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20197. arkymalarky - 9/16/2006 2:59:11 PM

Hmm. What did I do wrong?

20198. arkymalarky - 9/16/2006 2:59:36 PM


20199. Magoseph - 9/16/2006 3:32:28 PM

If you wanted to link "gather.com" you did nothing wrong.

20200. arkymalarky - 9/16/2006 3:36:14 PM

Hi Mags.

I evidently didn't close my tag in the first post so it continued in the second, but it works okay. Just looks a little confusing.

20201. judithathome - 9/16/2006 7:19:24 PM

Well, I just hate it when Saturdays start off on the wrong foot.

In the middle of being insulted by some woman who posts in purple at RI, the site goes down...for me, at least. It may be working for others. That is the sorriest server in the internet-sphere. I guess it's a blessing for me, however, because I can't respond to her.

Then, after feeling like hell for three days, I finally decide to check the boxed fresh spinach in my fridge after reading in the newpaper about all the brands that have been recalled only to find MINE is one of the ones that may have E.coli contamination.

We ate spinach salads on Sunday and Monday...on Thursday, I started running a fever and having stomach cramps and other unsavory symptoms and while I don't think it is E. coli, I really got a scare when I checked that box of baby spinach from CostCo.

20202. judithathome - 9/16/2006 7:20:18 PM

Oh joy...the fun just continues...now I find out we have to go eat Thai food tonight.

20203. arkymalarky - 9/16/2006 8:40:35 PM

Sorry you're having a sucky Saturday, Judith.

20204. Magoseph - 9/16/2006 10:13:33 PM

Drink a lot of Rice Wine with your food tonight, Judith.

20205. Ulgine Barrows - 9/17/2006 7:38:26 AM

Rice wine? eh?

Thai food is sucky?

Guess it depends where you live, lady day, it sounds the bomb to me!

20206. Ulgine Barrows - 9/17/2006 7:43:15 AM

I am totally in love with iTunes v7 and the cover smash....or whatever they're calling it

ooopsie - cover flow

20207. judithathome - 9/17/2006 6:23:23 PM

It's good Thai food but I don't care for Thai food...better?

I had some soup that WAS good, though...I like the Thai soup.

It was sad seeing our little friend for the last time...however, we're going to go visit her in her new home next year.

She was really in an emotional blender last night...sad to be leaving but excited to be going to a new house and town.

20208. judithathome - 9/17/2006 6:25:14 PM

So, is WC down for anyone else? You'd think on a Sunday, with hugely reduced traffic, it would be up. They claim it's the traffic during the week that makes it slow, slower, slowed to a crawl, and then completely down.

20209. Macnas - 9/18/2006 10:34:38 AM

Hello youse 'uns.

Ms.no, glad your mother and co had a nice time.

The weather we had this summer, harkens back to the 70's and is not typical (so far) of our weather. It's usually not as warm, and it's not as dry either. At this very moment it is coming down in buckets, I reckon 3 inches have fell this morning already.

Alistair, you can grow citrus trees here, in the right location, but you will not get much, if anything, in the way of fruit. There are some that grow citrus fruit in double poly tunnels, but you'd really want to like your homegrown fruit to go to that much bother.

Those cabbage trees are often used for ornament, but I am not a fan of them.

20210. Macnas - 9/18/2006 10:38:12 AM

Make that another 3 inches fallen in the last 15 mins.

20211. judithathome - 9/19/2006 12:48:50 AM

Nearly choked to death last night due to neighbor's brisket and my hunger...luckily, I didn't panic and the threat passed. Literally.

Arky, this brisket was nowhere NEAR as tender...or good...as Ronnie's!

20212. arkymalarky - 9/19/2006 4:11:12 AM

That was the best brisket I recall ever having. I can't imagine it sticking anywhere on the way down. I still haven't tried that marinade.

20213. judithathome - 9/19/2006 5:14:58 AM

I'm going to soon and feeding it to the guy who smoked the one last night...to show him how it's really done!

20214. judithathome - 9/19/2006 6:43:27 AM

You know, I'm getting sick of trying to keep my forum going...I might as well pack it in and just post here and at places in WC, even though the places there seem far less inviting and are sometimes down right hostile.

Very few people from here...with the exception of one or two people...even bother to check out my place and that goes for RI, too.

I think it's a good forum but what do I know? I like big band music, Umberto Eco, and live theatre...obviously, I'm insane.

20215. Macnas - 9/19/2006 8:23:22 AM

Obviously, with the exception of liking Umberto Eco.

Don't feel too bad Judith, speaking for myself this is the only general forum I bother with, I can't recall the last time I looked at RI, in fact I had to pause for a while to remember what RI stands for.

It's Righteous Indignation, isn't it? Maybe not.

20216. Magoseph - 9/19/2006 11:42:57 AM

Hi, Mac!

I had a fun dream last night—enraged by the frequent downtimes at Random International, PsychProf came definitely back to us and brought back all the Moties now on Random International and The Perfect World. We were happy for a while, but it didn’t last because some of the Moties, specifically the ones who left us in a huff four or five years ago, swore to destroy The Mote once and for all and we had to fight them. This battle lasted so long that we all missed not only the November election, but also the 2008 one.

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