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20134. judithathome - 9/9/2006 3:47:06 AM

Gosh...I've read almost all the stuff mentioned here today...can you guys just give me a degree without all that pesky class work and qualifications?

20135. arkymalarky - 9/9/2006 4:08:24 AM

I'd certainly love it if it worked that way. Or just test me on them. I'll write three hours worth of essay test answers per book and be glad to do it. The half of the books I haven't read are pretty short. I don't like Hemingway a lot, but I've read plenty of his stuff and am familiar with The Sun Also Rises. I will probably have to reread all the rest but TSATF because it's been too long.

Second readings go pretty fast, plus I'm already into the second book and we won't discuss the first until Monday. But I have to write essay responses for every book, a 3-5 page paper, and a 15-20 page research paper, plus the final. If I weren't taking two other classes that demand papers and finishing up four papers from the summer and teaching a full load at work this would be an enjoyable class, though I'm not thrilled with most of the professor's choices overall.

20136. arkymalarky - 9/9/2006 4:16:17 AM

Where I screwed up is not knocking out those four papers this summer when I had the chance, but I was totally burned out. I've started planning them, though, and I don't think they'll be too bad once I really get started on them.

20137. judithathome - 9/9/2006 2:43:19 PM

I woke up with one of the worst headaches I've ever had...and have tons to do today because people are coming over before Gallery Night for snacks and drinks and then we're going to the galleries and THEN to a restaurant for Keoni's birthday, which is tommorrow.

Good luck on celebrating it then, though...it's golf at a toney golf course for him on that day!

I had a steroid shot in my knee yesterday...has anyone had experience with that and headache?

20138. arkymalarky - 9/9/2006 8:29:44 PM

I hope it goes away.


20139. Trillium - 9/10/2006 4:32:33 PM

Arky, I have a pile of reading to work on right now too... it does take the pleasure out of it when I have to read too much, too fast.

I had a very good time with a book group a couple of summers ago. None of us had much time, but we'd meet once a week and read out loud, one paragraph per person, with occasional breaks to discuss. It was a very stimulating way to read and made the most of the time. Having to write about a book can bring out surprising connections that I wouldn't have thought of before, but sometimes I think I'd rather just read the work carefully, methodically and to get the maximum out of it... instead of having to "prove" anything.

20140. arkymalarky - 9/10/2006 5:19:17 PM

I feed my need to read teaching AP English when I'm busy like I am now, so I don't feel like I'm being robbed of any pleasurable reading experiences, just overloaded with reading, in addition to computer and written assignments, partly (largely--okay, entirely) my own fault due to not writing those four papers this summer and taking nine hours a semester when six is the most teachers usually attempt during the school year. But when May hits I'm done, and it's worth overloading for a few months.

Professors now love email and powerpoint. That's the biggest change I've seen since I graduated in '81, and I don't like it.

If I were reading Blithedale on my own I wouldn't have finished it. I just didn't care for it. Our writing assignments are just written responses to the book (1-2 page "journal entries" we email to the professor), so they're not a big deal, just one more thing to do.

20141. PelleNilsson - 9/11/2006 3:05:43 PM

I'm here, but I don't feel that I have anything to say.

20142. wabbit - 9/11/2006 3:20:17 PM

Happy 7th birthday to us!

20143. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 9/11/2006 3:45:39 PM

Indeed, Mommy!

20144. wabbit - 9/11/2006 4:23:56 PM

I always thought I was more an aunt.

20145. alistairconnor - 9/11/2006 5:08:49 PM

Disowning the bastard child are you Wab?

Seven years old... they call that the age of reason. Hmmm.

20146. Ms. No - 9/11/2006 6:21:12 PM

Happy Birthday --- belated to Keoni and today for the Mote!

20147. bubbaette - 9/11/2006 6:53:27 PM

Hey y'all. Was just reading the Mote from 5 years ago. Some things never change.

20148. Magoseph - 9/11/2006 7:02:22 PM

I'm here, but I don't feel that I have anything to say.

Well, you could ask us how we are--a little hello from you would be nice once in a while, Pelle.

Hello,bubbaette! How is everything with you these days?

20149. wabbit - 9/11/2006 7:17:17 PM

Hey bubbaette, great to see you!

20150. bubbaette - 9/11/2006 7:29:55 PM

Pretty well, thanks. I've taken a new job since the first of the year and things have been insanely busy.

How's everybody rouncheer?

20151. judithathome - 9/11/2006 7:44:35 PM

Hey, Bubs! Good to hear from you!

And happy birthday, Moties! To think we've been claimed DOA every year for seven years and we're still alive and kickin'...congrats!

20152. bubbaette - 9/11/2006 7:45:51 PM

Hey Judith.

20153. jexster - 9/11/2006 7:56:46 PM


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