2006 2:42:50 PM

We're meeting 16 relatives for dinner tonight. I'm sure all the conversation will center around recent weddings and my cousin's grandchildren, who will be there, and, if sitting anywhere near me, be cranky.

Thank goodness this restaurant is BYOB.

20052. judithathome - 8/20/2006 8:10:43 PM

Just had a nice chat with Magoseph and she has asked me to let everyone know she will be off-line for a few days due to the intrusion of RL...not to worry, though, as it isn't health related to either Flexy or her. Just stuff that has to be done...

20053. Max Macks - 8/20/2006 8:17:00 PM

Gee, Wonkers , I didn't know that the catarac
surgery could be messed up.
I guess it depends on the skill of the opthamolgist.

By the way ain't there some way that one can
make a reference to a previous post .
I remember from previous time here only that
there is a way , but not the way.

20054. arkymalarky - 8/20/2006 9:48:00 PM

Go to the home page, look in the righthand column, and click on "HTML Hints." It should give you all the basics like that.

20055. arkymalarky - 8/20/2006 9:49:51 PM

Hope you enjoy the evening, Judith.

I'm going to try my best not to see anyone until work in the morning. It's been non-stop around here. But Mose has a new puppy--a puggle, which is a beagle/pug combination.

We'll look forward to Mags getting back. Thanks for the info!

20056. jexster - 8/22/2006 11:02:08 AM

Improve Your English - video powered by Metacafe

20057. OhioSTOPAS - 8/25/2006 1:55:30 AM

Hi, everybody!

I just posted a tragic local news story in "News & Current Events," so I thought I'd post here and let everyone know things are (otherwise) fine with the Ohios.

In fact, we are a couple of days away from being empty-nesters, as we take our youngest to college at Barnard/Columbia. (No, we're not rich, my daughter is tremendously accomplished academically and otherwise, and Barnard laid a big scholarship on her. Yes, I'm bragging about my daughter - wanna make something of it?)

We've been excited for her ever since she was accepted, and we still are, but about a week ago I started getting pangs about my little girl leaving. But she'll love it, and it will be great!

I PROMISE to spend more time in the Mote!

20058. arkymalarky - 8/25/2006 2:14:39 AM

Hey Ohio! I haven't seen the News thread yet, so I hope everything's okay.

CONGRATS TO YOUR DAUGHTER!!!!! It's hard watching them go for the first time.

Please do spend more time here!

20059. wonkers2 - 8/25/2006 3:43:52 AM

Great news, Ohio. You are justly proud. You and your wife must have done something right!

20060. alistairconnor - 8/25/2006 11:05:27 AM

Congrats, Ohio! What's she studying? And how far from home is that university?

20061. PsychProf - 8/25/2006 3:45:11 PM

Congrats to all Ohios on that news.

20062. judithathome - 8/25/2006 6:57:05 PM

Add my congratulations and best wishes to the fray! (no pun...)

20063. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 8/25/2006 8:42:15 PM

Kuddos, Kiddo–it ain't easy in dis cultchaa!

20064. OhioSTOPAS - 8/26/2006 12:40:13 AM

Thanks, everybody!

My daughter is intending to major in Spanish and Latin American Studies, but I wouldn't be surprised if she looks around and changes.

Alistair, New York City is 560 long miles from Columbus. (We know this from many trips when my OTHER daughter was attending college - a different college - in NYC.)

20065. RickNelson - 8/28/2006 4:17:33 PM

Congrats Ohio, great news for your daughter. I can relate intimately to the empty nest (at least in 2003-04) I could. Ours went to Luther for a year, then transferred up home and will be a senior this year. She's still considering her move to get into a Pharmacy program was a good choice. I'm hoping this year puts it all together for her. She's having growing pains right now, as she has finally moved out of the nest again.

We're getting along with our two year old nicely, and that's the reference to 03-04 in a nutshell. Funny how lifey, life can get and happily so.

20066. judithathome - 8/30/2006 7:23:33 PM

Missing the hell outta Magos!

20067. wonkers2 - 8/30/2006 7:30:50 PM

Yeah, where is she?

20068. jexster - 8/30/2006 8:34:34 PM

This is fun. After reading about your birthday, you can click on the link at the bottom of the page to learn what you name says about you.

20069. uzmakk - 8/31/2006 2:30:25 PM

Nancy,(Program Director)

I have not been to a monthly quarry meeting for two months.-- I was in Atlanta and Philly. I believe Mark Ciavarella has decided to hear new evidence, but this I learned from someone who I met at the post office. I'll say no more about this now, but I will tell you a bit of hearsay.

Mark Ciavarella was seen dining with Conrad Falvello, and a Burke (LaRock family) i.e., the opposition plus the judge who is hearing the case. I tried to get verification for this but am under the impression that I will not be able to. However, I will try again. I'll get back into the flow in September. I'd settle for the name of the restaurant, if there be one. To throw the name of a restaurant into the mix with the slightest suggestion that a secret of some kind is known will mean nothing to 99.9% of the population, but it will mean a great deal to the Shiv and Falvello.

This meeting is entirely believeable, not because the Shiv consistently decides against us, but because of Falvello's bizarre behavior at the last hearing before the Sugarloaf supervisors. No witnesses, no testimony, and a 'cat that ate the canary' look on his face. Observers were looking at eachother as if Falvello had stripped down to his underwear, danced on his desk, and mooned them. Don't tell Kevy, but the Shiv is going down. I don't think he knows that the world is changing. Even so, the Shiv remains a very dangerous man. Conahan is no better, of the same cloth, same interests, same corruption. But what would one expect after 70 years of stagnation.

Yours truly huffing and puffing,
James the Insufferable


This is why you have to come to the cafe when its open. 'Cause its real and not fake. Or, perhaps a tiny step closer to reality.

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